
The Druid. The tick. the Empress.

To her right, the walls were light grey, thick and riddled with natural green life. Eldin, the elder of the high elves walked the hallways with a smile, to her left, the wall was built up to only half size, leaving the light through to nurture the plants and ease the sight. Eldin walked with her morning leisure. Not seeing the usual brutish Orc guards beside the wooden door with golden ornaments made her sigh with helplessness.

Without knocking she abruptly entered.

A wide bedroom, the size of a hall, was laid before her eyes, she looked at the bed and for a second saw a small ashen haired teenage girl, gently sleeping with drool coming out of her mouth. But once a grunt came from the bed, her vision turned to normal.

A tall woman with long and disheveled faded blue hair, that looked almost gray, squirmed from the sudden noise. Her ears were pointy and tall canine teeth showed when she yawned, the fine lines of her abdomen muscles could be faintly seen as she stretched.

Eldin sighed "To think, my sweet granddaughter would become the Vile empress of the north, oh, life is really weird."

Rust, the empress, ignored the woman and walked over to the nearest Bureau. It had a mirror and a transparent bottle filled to the half with brown liquid.

The empress downed a cup and swallowed without a grimace. Silently, she poured another cup and offered it to the one that invaded her bedroom.

Eldin shook her head with a defeated sigh, "I'm too old for Orcish bourbon in the morning." She then looked at The young woman's rust-colored eyes with reproach. "And youngsters shouldn't do it too."

At last, the woman who treats her words as gold finally opened her mouth; "It's to cure the hangover. I was bonding with my recently made subjects Grandma, how can I go on a hunt with Orcs and barbarians and not drink and eat with them? They only require that much to bond with, I'm pleased to do it."

Eldin shrugged, "at least you're doing it for the kingdom, yesterday I went to wake your younger sister and found two Dark elven ladies cuddling with her. When I tried to take them away, she said they couldn't get up because she 'entertained' them throughout the whole night."

"Haha", The empress, chuckled and walked over to the wardrobe.

Eldin was about to ask her to not indulge the younger sister who was also the captain and head of the royal guards, but saw what Rust was preparing to wear.

"You.. mended it?"

Rust wore the upper part of a worn out and beaten silver armor. From the top right to the bottom left were three long tears, mended with some wire.

Rust nodded, "You said a symbol would be good, I figured a reminder that I killed the one who they always dreaded would be enough."

Eldin got up and walked to the window in the bedroom. "It's also a reminder you were bedridden for a week because of it. They dreaded the elder Yeti because it made sure to not leave survivors to talk about its strength, but you fought it in the open and unveiled the mystery, including your own limits. People might not be so afraid of the known."

"I'll take your words into account, grandma." Rust walked toward the door as Eldine hesitantly spoke. "I know you don't believe it, but I dreamed of it again."

Rust sighed. Her grandmother started dreaming of a creature since three months ago and asked incessantly for her to start learning the magical arts of high elves. But she always denied it, today, rather than fight it, she just listened, it'd be faster this way.

"...T-The creature, is on its way here." The elder continued with dread on her tone, "The creature.. It carries immense frustration. The kind of frustration the god of wine and pleasures would have if he was put on a wooden doll and forced to witness orgies and parties for eternity. In my dream, It also carries hate in the form of a dead still sea... Please, Rust, even if you despise the higher races' ways, do not disdain the strength of our magic. Learn it, for protection."

"....contrary to the elven blood who exiled me, the werewolf in me blood helped me protect you and Clarice, and it also helped in establishing this small empire, so I think I'll just master it." The elder sighed with helplessness. "But," Rust gave the elder a smile and continued. "I promise to think about it."

Eldin smiled with red-rimmed eyes. "Thank you."

Before Rust could open the door, a hurried knock came from outside.

She opened the door and a tall barbarian with sweat streaming down his forehead spoke.

"Your highness, A druid Merchand came in with a talking spiritual tick, and commander Clarice received them- T-They're about to fight-"


The wide road was lively with carriages and dust as people walked around hearing the peddlers luring clients

Ilica walked perspiring through the crowd while pulling a large and heavy sack on a wooden mini cart. A tall man who was nudged by the wooden wheel turned around swiftly ready to spit saliva with complaints. But Ilica turned back, sweat streaming down and a tired smile etched on the beautiful face, with the midday sun the teeth became bright as pearls. "H-How can I help you, esteemed sir?"

