157 Episode 31 - Tomb of the Scenario (1)

The white storm energy caused my heart to pound and my body changed into an engine.

[The exclusive skill 'Electrification' Lv. 11 (+1) has been activated.]

Due to the increase in my status, the skill level reached 11.

In essence, all skill levels were restricted to level 10. After that, people had to learn better skills or use 'transcendence' like the returnees. Yet this skill was level 11.

Now my Electrification had exceeded the limits of the system. It wasn't as hard to use Electrification as usual.

The returnee Kyrgios had a strength comparable to a powerful narrative-grade constellation. He was a strong figure whose depth couldn't be measured. Now I could get a glimpse of how much strength Kyrgios had. If Kyrgios had reached a realm that could never be reached, I got a glimpse of where he had gone.

Tentacio was terrified beyond his surprise. "A constellation with a returnee's ability? What on earth are you?"


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