
Omniverse Chat Guild

A 20 year old otaku from Earth reincarnates into a deadly universe filled with apocalypses and unimaginably strong beings. Luckily or unluckily, he reincarnates with a Omniverse Chat Guild. Watch as he grows strong to face all threats to his loved ones while resolving the mystery of the situation he is in. ################################### I own nothing except for my character (MC). This is novel I am creating for fun so don't expect a steady release but I will try my best.

Ghost_slayer1 · Action
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52 Chs

Preparations of War

After the semester examination, the world's situation is boiling up.

Bai Hua Palace.

A long streak of fire flew in, hovering in front of Bai Hua Fairy. Taking the flame talisman, Bai Hua Fairy scanned it with her inner sight.

"What a strange piece of intelligence" she said.

"What's the matter?" Wang Li asked curiously.

"All the strong demons and demon beasts that used to occupied Demon Cloud River is nowhere to be seen"

"Could it be they've entered human territory?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"They couldn't, we're keeping very strict surveillance, if they ever get close, we'd definitely notice" Bai Hua Fairy said.

"After confirming many times, they seem to be going away, leaving our world" she added.

"That's a good thing" Qin Xiao Lou smiled and said, "if they all leave, we've already won without needing to fight"

"But all the Beast Saints are still here, not even a single one has left" Bai Hua Fairy continued.

She contemplated for a bit, saying: "Even though we don't know what happened, but this is the best chance for humanity"

"We originally only wanted to retaliate after the semester examination, but look like it can become a decisive all-out attack instead"

Wang Li pondered: "Demon's leaving our world is good but that means they are going to another world. It might only be temporary. It could also be a trap to lure us out."

As Gu Qing Shan listened, his heart sank. Wang Li looking at this knew his worries. His own world might be the target of those demons and he isn't wrong to assume that.

Then Bai Hua Fairy swung her hand, leaving two items on the table.

They were two identification badges. One in front of Gu Qing Shan, the other in front of Qin Xiao Lou. Gu Qing Shan's badge is still the same gold blue color, but it wasn't as big as the one he had when he came here. In the middle of the badge, a dark red string carved out two large and fierce characters.

——-Xiao Qi

Gu Qing Shan stared at the Xiao Qi Chaplain badge in disbelief: "I've become a Xiao Qi Chaplain just like that?"

Xiao Qi Chaplain is the 3rd rank within the "6 Chaplains", it's quite the status. Humanity's military officers use a "6 Chaplains, 4 Generals, Vice and Main Deputy" ranking system. As for Lieutenant, Captain, Major, etc. they're considered small team's leaders within the ranks of soldiers, not actual officers A Chaplain, from lowest to highest in order are: "Pei Rong", "Ren Yong", "Yu Wu", "Xiao Qi", "Zhen Wei" and "Zhao Wu"

This system went through many times of correction and discussion before being born, universally recognized in the entire cultivation world. For cultivators within this system, every time they want to advance a rank, they need to have the appropriate amount of Military Merits.

"Pei Rong" is the lowest rank within officers, and yet Gu Qing Shan's badge says he was already a Xiao Qi Chaplain. He skipped 3 ranks.

"That is what you're supposed to get, no need to be surprised" white goose said.

Wang Li smiled, also saying: "You saved two Generals, helped with uncovering the spy in Humanity's top brass, even discovering Shen Wu world was a part of your contributions, and you still don't think you deserve to be a Xiao Qi?"

White goose also said: "If it weren't for the fact that you advancing too quickly would harm your cultivation, Shifu would've forced the army to give you a General title as well"

"Shifu can actually do that?" Gu Qing Shan was a bit unconvinced.

Within the Human Cultivation Alliance, the thing with the most weight is Military Merit. Each time anyone advance a rank, it's always an extremely serious and impartial matter without any space for personal feelings. Even if he contributed greatly to humanity's cause, going from a normal soldier straight to being a General is still very unbelievable.

Wang Li explained: "Currently, there are no Deputy or Vice-deputy for the alliance army"

"There's no Deputy? Then who's in charge now?" Xiu Xiu asked.

"After Blade Emperor's betrayal, the people's spirits aren't united" white goose squints his eyes, "after much discussion, the current Human Cultivator Alliance's army has four highest leaders, the 4 Saints shall personally handle control of the army"

"As there's no chance for any of the 4 Saints to betray humanity, this is the most assured method"

"How is it?" white goose asked with pride, "fourth brother, as the highest leader of the army, do you think Shifu or second brother don't have the ability to directly promote you to a General?"

"Yes they do." Gu Qing Shan said in cold sweat.

