
Moving On

Kneeling before Ilschevar with my head bowed, I wait for his answer to my request. Although I could have just asked him without doing this, I don't want to do that because I don't want to suddenly disappear, which will make others feel suspicious.

The reason why I pulled this stunt is that I want to let the Warriors know that I am just going on a journey on my own, which is unrelated to any mission whatsoever. Ilschevar will agree to this immediately—I am sure of it—so it's basically a public stunt.

"That will be hard, unfortunately, Layland," comes the answer that makes me look up in surprise. "I would have easily let you go if you were a Third Wing Warrior and below, but with how much power you have currently…"

I am stumped. I thought he was joking at first, but Ilschevar is serious; that hesitant and apologetic look on his face is too genuine to be fake.

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