
Kaguya notices

Kaguya was all things. Wealth, company, gifted mind, and fit constitution packed inside the lithe frame of her. One could say she is a physical incarnate of perfection.

Still, it was almost impossible for her when she saw from her room window, what she saw as a faint shadow of human shape inside the dark blanket of the blizzard.

She scoffed the notion of spirit or supernatural nonsense Hayasaka her new personal maid often shoved to her. It must be my mind. I must be tired yeah it only my mind playing a trick on me, she keeps denying it when the shadow keeps advancing to her mansion.

"What is it Kaguya-sama? You keep staring out the window" Her maid behind her said with a flat tone.

Sigh, she tried the girl to change her tone into the usual bright one she used when outside of work, yet firmly insisted saying she must be professional as possible. What a stubborn child.

"No Hayasaka, could you come here for a minute."

"Yes, what is it?"

"There," she pointed outside to the faint outline "do you see that too?"

She squinted her eyes outside, noticing the faint silhouette. It was amazing, Kaguya-sama could see it under the thick blanket of snow, she thought. Hayasaka as always flatly replied, "Yes, I see it…Intruder?"

"Intruder? That's impossible only an idiot who didn't read weather forecast would be challenging death this moment." Or challenging her security guards that are, god how she wishes to not know they have a functioning Tiger tank underground and hidden compartments for automated turret all over the hallway.

Talk about overkill, even her oh-so-beloved father contracted two fire squad of PMC standing by at the town downhill, ready to indulge her whim and safety. Though it seems useless if should a problem arise in here thanks to the blizzard that have been constantly raging for the past week.

And…the tiger Eurocopter on the roof, how could she have forgotten about that one. God, thinking about it caused her a headache. Granted, her family companies also dabble in military armament, thus perhaps granting her clearance to command a personal attack-chopper. Her attack-chopper!

For god sake, she's still 7! And the first thing that wrapped on her birthday present was a pilot license. Oh, how she wishes to learn to ride a bike, instead. Her dear-father leading her behind, suggesting he was still there pushing the bike only to found him smiling as she strode further leaving his figure behind.

She scoffed. Throwing a needle to a 10mm sized ring from 2km was still plausible much less her father wasting his time with a broken doll. To put it simply, it's impossible-no there's no chance, to begin with. No matter how small chance is- 0.01% was still a chance, as long as there probability it could still happen.

I should crush these useless yearnings as soon as possible before it could create a bigger hole, Kaguya thought.

"Then…if I must say. That is one idiot person right there Kaguya-sama, ah it falls"

"Huehh! Hayasaka calls the security, we pick him up." She barely saw the figure-no, boy face as he fell under the thick blanket of snow.

"Are you sure Kaguya-sama? It might be some kind of bait to lure us you know."

"Forget that, and just do it!" what kind of lunatic who will trap them in this weather, and she didn't want a corpse lying around when spring comes here, much more if it was a child.

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