
Sebastian And Tungsten's Fortune, Verni's Luck!

To the more perceptive predators like the few Mystery Pryer predators who joined the struggle for the Sea King inheritance, through their various senses, they could see the invisible convergence of origin magic.

Mystery Pryer predators were too connected to the origin magic essence of the region they were tied in to fail in detecting such a huge shift.

The battle between the giant tripartite powers was still raging fiercely.

The massive army of the overlord Atlantis that was led by the Annihilator warship under Commander T.Y, the forces of the beast organizations under the cultist Ancestor Horamon, and the Rogue Snake Overlord himself.

This tripartite balance of giants was still fighting without restraint among themselves as they struggled to gain the ultimate supremacy.

Despite this struggle, the more intelligent mutated beasts of the other minor forces already discovered that these 3 giants were faintly holding back.

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