Bai Hua Fairy cleared her throat and said very seriously: "Qing Shan, seeing that you're still very young, Shifu believe you still need to train and better yourself, there's still a lot of time for you to become a General later"

"Yes" Gu Qing Shan answered.

"Be a Chaplain first, after you get used to the battlefield and know how to control the troops then we can consider it later"


"Not to mention, with your talents, wouldn't contributing and ranking up a simple matter?" Bai Hua Fairy very casually said, lifting her head in pride.

"…" Gu Qing Shan didn't answer. Wang Li also looked at her speechlessly.

'No it's not simple, even contributing requires a lot of effort and accumulation?', Gu Qing Shan and Wang Li silently complained to themselves. They are almost sure that they understand the Military Merit and ranking system better than Bai Hua Fairy.

But Bai Hua Fairy is a Saint, a person standing at the very top of humanity's cultivation. Everything she has to think about are major matters, so she won't necessarily study and understand the Military system as carefully as they had to.

"Fourth brother is quite talented, you're only a rank below me" Qin Xiao Lou pridefully showed off his badge.

On it was the two characters for "Zhen Wei"

Xiao Qi, Zhen Wei, Zhao Wu, these are the highest 3 tiers of the Chaplain rank.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, saying: "Seems like we brother can fight side by side on the frontline this time"

As soon as Qin Xiao Lou heard that, he quickly hid his badge, embarrassed: "About that, erm, I'm actually at the backline"

White goose scoffed, saying: "How would he know about killing and battle. He's getting by at the backline thanks to the 6 arts"

Divination, Formation, Smiting, Pills, Talisman and Food. These are the 6 things that no cultivators can not use, and Qin Xiao Lou is an expert in all of them. Thanks to that, he basically doesn't need to be at the frontline, being in the backline is where he shines and contributes the most to strengthen humanity's alliance.

Gu Qing Shan very seriously said: "That's also a tough job, demons are fierce and aren't afraid of death, if it weren't for the 6 arts, humanity would have been defeated long ago"

The 6 arts are the crystallization of this world's civilization. A large part of why humanity can rival demons at all is thanks to having these things.

"That's very correct, you're not wrong" very rarely, white goose doesn't push Qin Xiao Lou down and agreed, praising him.

Bai Hua Fairy explained: "Bai Ying Tian is a beast, so his position is a bit hard. While Xiu Xiu is still young, so she can't go yet. Wang Li and I are Saints so we won't participate in the war unless a Saint Beast arrives."

"The two of you will represent Bai Hua Sect, at the frontline, make sure to do your best and don't soil our sect's name"

"Yes" they both replied at the same time.

"Very good" Bai Hua Fairy smiled, "Qing Shan is already a Xiao Qi Chaplain, but he doesn't even have a spirit beast for a mount. Xiao Lou, you bring him to choose a spirit beast to use as mount"

"Leave it to me" Qin Xiao Lou appreciated how Gu Qing Shan followed up for him just now, so he was more than happy to do so.

Bai Hua Fairy nodded, then floated away. Wang Li also left but stayed near by since he was worried that the beast would try to attack Qin Xiao Luo and Guo Qing Shan. After Bai Hua Fairy and Wang Li left, white goose also took Xiu Xiu away to cultivate, the only two left in the great hall were Gu Qing Shan and Qin Xiao Lou.

"Come, junior brother" Qing Xiao Lou said as he stood up and gestured to Gu Qing Shan.

"Yes" Gu Qing Shan smiled, took the badge in his hand, going with Qin Xiao Lou, he went to an area behind Bai Hua Palace.

Qin Xiao Lou was speaking excitedly: "Junior brother, you have to carefully pick a mount for yourself ok?"

Although Qin Xiao Lou looked like a thoughtless slack-off, he actually noticed how Gu Qing Shan's expression changed.

Then he complained: "Shifu has a close relationship with quite a few spirit beasts, but normally she is very strict with them, so I can't come hang out with them"

Gu Qing Shan reluctantly forced a smile, asking: "Senior brother, what mount do you use?"

'Me?" Qin Xiao Lou laughed and took out a Spirit Beast Bag.

"Check it out, brother!"

Then he tapped his spirit beast bag, releasing a giant shadow that descended on then from the sky, filling their visions.


A giant tortoise that's about 2 stories tall landed on the ground, shaking the earth. This is a Frost Mist Mystic Tortoise, having awaken Water Elemental root to 2nd stage, it can be considered decent.

"His strength and whatever isn't the main point" Qin Xiao Lou was excitedly explaining how great the tortoise was, "the main thing is that his shell has a layer of ice, to normal attacks are very likely to slide off and miss"

"Just look at the thickness of this shell, its defensive capabilities are insane!"

