1 Strangers

This is the night of the Arabs. If anyone prays in distress, they give him refuge; Does not make any inquiries about his identity or his character; And the person whom he gives shelter to, even though he is known to be a bitter enemy after giving shelter and after whom there is no evildoer, never engages in his evil deeds. Accordingly, the householder Ibrahim's prayer abruptly said, God save you; You have no fear, you can stay in my house as long as you want. Let's say this She gave him shelter. Ibrahim took refuge in his abode and settled down without any worries.

Several months passed. Ibrahim saw that the householder took his servants out of the house on horseback, at the appointed time each day. Out of curiosity, he asked the householder one day, "Where do you go every day in such decorations?" He said, A man named Abraham, the son of Solomon, killed my father; Heard, that soul, is hiding somewhere in this city; I went to look for him with the intention of torturing him.
