
Omniverse Chat Guild

A 20 year old otaku from Earth reincarnates into a deadly universe filled with apocalypses and unimaginably strong beings. Luckily or unluckily, he reincarnates with a Omniverse Chat Guild. Watch as he grows strong to face all threats to his loved ones while resolving the mystery of the situation he is in. ################################### I own nothing except for my character (MC). This is novel I am creating for fun so don't expect a steady release but I will try my best.

Ghost_slayer1 · Action
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52 Chs


'I should invite Goku and Nimaiya to cultivate Ki and Zanpakuto. As for Luo Hao, I shouldn't think about Fallen 'gods' until I am Ascended Realm.'

['Pure Saiyan has joined the Guild]

['Zanpakuto Swordsmith' has joined the Guild]

[Tony is rich: "Welcome newcomers to the Omniverse Chat Guild that spans multiple realities"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Tony-san that was the Guild Leaders lines."

Tony is rich: "I'm sure Guild Leader won't mind"

Tony is Rich has been banned for 10 minutes

Wang Li: "Welcome newcomers to the Guild."

Pure Saiyan: "Wow this is awesome."

Zanpakuto Swordsmith: "My name is Oetsu Nimaiya! I am the No. 1 Zanpakuto Creator."

Wang Li: "More like the only one."

Zanpakuto Swordsmith: "True"

Pure Saiyan: "Wow so you know our future?"

Wang Li: "Original future yes. Why Goku? Do you want to know?"

Zanpakuto Swordsmith: "I am also curious."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "The great Black Hearted Merchant is back!"

Wang Li: "Me? No no no! I only give reasonable prices. I don't want much just Ki Training, Ki Control and Manipulation, Kaio-ken and a gravity chamber. From Nimaiya I want Zanjutsu techniques, Jinzen, A method to train Zanpakuto and an Asauchi."

Pure Saiyan: "Sure I'll ask Bulma to make one"

Zanpakuto Swordsmith: "Sure"]

[Wang Li has uploaded a Large-scale Memory Copy 'Bleach']

[Wang Li has uploaded a Super Large-scale Memory Copy 'Dragon Ball', 'Dragon Ball Z', 'Dragon Ball GT', 'Dragon Ball Super' and 'Super Dragon Ball Heroes']

[Tony is Rich: "Holy Shit they are big."

Wang Li: "Naturally, Dragon Ball world is an extremely dangerous world"]

[Pure Saiyan has given you a red envelope personally]

[Zanpakuto Swordsmith has given you a red envelope personally]

Wang Li wasted no time in opening the envelope.

[Congratulations for gaining Ki Training (Son Goku version), Ki Control (Son Goku version), Kaio-ken, Zanjutsu (Nimaiya version), Jinzen, Zanpakuto Training Manual and an Asauchi]

He accepted all the techniques and took the Asauchi in his hands. He canceled the 170 clones and a lot of memories appeared which only took a moment to sort.

'Adaptability is the biggest cheat.'

He then made 170 clones once again to practice Ki Control and Zanjutsu. He then sat crossed-legged with the Asauchi on his lap and started Jinzen. Since cultivators meditate a lot, it didn't take too long to enter the inner world. His inner World was a dark palace in the clouds with golden lightning surrounding it.

A cold looking woman could be seen in front of the palace looking like a samurai.

'She is probably my Zanpakuto spirit.'

The woman looked at Wang Li and came towards him. Just as Wang Li thought a fight was about to start, the woman spoke.

"Fight me with swordsmanship. Only a worthy Swordsman can wield me in my released states."

Wang Li said nothing more and started fighting. Zanjutsu, Kenjutsu and every other sword technique Wang Li learned up until now were used, smoothly changing between with each other. Despite that the woman continued to block while having a slight smile on her face.

After a long time the fight was over with no winner but it was obvious the woman won. Since the beginning all she did was defend to test Wang Li's swordsmanship.

"Good enough. I accept you as my Shinigami. Remember well! My name is Fenlie Qi. Once you are able to activate Bankai, I will tell you my Bankai name."

After that both of them talked and Wang Li promised to come everyday before leaving. Once he opened his eyes in the hall he realized it was night already. He deactivated his clones and slept. For the next few days he continued to go to his inner world to talk to Fenlie Qi and practiced swordsmanship with her while in the real world he Practiced all of his skills with his clones.

One day white goose came flying from somewhere.

