
Chapter- 1 [start of all tragedy] Part-1

Let's start with the introduction first.

My name is Ren Morgan. I am 17 right now. well I was when All of this mess starts. first of all, I was just an ordinary high school transfer student at DPC High School. Except for the fact that I was the topper of my class and good at almost all sports, my school can offer.

For that, I just get a lot of attention at school and that is a big problem for me because I don't like to Interact with people and most of my time I either play games or read web novels. So the story of my life and the tragedy of my planet earth starts on 15th June 2020. remarkable day to ruin the world and to start my journey to break the paradox.

This is my story to change everything beyond miracles could ever do.

....<start of all tragedy- part 1>....

4:55 PM, 15 June 2020...

'what the fu%k is wrong with this ending?'

I just finish reading the WN named Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. and in my honest opinion, this story is beautiful but what is wrong with the ending? the MC has to suffer eternal hell just because he read a hefty long novel for a decade? what kind of rubbish ending is this and if the MC's just daydreaming then how can they interact?

Just how much I see this ending, I feel there is more than how this seems. something is behind dok-ja's daydream becoming reality and the main reason for all those tragedies. Well, it's not like I can do anything about this anyway. But if I can, I will definitely help him…

{well, I think the gods liked my proposal at that time because in the next 5 minutes the whole turned upside down.}

It's Saturday, which means today is a half day so even teachers went home early and I am chilling in my classroom reading a web novel.

maybe because I went to the bathroom when the janitor came to the classroom so because of this perfect timing, I am all alone at the school. maybe the security guard is outside the gate but except for that, I am alone.

When I was reading the novel, I didn't have a sense of time so it's almost 5. Well, it's not like I am gonna get my ass kicked at home for coming late because I live alone but still it's almost 5 so I ran towards the front gate of the school.

To see the time, I open my bag and take out the phone and switch it on at the front of the gate. Coincidently at the time, the clock turns from 4:59 PM> 5:00 PM.

A sudden earthquake hit me, it was not that strong but still, the sudden thing hits hard. when the sudden earthquake stopped, a hovering beast-like humanoid creature appears at the front gate. it has 13 golden horns on its head.

my heart suddenly skips a beat. It was one of the strongest creatures in ORV'S entire series. freaking great dokkabbi appeared in front of my eyes.

[hello incarnation, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am 13th great dokkabbi Higer. I am here to escort you to your testing area.]

Indeed, it is a great dokkabbi and I think the earthquake earlier was something to do with him, btw why is a dokkabbi here.... wait a minute, dokkabbi? but... OH MY GOODNESS really, ORV is turning into reality and that means scenarios and gonna happen. f%ck.. now what I am going to do.

No, no calm down I will have more time to think about that but I have a greater problem in front of my eyes right now. not a beginner or intermediate but an actual great dokkabbi appeared aren't those the most arrogant type ones but he is here to escort me? and what is 13th Dokkabbi mean? aren't there only 12?.....

these thoughts came to my mind in a blink of an eye. So I quickly arrange my thoughts and ask that guy"umm mister asura. what do you mean by escort and test?"

that guy made a grin and said [Curious? I can't tell you the whole details but someone asked me to so I am running errands for him. soon he will personally tell you the details but that's later. First, you have to overcome the first scenario so he asked me to shift you somewhere so things can move first.]

A great dokkabbi is running errands. I wonder how strong that guy would be? by the way what does he mean by shift?

I hurriedly asked, "excuse me, what do you mean shift?"

[hehe, you will find out right now. ]after saying that with a wide grin he flicked his finger and a crimson portal appear right under my foot.

Obviously, I fall into it. after falling I blacked out and when I open my eyes, I was in a subway train. everyone inside the train looks Asian. Wait… Asian?

At that time I got an enormous sense of déjà vu. I take the phone out of my pocket to check the maps.

After seeing where I am now, my mouth dropped open. The person who can even run errands by even A great dokkabbi is by no means an average identity and not only that but also he has read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.

I was inside the same train where everything started in ORV and ways of survival. I was in Seoul in real time, well in past time in this case. "my life is doomed(╥﹏╥)"

<Chapter 1- End//Start Of All Tragedy- Part 1>

This is my first dip into the writing world so there were a lot of mistakes. There still are but at least i made the Layout better. Hope it doesn't sucks as much as before.

Kaiwardin_Officialcreators' thoughts
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