A Story of a boy who struggles till he died!
Are you okay shopkeeper come running after and says !
We need some clothes and water we've been kidnapped Sam says in scared voice,
Shopkeeper brought clothes and water immediately, and asked them to come inside,
I don't think we should stay here for longer Hoor whispers in Sam's ear;
And where do you think we should stay, at your five star hotel Sam says in sarcastic voice!
No you idiot! while we were getting inside i saw a man calling someone I think he is with the kidnappers Hoor says in angrily voice,
But what can we do now we don't have any resources except to wait here for help and while Sam was about to complete his sentence everybody hears gun shots !
Oh my god looks like they found us Hoor shouted,
They didn't found us, this bastard shopkeeper call them, he is with them look how happy he looks right now Sam says in devilish voice,
then Sam throws sauce on shopkeeper face, pick Hoor's hand and started running from the back door,
i think we're screwed Hoor says while running;
You think! Sam says in sarcastic voice,
They ran far away and accomplished to leave kidnappers behind but then realized that they are in a very big jungle and it's nothing here except for darkness!
Sam stop we've been running for almost about an hour now Hoor stopped running and said!
I'm sorry i was scared and didn't know what to do let's stop here for a little while, Sam said in grasp,
How did you got kidnap? Hoor asked,
Well they came at me and purposed a offer that if you like to be kidnapped Sam says in sarcasm,
You can't say a word without irritating people is it your superpower or something, I'm trying to be friendly here Hoor said in very lethal voice,
I'm sorry but i don't know what to say right now I'm in anxiety mode right now, Sam says,
That's why it's a good thing if we talk to each other and forget about the problems for some time says Hoor,
Ahh! I think we don't have to think about the problem of past, there's another coming at us Sam says while pointing finger at a gaint animal,
They start running again and slipped through the cliff into the mud,
Look what the hell you did, Hoor says in angry voice,
Sam says immediately, What I'm suppose to do when a wild animal coming at us, welcome him you stupid bii,
Hey don't you dare curse me Hoor says fastly,
Then they stopped talking to each other and got out from the mud but they both are injured and tired,
I'm so tired so I'm resting here I don't give shit about what you do Hoor says with angry voice and lay down on the ground,
Sam lay down with her without saying anything.
Sam wake up, wake up look its sun rising Hoor says with yawning,
You just can't see me in peace can you, Sam says in irritation,
Let's just get out of here fast Hoor said,
And they start walking to get out of forest,
Did you hear that? Sam said with pleasant voice,
So now we're talking Hoor said in pitch voice,
Are you crazy or something we've been talking for hours all the way Sam said with surprisingly,
Hoor said fastly, Yeah but it was not the real talk it wasss,
Sam interfare immediately and said, okay just stop and listen to the vehicle's sounds, its mean we are near to the highway,
Ohh, that's good let's walk faster Hoor said,
Then they reach to highway and Sam saw a old car after walking for some minutes,
See its our way back to home Sam said with smiles,
Do you think we should take this car? Hoor says with insecurity,
No i think we should wait for the chopper which your dad probably send any minute Sam says in sarcasm,
My god i don't even want to talk to you,Hoor said in disappointing voice,
Then Sam broke the window of car and started trying to ignite the engine,
I would help you but you already crowded with your arrogance Hoor says in sarcastic voice,
Are able to shut your mouth for 1 minute, can't you see I'm already struggling here, this stupid car's battery is almost dried out let me focus Sam says in angry voice,
After trying for minutes car started moving,
Sam says in confident voice, look who's daddy now, hahahaha, home I'm coming back to you,
Ohho control your self we're not home yet, Hoor said,
I'm levitating right now, inshAllah will be home in some time now, and I'm sorry for my behavior, Sam said,
Ohh so you can apologize, I thought you were unable to do it, Hoor said in teasing voice,
Hey I'm trying to be friend here Sam says while driving,
I don't think we'll ever be friend Hoor says.
And then suddenly some rangers stopped them.
coming soon