
Empty Flower Pot

She was slender as a willow wand

And clearer than clear water

And more beautiful than any queen

Was she


Her hair was like tumbling gold

That fell about her pretty face

Her skin was smooth as oil

She was Pale as a ghost

And pretty as a canary


Her eyes were blue as summer sky

And deeper than the deepest well

Her lips red as cherries

And always ready for a smile


Her laugh was like tinkling bells

Joyous and engaging

Her voice was so addicting

Almost like Crack cocaine


But deep inside

She was not so nice

She had no soul

Like an empty flower pot

And beauty is so fleeting


One day her slenderness will disappear

hair will turn to gray

Her skin will sag and crack

Her vision fade

And her voice begin to rough


But inside

Her soul will still be empty

And she will be alone

For who wants to be

With an empty flower pot


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