Gu Qing Shan was a bit doubtful: "But what does how strong its defensive abilities are have to do with you?"

"You don't understand at all" Qin Xiao Lou pridefully said, "I spent a ton of effort to put 3 space formations on the shell, that way, even if demons make it to where I am, I can just teleport and hide inside the shell"

Gu Qing Shan very seriously looked at the shell, confirming that he wasn't kidding. Qin Xiao Lou was this kind of person, charming enough to unconsciously move your point of focus away, sometimes forgetting about your worries as well.

"Nice, it's a really good idea, but first please put him back, second brother. He's too heavy to be standing on the two of us" Gu Qing Shan said

"Hm, right, I didn't really pay attention when I released him" Qin Xiao Lou only now noticed and put the Frost Mist Mystic Tortoise back.

They stood up, wiping the dust off themselves.

After walking another while, Qin Xiao Lou pointed at a great hall, saying: "We're here"

Walking in, the entire hall was filled with numerous Spirit Beast tags tied to red strings that hung from the top down. Using his inner sight, Gu Qing Shan scanned the nearest few tags, seeing a name of a spirit beast on each of them. And the entire hall was filled with these kinds of spirit beast tags. Roughly counting, the amount of tags is easily a couple thousands, making for a magnificent sight.

"To do good is spirit, evil is demon" Qin Xiao Lou couldn't help but exclaim: "Truthfully, demon beasts are also spirit beasts, and spirit beasts are also demon beasts. Being good or evil is within a single thought, not that different from human beings"

"Shifu raised so many spirit beasts?" Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

"Quite a few of them aren't raised, rather they hang their tags here to show gratitude to Shifu or second brother for helping them" Qin Xiao Lou answered.

"What did Shifu and second brother do?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"Not much really, they helps whoever is in trouble"

"Trouble? What trouble would spirit beasts have?"

"Not enough food, being pursued by someone, demonic possession while cultivating, their 1000-year herb got stolen… things like that"

"The ones that hang their tags here all gave their words to them that if there's ever a problem, call them and they'll answer" Qin Xiao Lou said.

"Seems like Shifu and second brother has helped quite a few spirit beasts indeed" Gu Qing Shan looked at the hall filled with tags, exclaiming.

"Right, junior brother, what kind of mount do you want?"

"I want a fast one" Gu Qing Shan thought, then replied.

"You only want speed?" Qin Xiao Lou asked.

"Right" Gu Qing Shan answered.

Qin Xiao Lou then showed an expression that says 'I get you'

"We're brothers alright" he spoke in a low voice, "I hide and you run away, this way, seems like Shifu doesn't need to care about our safety"

Wang Li who heard this from far away didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Qin Xiao Lou sighed a bit sorrowfully, then said: "This time we're going out, there's going to be a lot of danger, Shifu doesn't limit us on what kind of mount we can use, so we'll just get you the best possible spirit beast"

He thought a bit more: "Fast speed… then it would have to be the Blackmane Unicorn, Twilight Bluemoon Panther and Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane"

Saying so, Qin Xiao Lou waved his hand and summoned three tags slowly flying towards him.

"Make sure to pay attention when you talk, spirit beasts all have their own temperament, not to mention these three are all Golden Core spirit beasts" Qin Xiao Lou advised him in a low voice.

"Yes" replied Gu Qing Shan.

Then Qin Xiao Lou released his spirit energy, tapping each spirit beast tag once.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Three figures appeared in front of the two of them.

A majestic unicorn, a panther whose body slightly shimmers, and a completely white crane, with only a patch of red feather right at its neck.

The three spirit beasts stood there, exchanged looks, then looked at the two of them.

"What is it?" the unicorn spoke.

His voice was quick and fierce, almost like he was questioning them.

"Three seniors, we are about to go to the frontline and my junior brother here needs a mount, can any of the three of you help him?" right now, Qin Xiao Lou was speaking in an extremely polite manner.

"War?" the Blackmane Unicorn breathed from his nose in annoyance, " there already dead bodies everywhere, and you humans still don't feel that that's enough?"

"Ahaha, seniors please don't misunderstand, it's the demons that are attacking us, we're only looking to survive here" Qin Xiao Lou quickly assured them.

The shimmering panther spoke: "You don't have much choice in war, but in such a place, we aren't guaranteed to be able to protect ourselves, yet you want us to protect a Foundation Establishment brat as well?"

Qin Xiao Lou smiled: "Foundation Establishment is only temporary, humans cultivate very quickly, who knows, maybe my junior brother will very quickly increase his strength in the near future"

"Come, junior brother, give your greetings to the seniors there" he pulled Gu Qing Shan in front.

