
Bad feeling

Jungkook woke first and got up to make breakfast while his roomate/boyfriend stays asleep in their shared bed. He got out the eggs and bacon and toast. He took out the frying pan and started cooking.

Mid way of cooking he heard some shuffling behind him. 'Probably Tae.' He thought to himself, so he continued his cooking.

POP! He hears the toast in the toaster make a 'pop' noise so he gets the plates and put the toast on them.

He hears the shuffling again and turns around. He looked all a the kitchen, living room and laundry room. (Laundry room by kitchen) After checking he walked back into the kitchen to hear a voice.

He looks around once again. The voice was muffled and unclear the boy's ears. But he could make out one thing he heard. "I need to act quick before we get caught!"

The voice was unknown to Jungkook but then remembered... "The Food!" He said worriedly and sighs in relief that it didn't burn up. He put the food on the plates and decided to take it up to his and Tae's room because Tae had a lot of work to do and he was stressed. So the kind boyfriend he is he is bringing food to him.

He walked up the steps being really cautious not to drop the two plates of food. He sat his boyfriend's plate on the night stand along with his and woke up Tae. "TaeTae wake up... It's the morning." He said ever so softly trying not to scare his loved one by being too loud.

The sleeping boy woke up slowly stretching his arms out and hugging his Kookie. "Mornin bunny." Tae says softly in his tired voice.

Jungkook gave the cute looking boy a kiss on the head. "I brought you breakfast in bed today since you're tired and stressed." Taehyung took a breath in and stretched, still feeling tired.

As Jungkook sat down and gave Tae the food, Tae kissed Jungkook on the lips and Kookie kissed back. Eventually the unwanted end of the sweet, loving kiss came. They let go as Jungkook sat down and handed Tae the plate and grabbed his own and they started eating.

The younger thought about what he had heard... the muffled talking, the shuffling heard behind him while he was cooking. He thought about what that was. Maybe a squirrel? A bird? The leaves on the trees rustling? Or the one thought he didn't wanna think: Someone could've broken in.

Then he thought about that last one a little more. 'Nah why would someone want to deal something from the two boys?' He thought, trying to convince himself it was just the rustling of trees.

But when he did his self convincing didn't work. He didn't feel good. Not the sickness. He felt something's off, something's wrong.

He had a bad feeling in his gut and he didn't like it.

"Thank you for the food baby." Tae said smiling his cute boxy smile, kissing his lover's lips again. "Anytime! I love you." The other said smiling back with his bunny teeth. "Love you too." Tae said watching JK walk out.

Jungkook hopped back down the stairs to wash the mess he made. When he moved over to the stove to grab the pans he dirtied up he saw some stuff moved around, not in the spot it was originally in. It happened pretty often and he noticed it, thinking it was Tae. But now that he had that bad feeling and considering Tae was upstairs something didn't feel alright.

There were shoes moved around and grass scattered in one spot of the floor. The grass and shoes were still by the door but the shoes in different places around there. (If that makes any sense.)

He walked over to the shoes and looked at it. But soon realized there was something that you would call. New. To be detailed a new pair of shoes that he hasn't wore before.

"TaeTae did you get a new pair of shoes?" He asked suspiciously to see if the shoes were his lover's. "No. Why?" That seemed super weird. "Uh nothing just asking." He said nervously not knowing what to say back.

Jungkook looked at the grass and the shoes. He checked the size. "That's way too large to by mine or Tae's shoes." He whispered to himself confusedly.

As he was looking at everything he felt that bad feeling again. When he felt that feeling he stood up and paced back and forth by the door. "There is something terribly wrong here what is this feeling being unsafe in my own dorm. What's this bad feeling in my gut. I don't know what's happening but I can't yell TaeTae he's already stressed! I'll keep this to myself for now." He whispered to himself still pacing back and forth, trying to comprehend what's happening.

Tae walked downstairs and saw Jungkook pacing back and forth. "Hey what's wrong baby?" Tae asked him. Jungkook looked up, looking confused and panicked. N-No noth-ing." He said with the look of fear in his eyes. "Hey why do you look scared baby?" The older said hugging the younger one. Jungkook hugged him back.

"No-Nothing it's nothing." Tae looked at him worriedly and shook his head. "No baby, it isn't nothing please tell me what's bothering you." Tae said making his cute pouty face that he knew JK couldn't resist. "Ok, Ok come look."

Jungkook pulled him down to a crouching position. "Look these aren't your shoes right?" I looked at him entirely confused now. "No." He looked at me in fear. "They aren't mine either and-and there's grass on the ground and I heard shuffling and muffled talking in the background while making breakfast and I couldn't hear what was said but I only heard 'I need to act quick before we get caught'." He was rapidly shaking and hugging Tae so tight, it was hard to breath JK to breath and he was scared.

"Baby calm down we will figure this out together ok? This is our home, our life, we love each other so much we can work through this together ok?" Jungkook looked up with teary eyes and buried his head in the crook of Tae's neck. "Ok, we can do this but I'm scared." They locked eyes. "Don't worry, we have each other, we can get through this baby. I love you so, so, so much." Love in his voice as Tae said his sentence. "I love you too." Tae leaned in and kissed JK, Jungkook kissed back. They kissed for a few minutes and let go to breath. "Please stay with me forever." Jungkook said desperately scared. "Don't worry baby," Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his embrace and picked him up. "I'll always stay with you."