The tall, bald and sweaty man with a spider and snake tattoo on his bare chest felt his heart flutter. "I-, no, sorry to bother you, fair lady."

"Is that so," Spoke Ilica "Then I'll be on my way, so long, good sir." In no time the bright smile was gone in the crowded street, the bald man reluctantly took his eyes back and looked at the bottle of vodka on his hand. "To hell with you!" He threw it on the ground, and roared at the sky, "I"ll be a new man starting today!"

The crowd was startled and then laughed, the baldy's face turned pink and he walked away.

'Hoho, I still got it.' Ilica relished in inner gloating.

"I wonder what would the baldy do if he knew you're packing snake between your legs." A voice spoke aloud forcing a vein to sprout on Ilica's perfect forehead. Clenching his teeth, he took a golden jewelry box out of his satchel and tossed it far away. Yearning and hope flooded his eyes, as a bunch of street kids grabbed it and silently disappeared into the alley. "Yes, Yes! Take it away! Oh my godfather, patron of Druids and fairies, allow it to stay away!"

"You're breaking my heart, my trap friend." Ilica sighed feeling the weigh filling the satchel again. "What's a trap? I'm a druid. My kind are androgynous by nature," Ilica spoke with a tone of resignation, but as the big yellow building with the "Merchant guild" sign appeared at the turning corner he pulled the cart with more will. "That didn't stop you from using feminine charms to enter the merchant guild." The voice came from the box. The Druid snorted. "I have people to feed, call it unfair or not, I'll use my handsome smile to the fullest."

"Yea, alright, just hurry up and get your dreams crushed so I can start doing things my way. You found me three months ago and still didn't meet anyone I can clear my doubts with."

Putting on a straight posture to protect his image on the guild, the Druid snorted in contempt. "You're dreaming! Even if I'm a Druid, money is the only language on the Merchant guild, as long as there's money, even the devil can work there! My dream will turn real!"

Nearing the guild building, the jewel box went silent, and hope, like fire, set Ilica's gut ablaze. A few steps before the guild entrance he could already see a fat man with golden rings holding his braided beard. He slapped his fat tight with a big laugh as he sighted Ilica coming. Behind him, a wheeled magic cage appeared with a green-scaled horse inside. The druid's eyes shone with splendor.

Before going out on this last job and finding the jewelry box, everybody at the bottom end of the Merchan circle knew Ilica had gathered enough capital and credit to become a second-tier merchant. He'd be able to deal with more expansive and important merchandise and negotiate directly with nobles and officials.

And now he was seeing a second-tier product, and the laughing, Logus, the fat old man, just as he arrived. Ilica suddenly felt the mini cart becoming light as a feather, his lungs filling with pride, there was even a tear forming on the corner of his eyes. He worked too much for it, much more than others, because of his race.

Lost in his expectations, he didn't hear the sigh coming from the jewelry box.

"You're finally here!" Logus looked at the servants and snapped his fingers. "Take friend Ilica's baggage and carry it to the inn, put his room and food on my tab!" The two youth wearing an old and worn-out rag immediately obeyed and walked hurriedly.

"No no, those are pseudo diamond ore, I'll trade them for coin." Ilica hurriedly said.

"Oh! good harvest! Don't worry the servants will do it for you, there won't be half a coin missing! Now come, let's talk upstairs." Logus grabbed Ilica by the shoulder and entered the guild. The druid felt it was weird for Logus to act like this but decided not to think about it.

In the room used for private negotiations, Ilica seeped a taste of the white lily tea. His hand trembled, the tea was rich in spiritual essence and only given to nobles and rich guests. The door opened and Logus entered smiling widely, sitting down across Ilica, he spread his arms and said: "I got you the job of your life!"

