
Hunter ~ Predator ~ Reaper

Eerie painful screams coming from the hunted down goblins echoed throughout the dark corridors, giving those that happened to hear the chills, and at one certain intersection illuminated by the light of a torch, a goblin can be seen crawling desperately, its legs we're useless as it was cut off, blood gushing out from the lost limb.

It was desperately trying to distance itself from something and that something is slowly closing in, one can tell from the nearing footsteps.

The goblin's already ugly facial features had become worse due to the snot and tears on its face, a result of the pain and terror it was put through, although monsters of the Danmachi world were always been savages relying solely on their instincts and without will of their own, they still feel pain.

Amidst the deep eerie darkness a pair of vibrant sharp cold azure blue eyes can be seen stalking its prey; the injured goblin.

They're the eyes of a predator.

Seeing the eyes responsible for its current plight the desperate goblin's soul almost left its body out of fright, but the reaper won't allow that as it should be the one who takes away its soul.


The predator/reaper is like the wind almost unperceptible; appearing and disappearing in a second notice.

Trying to discern its true figure was impossible at the moment and before anyone could react, the struggling goblin stopped its futile cling to life as it dropped down to the earthen floor dead without even knowing how it died.

The hunter didn't even give the corpse a second glance as it continues to move through the narrow cavern after sensing there are more of the said prey, it's in a hunt, though an ethereal like string was attached to the corpse of the goblin extracting its energy.

The hunter, though nonchalant was greedy and meticulous, leaving nothing behind, sucking the corpse of its remaining essence, leaving it dry.

Moving on, the hunter continued its hunt.


A swift decapitation.


A flattened head.


A crushed neck.


A pierced chest.

*Thud* *Thud*

A pierced vitals.


These are just the few of the ways the hunter deals with its prey.

The hunter wasn't just in a hunting spree, it was also playing around while hunting, enjoying the screams and fear coming from the creatures who considered themselves to be predators.

He felt bliss for making those that inflict pain to others taste their own medicine.

The feeling was like a drug to him, yet his expression was never changing, it remained stoic which just made him look more eerie and terrifying.

He is the type of personage who has full control over his emotions and instincts.

The hunt continues for a few more minutes until no more prey was left to hunt down, the hunter step out of the darkness finally embracing the light granted by a small flame coming from a torch placed on the wall.

He has pure white hair, vibrant aquamarine blue eyes, a modest height, glossy smooth white skin that was almost transparent, and a cute innocent baby face that contradicts with his stoic expression and current bloody eerie image.

It was Kei hunting down and reaping the souls of the preys (goblins) he had tracked down earlier.

After finding out that the goblins held a couple of hostages Kei decided to throw all caution aside and rush in, or it should have been the case yet the hunt was so clean and perfect that one might suspect it for a well-planned assault.

He didn't even sustain a single injury in him even though his current prowess is just slightly above that of a goblin.

There are even goblins that have the same parameters or higher than him but just like those that aren't a match to him, they died the same way.

He is like the personification of death itself who didn't discriminate and treat all things the same.

"That should be the last one aside from those that we're inside the boss room."

Kei deduced in the same unchanging stoic expression.

[Affirmative. There were only 3 more goblins left, and they were behind the close doors in front.]

Kei finds out that the goblin settlement he had invaded isn't just any simple natural cave system, it was an old ancient mining tunnel long before the gods descended and the close doors before him will lead him to the resting spot of the former miners of the long abandoned place that was now occupied by the boss of the goblins, a slightly stronger and bigger goblin.

"Defiler, Is it ready?"


Kei wanted to try out something Defiler has been working on and what's the best way to try it out other than a fight.


Kei enchanted his foot with magicules blasting off the door.

He then flashed inside in break next speed.

The goblin leader who was seated in an armchair treating it as it's own throne and the two goblin guards beside it was taken aback, they were caught off guard by the sudden intrusion yet before any of them could react or get the image of the one responsible for the disturbance the goblin leader felt intense pain coming from its chest.

Looking down the goblin leader is able to picture the image of a bloody young human male half of its overall size its right hand piercing its chest, taking hold of its heart.

Kei looked up and met the eyes of the goblin leader.

The goblin leader who's already dying after all its heart (magic core) was utterly crushed and destroyed felt overwhelming fear as it was entranced by the chilling eerie abyss-like eyes of the young human male.

Finally reacting to the invader, one of the guards immediately swung its wooden club to strike Kei down and avenge their leader, but Kei reacted fast kicking the corpse of the goblin leader and using the momentum of the kick to distance himself while at the same time jumping out backwards.

Seeing this the other guard sprung to its feet and rushed straight to Kei.

It swings it's rusty sword aiming to decapitate the hateful human, yet Kei just nonchalantly took a simple step to the right, lowering his body a bit to avoid the sword on hairs' breath with perfect precision before delivering a counterattack by giving the goblin guard a hard upper kick infused with magicules blasting off its jaw.

The goblin guard equipped with the club was dumbfounded to see its companion taken out so easily without any resistance at all, deducing that there are no chances of winning against such a monster in a direct frontal combat the goblin comes up with the most logical approach for the situation.

It's eyes shifting to the group of tied up women to the side who've been watching the fight intently hoping that the young man who might have come to their aid to win.

Seeing the intense gaze of the goblin the group of women couldn't help but unconsciously clutch the hem of their clothes in fear, recalling the horrible experience they've been out through.

But just as they're about to succumb to trauma, out of nowhere, a figure steps in front of them blocking their sight. His back, though small, is like a towering impenetrable wall that reaches the heavens acting as their shield against the storm.


The goblin who planned to use the women as hostage was taken aback to see Kei blocking his path, without any other options left the goblin swing it's club in a desperate attempt to strike Kei down.


Kei muttered in a low chilly voice performing a straight slashing gesture from the top to bottom even though the goblin is still out of his reach.


There was no sound whatsoever, the goblin, it's magic core, and its weapon after almost reaching Kei in a desperate attempt to strike him down was cleanly cut into two from top to bottom.

• Space Magic Arts


It's an attack that cuts the very fabric of space.

It's a short range projectile that has the reach of up to 25 – 50 meters.

The farther it travels, the weaker it's power and severing force becomes.

Multicasting the attack is possible.

Power and severing force can be adjusted depending on the amount of magicules applied in the attack.

It cost a lot of magicules to cast.


The ability to instantaneously transfer from one location to another by the swapping of space or opening a tear in the very fabric of space.

Precise and detailed coordinates are required to achieve a perfect and safe teleportation.

It can be used to transfer a group of people and non-living things.

The longer the distance the more magicules it costs.

Casting teleportation costs a lot of magicules.


Inventory, is a private subspace where time is at a complete stand still.

Currently capacity is a 100 cubic square meters.

Cost 1,000 magicules to maintain.

~ Status ~

Name: Kei Santos

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Kind: Stray Otherworlder

Title: {Forsaken Child} {Unyielding Genius} {Survivor}

EP: 10,000 {–1,000}

• Ultimate Skill


• Unique Skills:

{Bridge Of Bifröst} {Defiler Of Equinox}

• Extra Skills

{Ultra Instinct} {Perseverance} {Recovery}

• Resistance

{Negative Ailments Resistance} {Physical Attack Resistance} {Pain Resistance}

• Innate Skills


• Technique ~ Arts

{Essence Extraction Strings}

- The ability to absorb the energy of anything it touches.


{Magicules Enchantment}

The power to empower a part of one's body or a object.


{Space Magic Arts}

- Severance

- Teleportation/Gate

- Inventory

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