
CH.8 Leaving for Arizona

*Clickety clack tap, tap, tap*

*Scroll, scroll, Scrolling*

*sip PffffT*

"Holy fucking shit, The Americans are really fucking OP." I stop scrolling for a moment and re-read the document.

"fourteen individual Quirk users, Special Force Zulu, the absolute last line of attack before nuclear war. The leader of the operation Harrison Carol, Quirk: Atomic split. Its only ability is to split atoms. The other 13 members are able to protect Harrison and reduce the blast radius. Trust the fucking Americans to have the on quirk that is a nuke"

"well now I've proven I can access any system in this world, I should start my second operation: Shadow."

"Hey kitten, we'll be leaving in half an hour, make sure you have all of your bags packed" Big-sis shouts from outside my door.

"I'm just organising some documents; I'll meet you in a second" I shout back.

I've spent the last 16 months since my 3rd birthday studying, from reading books well above my previous life's level, I ate the inheritance pill and gained lots of memories from Yoshinaga's life, most importantly her hacking and investigation and have been practicing almost every night before sleeping. Every morning I would try to wake up and practice Natural Energy Accumulation which can only be practiced by performing the Taiichi moves and breathing written in the manual, it took a long time to even start to accumulate energy in my dantian, the reason being I have to learn to use my meridians and dantian. Though I did learn from Nagisa I have most common constitutions from magic core to meridians but they are close to useless at this point unless upgraded like my Meridians from trash to common.

Dad was completely shocked when I showed him my summon quirk by summoning the claw machine. He told me that it was awesome I had two quirks and how happy he didn't have a useless quirk like him and mum. Before we went to the theme park, we had to file a form telling the basics of my quirk and we have 6 years to submit another form explaining exactly how the quirk works if that is actually figured out. But that aside my quirk feels awesome, no gravity, no light, no resistance. I can lift up my bed as if it were a feather, well can but I started to lift the bed but I ran out of energy and fainted. Turns out Weight, speed, Time and pressure all effect the energy used from my quirk.

[So which world do you want to go to first Theo?] Nagisa asks as I close my laptop.

'I'm thinking the walking dead, fighting those zombies will provide lots of practice and system points. And I can leave after a week if needed' I respond quickly, I'd thought about this dozens of times from where I should go, to how I explain my absence.

In the end I had integrated and practiced enough about hacking eventually receiving the Master Hacker skill. Under the ID of ShadowCat Which is spelled in English, I found out the password to one of the higher up employees from some malware I sent in spam folders previously, then I managed to leave some holes in a windows update. Slowly I have managed to access more and more high security places, Eventually I managed to get some dirt on a man named Rei Tsukachi who owns a multi-trillion-yen company that Creates tools for Heroes called 'Toolero'. Mostly in the form of human experiments.

I used this little blackmail to get him to make a bank account with 50 billion yen in the name of his 'newly Adopted child' which didn't actually exist. Which I then transferred around multiple countries and eventually buying an Island in the Pacific Ocean somewhere near the tropic of cancer.

It was a long process and I almost got traced back by some quirk a couple times when I was prodding around in governments databases. Finally, I bought some shares in a Quirk Research company based in Kyoto. The last thing I had to do was send a bunch of emails and official documents with a higher ups signature to my dad that I was needed for a week to research the possibility of 3 quirks in one person's body, the reason being my mutant cat features, my emitter type summoning quirk and finally a possible third quirk of super intelligence.

At first dad was sceptical but one day he came into my room asking if I was up to it and I agreed. That leaves today, I'm taking making my way there today, this will be the first time I'm apart from either Big-sis or dad since my rebirth, and I'm super excited

"Have fun Theo, I'm going to miss you, you too Eevee" Big-sis repeats for the 20th time while hugging us

"Don't worry, it's just a week and you get to have all the fun you want, maybe even ask someone ooouut." I tell her with a little teasing to which a light hue of red appears on her face.


"Theodore Okazaki, if you are ready, I will direct you to the waiting room where Dr Chopper will begin introductions." A slender lady butts in as sis is putting me down

"I think it's time I go, don't want to keep the doctor waiting, Love you." I tell her and start to walk off so I don't get another bear hug.

"Love you to Kitten"

We walk down the hall up, took an elevator to the 3rd floor, this is where most of the board rooms are for meetings and people like me.

"Room 21, this is your stop Mister Okazaki, The Doctor should be with you soon" The lady wheels my suitcase to the table and closes the door behind her on her way out.

*Sigh* I release the Breath I didn't realise I was holding. There were quite a few holes in my plan and if anyone looked into it properly It would be exposed, I'd be fine but wouldn't be able to find another way to get a week away from family easily.

"Ahh, no camera, No one caring if I disappear, time to visit some walkers."

[So, you already know but to follow procedure for jumping the first time, I can send you anywhere, any time. The more Precise you are with instructions the more precise you tp location will be. The only exception is if there is immediate danger or some kind of room that doesn't belong to you, you can enter a museum but not a working bank vault.]

"So, after buying and looking at maps of America from the walking dead world(6sp) and playing the game to find out where I want to go, I'll pick Prescott, Arizona, USA. I want to be about a kilometer away from the Prescott settlement Clementine visits in the new frontier episode 1, make it the night before Clementine buys ammo from Eli. That should be specific enough"


A little rushed, maybe. I hope you guys enjoy it anyways, I tried explaining everything as best I could while keeping it believable

AussieWizardcreators' thoughts
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