"Go prepare yourself, after that go have breakfast, then you can leave for the semester examination" white goose said.


Wang Li has to attend the semester examination as a formality. After taking a shower, he returned to Orchid Hall. On a cushion, cultivation resources are once again neatly arranging there, as well as a stack of yellow talisman on top of it all.

Wang Li picked them up to look at and understood.

These are communication talismans, after imprinting them with his inner sight, he can give them to people to use to communicate with him. Looking at the rest of the resources, there were pills, common formation plates, rations, spirit stones and spare changes of clothes, all of them top-quality.

Next to the pile of resources there were also a bunch of snow-white jade tags. On top of them was a single talisman. Picking up the talisman, Wang Li infused it with his spirit energy.

Bai Hua Fairy's voice was heard: "These are 5-Element Secret Arts. As a sword cultivator, you don't need them; but when going outside, there's always a need to make connections, so use these Secret Arts to give as favors as you see fit"

5-Elemental Secret Arts are 1 step higher than 5-Elemental spells, in the way that they're much more powerful. Despite being much more powerful, these Secret Arts cost about the same amount of spirit energy, so they're known to be extremely precious. In auction houses, 5-Elemental Secret Arts are things that you can't buy with money, even more valuable than sword Secret Arts.

Because sword Secret Arts are basically useless without the talent to actually learn them. But 5-Elemental Secret Arts are different, as long as you have the appropriate elemental root, you only need to slowly learn, slowly comprehend them and you'll master them over time.

In a normal sect, each and every Secret Art is considered to be valuable enough to use as a proof of lineage. They're such valuable things, and Bai Hua Fairy just gave Wang Li a bunch of them to give to others as a favor.

This is the generosity of a Saint, the wealth of Bai Hua Sect. Putting the stack of Secret Art jade tags into his Inventory Bag, he felt a bit prideful.

Very quickly, he returned to Bai Hua Palace.

"Let's eat" said Bai Hua Fairy sitting on the main seat.

Everyone sat down and enjoyed their meal.

Breakfast was very quickly over.

Bai Hua Fairy then said: "This semester examination, Wang Li will alone. So make sure to remember what I say right here"

Wang Li perked up his ears.

Bai Hua Fairy: "Go safely, return safely, you only need to broaden your mind, no need to care too much or compare yourself to others"

Bai Hua Fairy also smiled, saying: "Go, you can be on your way"


Dignity Mountain isn't just a mountain. Dignity Mountain is a town on the Sea of Emptiness' shore. This town was built on the cliff of a tall mountain near the sea, taking "Mountain" as its name, originally it was called Dignity Mountain Town.

Different from a normal human town, all the people that live here are human cultivators, for the sake of protection. Every year, when the semester examination starts, they are responsible for all the preparations and accommodating the sects.

This isn't as simple a task as it sounds. All the prideful, hotheaded great cultivators, not to mention the equally prideful large sects, if they don't receive the best possible treatment, many riots will start and end up in chaos.

Only when all matters are settled calmly that a semester examination is considered perfectly hosted. On this day, Dignity Mountain began to become rowdy again. Large-scale teleportation formation on all sides, as each squad of cultivators stationed there are ready to receive their guests.

And this year was a particularly busy one, as all 5 of the large-scale teleportation formations were lighting up nonstop. Groups of cultivators appear from the teleportation formation, after some light questioning from the guards, they'll be guided to where they're supposed to go.

A few sects are so large that they can't teleport all at once, having to split into groups and teleport separately, only after meeting up will they all go towards the town. Each sect is responsible for searching for good cultivation seeds in their respective territory.

Because of that, the people that teleport here aren't just cultivators, but also the talents picked out by each sect. All the cultivators responsible for patrol are so busy that they can't even stand in place, all of them wishing for the day to quickly be over.

On one of the large-scale teleportation devices, a young man appeared.

One of the cultivators responsible for this formation saw that, thinking that he was from some small sect, about to shout for them to step off quickly. But the head of the guards slapped his head, pushed him backwards while smiling to receive him.

"Can I see your identification jade cards please?" he said.

Wang Li took out their cards.

As the head guard scanned it with his inner sight, he became even more respectful. He bowed down a 90 degrees angle while welcoming them with his open palm.

"Well, thank you" Wang Li nodded to greet him back.

He follows the head guard towards the town.

"That's strange, what's going on with the captain today?" the cultivator from before couldn't help but wonder.

