1 Introduction

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This world is a worthless place to live.

People are running after fame, glamour and money, leaving all behind the happiness and care for the world.

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The reality is what we say, what we see through our eyes and what we believe.

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This world is rotting and unstable place to live. People's are busy with their own mindset of surviving in the competition.

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We are leaving in fake world, driven by others thinking or I can say , we are showing our fake reality which is not govern by ourself.

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I see that everyone don't have the sparks of happiness in their life, the fact that no one can deny.

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In just a second, I realized that is is not the world I want to live. I want a world that is far from reality.

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A world having a form of escapism. A world that is different from a world where I am now.

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A world where there's no stupid humans. A world where beings are different from us.

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Until one day, the world that I wish, I really can't believe that I see it in my own eyes.

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And beings that I met, was before I thought that dont exist, but now its on my sight and they're not beyond imagination.

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This World really exist.

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This is the World of Peculiars.


Now, let's escape in the world of reality...

Come with me, let's go to the world of fantasy...

Next chapter