345 Episode 65 - Good and Evil (1)

Guardian of the Mandala was a mysterious constellation. Unlike other constellations, he rarely showed up in a channel. Even if he entered, he rarely sent a message. He chose an incarnation and gave the 'reincarnation' attribute to the incarnation.

Nirvana in front of me was one of those reincarnators.

「 (You don't know how terrible reincarnation is. No more reincarnators should be made.) 」

"That isn't a matter for you to decide."

At the same time, I glanced at Yoo Sangah. She hadn't grasped the situation yet and her eyes were blank. Maybe she was examining the context of the conversation in her head.

「 (...Doesn't this woman already have a sponsor?) 」

"Not anymore. I asked Dionysus to cut off the connection during Gigantomachia."

「 (Is Olympus that passive? How did you pay for the huge probability?) 」


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