Another cultivator had already noticed and reminded him.

"Why don't you use your head a little, of all the sects in the world, which one has the fewest disciples?"

This cultivator thought for a bit, then regretted as he realized and slapped himself.

"Ah! Such a good chance and I couldn't take it to gain some connections"

Meanwhile Wang Li was following the guard.

Seeing a certain place, Wang Li's eyes lit up and called: "Please wait a moment"

"What is it sir?" The guard was nervous.

"See that, that store belongs to Spirit Beast Sect, they have a lot of strange and exotic spirit beasts, can I take a look!"

"As you wish sir."

"Then let's quickly go"

The head guard looking at Wang Li touring like that could only smile wryly.

People that come here for the semester examination are all nervous wrecks, very rarely are there people like them who are so free-spirited. How they do in the semester examination directly affects whether or not they'll enter a sect, which sect they'll enter, and what their treatment will be like.

Even those who are already part of a sect are nervous

What if I don't do well? What if I lose to those that come after me? If I perform exceptionally well, would there be a better sect that wants me?

These are everyone's thoughts.

Because of that, the entire Dignity Mountain is full of cultivators quickly walking, carrying heavy faces that couldn't wait to be tested. But Wang Li here, what part of him is here for the examination? He's obviously here to sight-see!

The head guard waited for a while for the young man got out of the spirit beast store. On the young man's face was a faint smile. The head guard then quickly led him to an inn to rest.

Noon quickly came, they took out rations to eat for lunch, washed his face and sat down meditating. About another hour passed before a lightning sound was heard outside. Everyone then started shouting.

"The time has come!"

"Gather, all of you!"

"It's about to start, we can go now!"

The cultivators very quickly left in groups, large and small. Wang Li went together with the sea of people, walking all the way to Dignity Mountain's peak.

The mountain's peak has been made into a large square. Numerous sect's cultivators, as well as lone cultivators and marital artists who wanted to be picked into a sect stood there, waiting, discussing loudly between themselves amongst the rowdy atmosphere.

About a minute later, one person walked on the air to arrive, shouting: "20 breaths later the Sky Palace will appear, please all be ready to ascend the Sky Palace"

As they heard that, everyone became silent, many are eagerly waiting for the time to come.

Wang Li covered his eyes and ears. Right at this moment, lightning struck down as the thunderous roars made many people cover their ears.

A person standing next to Wang Li coldly laughed: "So slacking in cultivation that they can't even handle the sound of thunder, this generation of cultivators are really lacking compared to ours"

Wang Li rolled his eyes and didn't bother to reply to him. This isn't normal thunder, but Divine thunder from the world of Gods, if you hear it, it'll strongly affect your soul vessel. No one below Ascension realm can handle it. Covering your ears is the most effective and simple way.

If you don't try to resist it at all, your soul vessel itself might be hurt.

'I need to think of a way to resist soul attacks.'

Sure enough, another voice asked next to him: "Oy big brother, why is your nose bleeding?"

The other person acted like it was nothing and said: "Hmph, yesterday I cultivated enough that I ranked up, so my circulation just bled a bit"

Wang Li have been through many things so he doesn't mind that and said nothing, just smiling.

"Brat what are you smiling about?" the person said angrily

Wang Li released his inner sight and scanned the person.

Qi training third stage.

Wang Li shook his head, couldn't even bother to get angry. The other person saw that he said nothing, thought that he won and went back triumphantly. All the people around looked at Wang Li with disdain. This guy couldn't even talk back, what kind of cultivator is he?

He kept his ears covered as the divine thunder continued for a while. Then, the world went silent again. The black clouds parted as a grand floating palace appeared in the sky.

A single look at the palace made everyone unconsciously hold respect. There were 'Divinity' statues on all four sides of the palace, on its lapis roof tiles were fixtures of Dragon, Phoenix, Bulls, Donkeys, Fishes and about a dozen other kinds of 'Divine' beasts

In front of the palace was an arched four-sided platform. On the platform was a drum, a table, pens and paper. Below the platform was a large square surrounded by the entire palace. Even after countless years, this palace still emits an air of unparalleled dignity.

Sadly, it seems to have been destroyed by something, as over half the structure was gone. There was only half of this Sky Palace left. It silently floated in the air, showing its incomplete form to the world, seemingly to tell everyone something.

"To————- The————- Sky———— Palace!"

A dignified voice was heard from the cultivators in front.