

Hinata sat upright and looked at his mother, Hinata had bright Purple eyes and straight brown hair, he looked exactly like his mother queen Qian "mom why'd you stop? I wanna hear more about dad's first day" His mother looked ar him and smiled softly "I wish i could tell you more but you know I can't speak from your father's perspective unless he tells me and your father well"

He hugged his mother tightly and said "I know mom, it's okay, you can tell me.aboit your perspective, Shall I make you dinner?" "that sounds amazing, thank you honey"

Hinata looked at the case that held his father's necklace, he wishes he could be as strong as his father but he didn't have all the skills his father did, all Hinata had was his father's gravity powers, he tried asking his relatives for their blessings, all he got was his grandmother's strategy skills, Isis, Aphrodite, Poseidon and Hades all felt that he wasn't ready and Zeus didn't think lightning would be a good fit the young man.

Tomorrow would be his first day as a student of Nightmare, the supernatural military academy that trained his father to be the legend that protected the kingdom, beef he died, he had asked Scarlett to bless his son while.he was still in the womb, she tried but couldn't instead her blessing changed Hinata's body to be that of a god rather than a Demi god, he still had the elf ears and was rather tall, 6'0" but whenever he got scanned it would always put his species as a god.

The next day, Hinata as getting ready for his first day since transferring, his mother brought out the armor his father used to wear and gave it to him "your father's armor already looked so regal, I didn't bother asking the blacksmiths to make you a new one", she smiled

"thanks Mom, I love it, dad would be so proud to see what an amazing mother you are"

Hearing this warmed Qians heart slightly and she hugged him "okay off you go, I'll come visit whenever I can, I promise"

With this Hinata left for the school, first he went to his dorm and out his stuff down, then he turned his wicked v23.7 on and looked at his schedule, he had training first, so we went to the fighting arena, as he walked in he saw a bunch of people gathered around a large brute of a man, he walked over and took his place

"prince Katamaru, so nice of you to finally join us"

hearing all of this made the other students start to whisper, this angered the teacher so he decided to nip all rumors in the butt

"this us Prince Hinata Katamaru, son of Queen Qian of the elven empire and The legend Nova Katamaru, don't go easy on the pipsqueek, he may look like an elf but his species is god"

"sir, how can you call me a pipsqueek and still say not to go easy on me" Hinata laughed a bit "and thank you for doing the socially awkward introduction for me"

the teacher was a bit impressed with Hinata after seeing the latter be so respectful even after calling him a pipsqueek.

"okay, Since Hinata is late, I'm sure he hasn't even unpacked, he will go first and be dismissed right after"

Hinata simply nodded and stood on one end of the arena and watched as a young woman walked up, looking absolutely gorgeous "I challenge you Hinata Katamaru"

Hinata looked at her and smiled "I qccept your challenge" she wasted nk time and darted towards Hinata at full speed, however what she didn't know what that Hinata was the good of gravity, he activated his powers and saw her moving in slow motion, he turned his body 90 degrees to avoid her sword and then tapped her wrist quickly, he used his powers to make it feel as though his tapped weighed as much as an elephant, flipping her over, then he bent backwards, out his hand on the ground and spun his body slightly, so that he was behind her as he moved back, the girl quickly got up and looked to Hinata, smiling "that was impressive, but it's not enough to stop me" she one again dashed at him but this time at the last second she kicked out and a blade foem her shoe cut Hinata's Arm

"hidden blade boots, I'll have to steak that idea from you" he laughed and this time, he rushed to her, as she was about to kick again, he slid under her and stepped on the back of the blade snapping it, then he spun around, kicked the back of her legs to make her kneel and pressed her own blade to her neck, a sliver of blood trickling down her neck

"I yield" she exclaimed and Hinata, dropped her blade and extended his arm, helping her up

"you fought well" He said with a big smile

"as did you, I'm Emi"

"Emi? huh, yoir name.means beautiful smile right? it suits you" he complimented

Emi blushed and Added "your name means best sunlight, after seeing your personality, it suits you too"

they chatted for a while as they walked to the cantina

"So what exactly are you Emi? I mean there's only like 100 humans at this school so I doubt you're human" she laughed a bit before responding "I was, once, I'm a vampire now"

Hinata looked at her and added "an immortal, I feel your pain, I really don't look forward to turning 18 and becoming immortal"

"I heard God's go through a transformation when that happens" Emi said

"I wouldn't know, it's not like I can ask my dad and I never see my grandparents anymore, not since, you know, the war"

They looked at each other and realised then that they weren't that different.

"they're assigning us to our Squads tonight, heard we'd have to move into the squad leaders dorm, I'm not looking forward to moving again" she pointed to Hinata's badge "looks like you won't have to, squad leader huh? doesn't it amaze you that we managed to get into reaper division?" she said her eyes sparkling

Hinata looked around and smiled "yeah, I little, guess I'm more nervous than excited, my dad was part of reaper division, everyone expects so much of me you know? those are big shoes to fill"

they continued to chat fpr a long time until the assignment ceremony, one by one the roles were announced, then they reached Hinata's squad

"Now for the most anticipated squad, Nova squad, the team leader will be Hinata Katamaru, the som of Nova himself as well as queen Qian of the elven empire, his team shall be, Emi Tsukiyami, Sophia Klashnikov, Akinel Tarus and Akira evernight" those who didn't hear their name called were disappointed, that night everyone moved into Hinata's dorm, it was a modern dorm with dark colour and lighting scheme more fitting to a Victorian style home, they found it relaxing, Hinata walked into the room a short while later and everyone bowed "your highness" they said however Akinel said "yoir majesty"

"firstly, your highness and your majesty are to be used in front a king or queen, I am a prince, secondly your majesty is a female pronoun, lastly here I'm a student like any other, don't treat me like royalty"

"I'm glad to see you got put on my squad Akira, you as well Emi, however I don't believe we have met yet Sophia, Akinel"

"as if you could get rid of me that easily Kat"

"I didn't ask to be Squad leader but since I am, i promise to make you all proud"

Next up, the Evening pray came up, Nova may have died but he was a god and a good that gave his life to save the kingdom, he was a god, a hero, a legend, a martyr and a king so the kingdom dedicated a pray to him that was to be sung every night at eight o'clock since night was when Nova was happiest

everyone sat down in a meditative position and started to sing in Latin

"🎶Rex tremendae majestatis🎶"

"🎶 Qui salvandos salvas gratis🎶"

"🎶Salve me, fons pietatis🎶"

"🎶Salve me, fons pietatis🎶"

the only one who didn't sing was Hinata, he felt that it would hurt too much to pray to his dead father. instead he chose to talk to his father directly at the place he was buried

the pray meant "King of tremendous majesty, who saves through Graces who are to be saved, save me, fountain of piety, save me, fountain of piety"

That night Hinata fell asleep while looking at a picture of his father

Next chapter