
An Epiphany

In the Central Defence Base, Gray sat in the meeting room, his hands clasped together as he looked at the two individuals in front of him.

"I called you today to share an important news with the two of you. I'll cut to the chase to not waste more of your time." Gray spoke eloquently and with seriousness. "The Saints leader, Yroth has escaped from jail in Country H and will most likely be coming for me in the near future."

"Oh?" A man dressed in a blue navy uniform said curiously. His rank on his attire symbolised Leutenent General (LG), a rank higher than Gray. He was none other than LG Benjamin Huggins, the chief of Navy. "That bastard is back?"

Back then his Navy fleet was activated in pursuit of Yroth. Yroth's experienced cartel members had managed to not only slip multiple times, but had also caused millions of dollars of damage.

"Looks like the damage we dealt to the Saints back then wasn't enough. Now, he is out to seek revenge with his invisible army." The other LG ranked personnel commented. He was the chief of the Air Force, Miller Radskin.

Although he wasn't involved in the operation years back, he had long heard about the Saint's drug operations in their country. Now that Gray, the previous Person In Charge of the operation had requested for his aid, he would do his best to help him out.

Gray told him the incident of Yroth calling him last night. He then briefed them on his game plan.

"This time my plan is to eliminate The Saints once and for all. With that in mind, I will require the help of the Air force and the Navy. We will have to control these two methods of transportation, so as to restrict the Cartel's movement fully. In addition... "


The meeting lasted for 3 long hours. Gray's plan wasn't perfect in the beginning. It had some loopholes that he couldn't figure out, but after discussing with the two chiefs, the operation was almost finalised. The combined brain power of the top generals in the military was truly terrifying. The chances of success this time was high.

By the time Gray left the meeting room, it was already 7pm. He was hungry from all the brainstorming. Butler Potter had been waiting outside the room from the very beginning. He immediately left to get the car as soon as he saw Gray leaving the room.

Within 5 minutes, Gray had already departed for home. Looking into the rear-view mirror, he talked to his butler. "Has Sato arrived back home?"

"No, Young Master. Mr. Sato is still at a school consultation. He should be out soon." The newly hired guards for Sato kept watch over him.

"Let's head over to his school to fetch him then." When he spoke about Sato, Gray's mood naturally got better.

At school, Sato had just finished up his consultation with his Computer Science professor. The day was finally over for the hardworking student. He could finally head back home to play some Ray Of Light.

After adding each other's contacts, Sato was able to add the three boys in the game. They started doing Dungeon runs together. Luckily for Sato, all the dungeons in the game only had demonic beasts. Thus, he was able to kill them. If not, it would be rather hard for him to explain himself to them.

Sato scampered like an overgrown puppy, towards the school exit. Although most of the times Sato acted like a mature grown adult, there was a side of him that was cheerful and innocent. Often, it could only be expressed in the game and so ROL acted as an outlet for his other self.

"Hey poor boy! Nice to see that you haven't left campus back to your sugar daddy's home." A familiar voice came from the back of Sato. What a coincidence that I would bump into Tyron, Sato thought. It was almost as if Tyron and his lackeys had been waiting for him.

"It sure took you long enough for to finally be alone." Tyron spoke contemptly. Sato simply smirked at his comment. Too predictable.

"Oh? It seems like I should really take you outside of school for a ride." Sato's reaction really grinded his gears. He walked up to Sato and placed his arm over Sato's shoulder. Although Tyron wasn't exactly muscular, he was considerably strong with a tall build. Compared to the skinny Sato, Tyron was gigantic.

"Get your arm off me." Sato looked at his bully dead in the eye. There was no fear in them.

"What if I do not want to listen to you?" At this point, Tyron knew he struck a sensitive part of Sato. He decided to grip Sato's side sleeve tightly, pulling the skinny boy closer to him as he whispered tauntingly at him. "What are you going to do about it?"

Just as Tyron tightened his grip on Sato, a kind of epiphany struck Sato deeply. It felt like some mental block had been relieved after all these years and now he could think even clearly. Although he hadn't recover any bit of memory, his body reactions had improved.

Without thinking, Sato grabbed onto the arm of Tyron's that was on his right. He didn't give the bully any time to think before turning his body around, resulting in Tyron having his arm twisted. Sato followed up by kicking the depression in his knee joint, causing Tyron to lose balance and kneel on the ground.

Within seconds, Sato had completely supressed Tyron and left his lackeys speechless. How did this frail looking boy do such a number to their boss?

"What are waiting for? Attack him!" Without a care for the school rules anymore, he shouted out to his shocked subordinates. Everyone swiftly charged up towards Sato, ready to beat Sato up.

Sato who had just done something totally out of the ordinary was staring into space. He had only snapped out of it when the lackeys were only 2 meters away from him.

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