

I was going to have to leave everything behind. All my friends, all my memories. Everything. I had to leave them all behind. I was relocating to a new place. A new school a new everything. I needed this. I needed this fresh start. This might be it. A new start for me.

"Dahlia, le petit déjeuner est prêt !" My mom tells from downstairs in french. Basically saying breakfast was ready. I told her I was coming downstairs to have it with her.

Oh forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dahlia Aichatou Shubra. I'm 17 years old, and I'm a Muslim. I live with my mom in Minnesota mostly because my dad works in Cameroon. My family is mostly french speaking since we from the french speaking part of Cameroon. But since we've been living here for a long while, my mom and I are used to English. And that's what we mostly speak. But we do speak French too a lot too .

I'm about to change my school because we're moving to New Jersey. And I'll have to relocate and go to a new school.

I go downstairs to go have breakfast with my mom. And my little ones. Oh by the way I have two younger brothers and a little sister.

"Looks delicious" I say looking at how much we had for. breakfast.

"Thanks Mom" I say.

"You're welcome" she smiles.

We all eat in silence because we don't wanna choke on our food momma told us.

"Dhali you happy about us moving?"

My follower, Saleh asks

"I don't know, I feel a rush of emotions work their way through me. I'm happy I'll have a fresh start, but then kinda sad I'll have to miss a lot of people"

"But it's for the better, sis" my lil sister, Zena says.

I smile at how lucky I am to have this family, one that loves me so much. What would I do without them.

"Yeah, it is"

We continue eating and I turned to look at mom. She was not eating and she looked a little sad. I wonder what was wrong.

"Mom, you okay?" I ask.

She jerks a little in surprise. "Huh, why honey? I'm all good. Don't worry about me. I'm just thinking of how I'm going to miss this place."

Yeah well, I'm not the only one. "Sure, we'll all miss it. Don't worry mom. It will be fine."

"By the way when you done, remember we have to take our flight at 3:00 am today, make sure you have your stuff packed by then" mom says.

"Yeah, I will mom".

We then eat and finish our meal.

A lot of time passes and soon I find myself already through with the packing. Oh well I guess I'm ready to go now. It was already 2:22am anyways.

"Dahlia, come down stairs, the Uber is here. Bring your stuff we have to go!" Mom yells from downstairs.

Yes, I use an Uber, to go to school. Long story.

"Coming!" I say.

Oh well, New Jersey. Here I come.


Hey loves, this is just a prologue and I'm so excited for this book because it's kind of like my story, and the love story of two of my best friends. I hope you like it.

I also had to un publish  'Guy Dangerous' because well it's not doing well. And I guess it's also cuz I'm new here and I just started writing.

Please don't be a ghost reader, vote to encourage me and follow me please . We'll see you soon

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