548 Epilogue 5 - The Eternity and Epilogue (3)

⸢4th day of drifting.⸥

Yu Jung-Hyeok barely managed to regain his consciousness and discovered a sharp piece of debris stabbing him in his abdomen. He calmly got rid of the debris and checked the status of the vessel's hull.

⸢6th day of drifting.⸥

He realised that the ark had completely lost all its functions. The navigation system was unresponsive, and he couldn't see a single thing nearby. As a matter of fact, he couldn't even see a single planet nearby.

⸢11th day of drifting.⸥

With several of the safety systems installed within the ark destroyed, abnormality began manifesting in Yu Jung-Hyeok's body.

[System's homeostasis is currently broken!]

[Power of chaos is eroding your entire body.]

[Your Fable is crumbling away little by little.]


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