In void
Mc Pov
All I can see is void black colour.
I Just died by heart attack in my home world. I was at home reading fanfic. And now here I am. I thought that some ROB will grant me wish and will be reincarnated in some fic world but no. No one came so I started to wandered this void to find some slipping ROB to take pitty on me and grant me wishes.but I fond no one.
So now I am going to cultivating if this void has it's energy.
Try to feel energy. Feel the energy.
This void actually has it's energy.
So now
Next step
Imagine you are blackhole for said energy
And then start absorbing energy via blackhole purify energy if you can .
1 year later
Steel cultivating
10 year later
Steel cultivating
100 year later
Steel cultivating
1000 year later
Steel cultivating
10000 year later
Steel cultivating
100000 year later
Steel cultivating
1000000 year later
Steel cultivating
10000000 year later
Steel cultivating
100000000 year later
Steel cultivating
1000000000 year later
Steel cultivating
10000000000 year later
Steel cultivating
Lots of year later
Opens eyes
There is no more energy this void is sucked dry
General pov
???: What the fugeing mother of&$+#-)/+-
How in the hel this dimension is sucked dry.did anybody come here before me and did my job well good for me I can go watch anim...
Uhh hey you who are you? You know this universe dimension is going to be destroyed so why are you hear!!? And I didn't see you in any of our party's.
Mc: finally some one came hello my name is mayank you seei died and was stuck in this dimension for very long time.
???: Oh my god. How did you survive the energy burst. By the way name is name is ab.
Mayank: what did you mean by energy burst.
There was no burst. I just started to absorb energy and absorbed all energy that this void have me.
Ab: so you are saying you were mortal and you survived the The BURST at it full power and not only that you absorbed that that dame energy. You know what let me check Omniversel record for what happened.
( Summons some kind of Tom and checks)
Ab: oh well , I don't know what to say. I know what to say but you know what I mean.
Let me explain this.
When you died you were in prosses of being soul and at that exact moment the BURST happened and erased every soul leaving being. Matter and anty matter frome this universel plane but you were in prosses of being soul so you were at that time in energy as well so you were still able to survive and absorb energy but that even record can't explain how you were able to All these energy that even you were soul of mere mortal.
Mayank: can I ask why this burst happened.?
Ab: yes, the burst happenes when universe plan has to much energy that it can't countain more and burst of energy happens and erase everything thats not enrgy it.
After few trillion universe cycle. After every cycle universe create extra energy that stores In sub dimension of this universe plan after it can't containe all enrgy it blast energy out of sub dimension and burst happenes. After we Let it get stable and we came here and we transfer energy here to multiverse plane. And then Omniversel plane and so on.
Mayank: so what now, do I get punish for absorbing energy??
Ab: actually no quite apposite you are now considered as mid level cosmic being.
So you get certain privilege but first I like you too register yourself to Omniversel system as mid level Omniversel cosmic Being.
Then he gave me a Ipad type but lot futuristic looking pad. And I quickly register myself.
Ab: now you are free to do whatever you want. We don't have to work after some of young cosmic being gave idea of loyal A.I.
That can sort every peper work for us so we are no neet. So there for we invented wish fulfilment system we register ourselves and what do you want to do what we wishes we want which word we want to go and then system creates that world in some extra dimensions that has no uses and we don't get bored. I think you will like that.
Mayank: I think I will try that but where can I find that system?
Ab: oh the o-pad I gave you that has all systems In theme
Wish fulfilment system for Omniversel cosmic being
Special talent:
Soul talent:
coming soon