
Odd Party

A party of four with messed up gifts. They were supposed to become a normal party like any other. How odd is the fate given for them?

nomanlike · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 20: Truce

They say there is only one god in this world

The desert folks call him sky god since he reigns from the sky

The light seekers call him light giver since he gives away the light to this world

The elves call him faceless god since he has no face at all.

The desert folks always thank him everyday when the sun starts to rise up by praying.

The light seekers thank him for every bountifulness of harvest.

The elves never make an idol out of him, they only hold onto any object that doesn't represent humanoid shape as religious item

After leaving the dungeon, no one can know the next time that they can meet. Even if fate is such a cruel mistress, the necks are what each other seeks. Until one bleeds, until one falls, until there might be none

The Black Sheep heads back to the town to submit the report. The princess is pleased by the news. She now knows that they are not the only victims of the Red Desire curse. She knows that it is a race against time before one knows how to get rid of such a curse through another means. The war will be won by the ones who have the most time.

"As promised, you will get the rewards. In addition to that, I shall recruit more to assist you through this. But there is a price to it. After all, what humans desire is wealth and fame." - The princess keeps touching her left eye.

She kisses each of the member's hand. 

"May the light guide you all the way." - As she smiles

"The next step is to bring a small army to take over the dungeon as soon as possible. I am sure that they will not return but that is for the worst case. Knights are great but I can only have one right now, heavy armors are proven too much of a burden for such a dungeon and the only option left is to get some militias." - The princess cleans her dagger

"Where is all the money to fund all of these?" - Darvic glares

"I have a private stash and I have a lot of funds from bounties, bandits' heads, monsters' parts and some elvish heretics' heads." - The princess winks

"What else? Have you considered poisons?" - Mawra flips her book

"What is the fun if you do it too fast? I don't like poisons, I prefer toxins. The kinds that make pain unbearable that humans beg for ending the suffers'' - The princess points her dagger

"Your highness, I will ensure that you will be the happiest princess for every time you seek for blood" - Narva bows

"Good work! Good work!"- The princess smiles brightly

"When will the Dragon Lance group come?" - Polwil asks calmly

"They have been here since yesterday. I greeted them. They were horrified by the sighting of mine. A one-eyed princess with her knight, I don't know what they think about. But certainly, the monster was stronger than me." - The princess smirks

The party has nothing to ask her. After the meal, they want to finish the work around the dungeon quickly. It is her order to make it quick to invade the Ahib kingdom.