
omiquest system

neilsondoza · Action
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chapter1:the beginning

In the park there a old man struggling to push the cart up.wild his pushing it he sees

A young boy who running fast as like he was on a hurry he calls this boy by shouting.


The young boy stop's and looks at the old man and ask him*yes old man*and the old

Man ask for an help to push the cart up because the old man cannot handle it anymore but the young man was on a hurry.

On a date because he have a girlfriend who waiting for him for an hour already in the store the girlfriend might be angry.but he have no choice to help the old man to push the cart because the old man might collapse.

After helping the old man the old man say *thank you young man for helping me*the young man smile and happily say *no promblem old man* and her watch suddenly beep beep* he look at it and he found out that he forgot about the date and he say to the old guy that he have to go now and he run.

But the old man suddenly stop the young boy by shouting wait again and the young man her it and stop and looks back and say on her mind *not again is he want another help* yes old man? And the old man say *what's your name young boy.*

The young man say in his mind is really matter hays* my name is Kim Doomyun old man the old man smile what a great name you can go now and the young boy run again.

Wild the young boy running the old man talk

*What a little rude attitude of him but he is helpful hopefully my gift will be enough for him* and banished in the air.

In the side of the park doomyun Kim so he's girlfriend standing wild looking on someone in another direction Doomyun Kim talk's * few I got in her in time I mean late umm why she looking on another direction wild me standing her right beside him* and Doomyun kim approach he's girlfriend but suddenly he sees a guy hug her and kiss her

Doomyun Kim shocks to see he's girlfriend kissing another man.

And her girlfriend look at his direction and sees him with a shock face wild the man shocks too and her girlfriend suddenly talks*is not what is look like*Doomyun suddenly change mood from shock to serious and talks*what do you mean is not what is look.I not dump I see you kiss that guy wild hugging*.

Her girlfriend suddenly show he's true nature

And talks*fine you caught me and I don't care about it anymore I was just using as my intelligent lator of my life because you only are smart but your useless on other*he say it wild his face smiling with a little angry.

Doomyun Kim start to speak on his mind wild his looking down on the crust floor *so I'm just an intelligent lator for him and useless huh.he suddenly change mood and he burst out a loud speak with full of rage and anger *you piss of shit how there you say that to me you don't have to do me like that bullshit angel.

Doomyun Kim suddenly approach angel with a hand ready to slap her but the man stop him and talks *that enough you piss of crap just accept the truth that you're just and intelligent lator for her* and suddenly the man punch Doomyun Kim in his stomach

Doomyun coach blood.

Doomyun Kim talks on her mind *that punch is hella hurt ahh is like my stomach will come out * and he fell on his knees because of the impact of the punch

The guy reveal her name suddenly that he is ken lee and he is the boyfriend of angel and his first love.*that wht you get a weakling like you and don't ever approach us again or you will die piss of crap*

And the two left wild angel look at him with a little bit of guilty face.

Doomyun start to cry and speak on her self

*Why is this happening to me is unfair I just wanna die now I don't have anything left for myself no money no girlfriend*

Suddenly a glow of light burst out on Doomyun Infront and Doomyun close is eyes *what the hell is happening why is so bright I can even open my eyes*and the light start to disappear and Doomyun kim open his eyes and surprise for what he sees.

He sees a floating giant blue box which saying system opening*Doomyun touch it

And say open successful and revealing the the inside and speak*hello young master Doomyun I'm omi quest and I'm here to make

You a strongest human that ever live in this world*

Doomyun Kim shock with a little bit scared look*wait wait whattttt*

End of the chapter 1

hello,:) hopefully you enjoy my first chapter.if you guys like it i will make sure to make more chapter in the future.thanks

neilsondozacreators' thoughts