Ilica's heart sunk, the sunlight coming from the window seemed to turn dark and grey as his lungs deflated. He put the cup of tea down and spoke with resoluteness. "I'm not interested. I only want to buy my second tier brooch and start building my network with nobles and officials." The Merchant Druid tried to show toughness and authority but it ended up more of a plea than a statement. For a second the scaled horse passed by his head but now that he thought about it, it wasn't possible to know the day he'd arrive so how could they be waiting for him?

The smile and sincerity vanished from Logus face as if it was never there. He knew it would be useless to keep on any show. He pointed his finger upwards and stated "Orders from above are: "You cannot give survivors of a lost war and lower bred races second tier and above benefits, nobles and the kind will take offense if we send druids and halflings to negotiate."

"....I thought that money was our guild's language? I have enough, in fact, double the amount and merit needed, but I'm still being denied my right?" Ilica's slumped shoulders hit the back of the sofa, but the luxury comfort didn't register on his mind.

Logus impatiently knocked with his finger on the expensive and rare wooden center table."The Merchant guild is already the richest organization, but what use is money when you're not allowed to buy land because a king or noble isn't willing to sell? You don't need to look much deeper to know the Merchand guild is only strong because of our spread network and fast appropriation of rare and limited resources. Those resources are used in exchanges with the kingdoms and empires for genuine power or other similar resources. If you have one of those then maybe there is still a path for you." Logus paused and waited for the Druid's answer.

Ilica placed his elbows on his spread knees in a dazed state. He thought of trying to sell the thing, Delua, inside the jewelry box but that fellow is not the forgiving type, the last three months was enough for the Druid to fear it. Since there wasn't one, he was helpless. He felt his nose becoming sour and started seeing blur, "Y-You said you had s-some good -wu-job for m-me?" Ilica asked, sniffling in despair.

Logus went speechless with the bright and fat tears forming on Ilica's eyes. "I-I- heard the Druids were a sensible race but to think.. Oh, I'm sorry I'll get you some tea." Logus poured the tea, albeit, with undeniable mock on his eyes.

"I'm done! What's this!?" An angry voice echoed in the room.

Logus froze. Ilica looked around and sniffled "D-Delua?"

The room was covered in a thin transparent layer from inside.

From the satchel, a floating grey ball of damp light appeared. it was small, like a common tick. it exuded eeriness and made one's hair stand on an end.

"Why the hell are you crying! Please tell me you're just using your feminine traits again!" The grey light yelled.

"Those are my handsome smiles, not feminine traits! Why are you bullying me too!?" Ilica retorted amidst sobbing.

"Oh, for the love of my spiritual ass." The grey light gave the impression of facepalming.

Logus jumped backward with aggressive speed and no care for the furniture on the way. "A Spiritual tick! it feeds on the spirit! Dam you Ilica, we're both done for!!"

Ilica heard, sniffled and looked at the grey light for a second, he shrugged casually, "I'm pretty much done anyway."

"....My starting guy is an edgy Druid..." The spiritual tick Lamented.

Noticing there was no way out of the room because of the transparent layer, Logus just looked at Ilica in a daze.

The tick trembled midair. ".... What a waste of time! I expected you to kill the fat one after he denied your promotion but instead you cry rivers!?" Ilica was astounded, he slapped the wooden table with indignance "Absurd! Why would I kill Logus!? I'm a pacific Druid!" tears spilled from his eyes, "I need to h-help my people, wu-... I want my second tier brooch..."

'....Ugh, Hell, starting from the beginning is always a headache.,' Delua's spiritual eyes looked at the trembling fat man on the corner of the room and swiftly flew, entering Logus's forehead, before there was a scream, Delua emerged from the fat forehead with a different, more exuberant glow. Logus, instead, seemed to have aged 10 years. "The spell I put on you," The tick spoke "Will hold for as long as I desire and if I die, so will you. Now give the trap his earned brooch, and answer some questions of mine, I heard there's a halfling that was exiled from the five greater kingdoms but ended up unifying the wild north? Tell me about it."

Logus fell on his knees, although he didn't die, the consequences of today would destroy all he built throughout his life.

A delicate hand slightly wet with tears was extended to him, an aggrieved and slightly relieved Druid glared at him with red-rimmed eyes. "M-My brooch."

Logus showed the white of his eyes, with a resounding thud, he fell unconscious.

Next chapter