"My greetings to seniors" Gu Qing Shan said.

The three spirit beasts evaluated him.

"How old are you?" the Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane asked, its voice was quite gentle.

"This humble one is 18, about to be 19 soon" Gu Qing Shan answered.

"Going to the frontline, will you be in the same place as Qin Xiao Lou?" the Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane asked again.

"I won't, I will be at the very front, fighting against enemies"

The Blackmane Unicorn and Twilight Bluemoon Panther listened and exchanged looks.

"Very brave, he's also quite good, what do you think?" the Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane asked its fellow spirit beasts.

"I'm putting my tag here just because I am willing to become the Fairy's mount" Blackmane Unicorn turned around.

"He's still too young, going to the frontline like this, he still doesn't understand the cruelty of war" Twilight Bluemoon Panther said.

"That's right, such a young child going to war, am I expected to be a nanny for him or something?" Blackmane Unicorn commented again.

Twilight Bluemoon Panther shook his head: "Troublesome, too troublesome!"

"Ahaha, seniors please ———" Qin Xiao Lou smiled, about to say something.

But Gu Qing Shan suddenly pat his shoulder, gesturing him not to speak.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the two spirit beasts and said: "Perhaps you're misunderstanding something"

The two of them stared at him.

"First of all, this war is fought by humans for the sake of this world's existence, they're fought by those who are willing to give up their life for the greater good, and not something for you to judge to be troublesome or annoying"

Gu Qing Shan continued: "If this world is destroyed, then you lot aren't going to get off easy either"

"Brat…" Twilight Bluemoon Panther stared at him, growling in a low voice.

Qin Xiao Lou was trying his best to gesture for Gu Qing Shan to stop, but Gu Qing Shan ignored him and continued: "Second, I'm not here begging you to become my spirit beast mount, I'm only picking you because you hung your tags here"

"If you aren't willing, then you are free to leave. Bai Hua sect doesn't need your tags to be hung here, because you can't even do what you promised to"

"Snot-nosed brat! How dare you!" Blackmane Unicorn neighed angrily.

"This place is Bai Hua Sect, and you would ask me if I dare?" Gu Qing Shan squints his eyes.

Instantly emitting killing intent, he grabbed the air as the Chikyu Sword came to his hand.

The Chikyu sword let out a 'wu wu' sound, also looking ready to fight.


A glow emitted from the entire sword.

"Would you care to say that again? Senior?"? Gu Qing Shan looked at Blackmane Unicorn, softly saying so.

All three spirit beasts took a step backwards. All the hairs on their bodies stood up, as veterans of countless years of battle, they're extremely sensitive to whenever the situation changes. A sword cultivator. Every single sword cultivator is a psychopath. Looking at him right now, you can tell he's dead serious.

'He definitely dares to fight ——even if he can't match them, he will still fight!'

This thought showed up in all their minds at the same time. Blackmane Unicorn stared at him, but didn't move.

"Brat..." Twilight Bluemoon Panther muttered, but didn't continue.

"Ok, let me be your mount" Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane suddenly said.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit shocked

"Why?" he asked.

"I originally felt that you were very brave, not to mention, being accepted by the Saint at such a young age, your talents must also be exceptional" Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane said, "I've been stuck at Golden Core realm for over a hundred years, if I become your mount, one day you become a great cultivator, you might even be able to help me breakthrough"

"This is a great chance for me, a win-win situation" Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane answered.

"You aren't afraid you'll die with me at the frontline?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"Even a Foundation Establishment brat like you isn't afraid, why should a Golden Core beast like myself be?" Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane replied.

"Well said" a male voice was heard.

They all turned to look and finally noticed that Wang Li was floating in the air, looking at them.

"Second brother, when did you arrived?" Qin Xiao Lou asked.

"I've been here for a while" Bai Hua Fairy replied.

"Greetings, Saint" the three spirit beasts all bowed their heads.

"Hm" Wang Li pressed the air, suddenly two of the three tags from before broke apart.

"Blackmane Unicorn, Twilight Bluemoon Panther, from now on, both of you are banned from entering 1000 miles of Bai Hua Immortal country and never to use my or Shifu's name for anything ever again. If you violate this ban, this Saint will make sure you face the consequences"

"From now on, Flamecloud Chasing Sky Crane will become Gu Qing Shan's mount, all your cultivation scriptures, pills and food will be provided by our Bai Hua Sect"


All three spirit beasts bowed their heads in compliance and didn't dare to speak up. Wang Li didn't care about them and returned back to the Shadow Hall, watching movies with the loli SkyNet.