
Episode 2

"That's Sugi Mihara,"

Yuuji pointed out after Yoru gave a short description of the guy that slept on his arm.

Yoru clicked his tongue when he finally remembered. Sugi Mihara, his classmates once talked about him. Sugi Mihara is a loner. No one could understand his thoughts. His sentences are also very brief, simplistic, sometimes challenging to understand.

If a puzzle was in a form of a person, it would be Sugi Mihara.

"He slept on your arm? what a fucking weirdo," Bread crumbs raining down from Jun's mouth as he tried not to choke while laughing. Yuuji shoved another bread into Jun's mouth to shut him up.

"Yeah, it's so weird," Yoru said. "He's like an alien,"

"I wouldn't be too surprised if he is," Yanagi chuckled as he took a sip on his strawberry juice box.

The four best friends continued to talk smack about Sugi in their classroom.

This is a normal activity for Yoru and his four best friends who have known each other since they were eight years old. They met at the playground and fought until their faces were battered. In the end, they become inseparable squad who went through hardships together.

Yoru chewed on his red bean-filled bread as he continued listening to Jun's rambling about his girlfriend. But as usual, if the conversation was boring, Yoru couldn't concentrate on what his friend was saying. His thoughts began to wander, and the chattering noises of the other people around him slowly sounded incomprehensible. Vibrating on his ears.

Then suddenly, an image of Sugi who's sleeping on his arm flashed across his mind.

He stopped chewing and his eyes turned wide.

Why would he suddenly think about that weirdo?


Yoru's swirling thoughts were interrupted when a classmate called his name. Yoru turned his head. His classmate pointed at a girl that's standing on the door.

"She's looking for you,"

The girl shyly smiled at Yoru.

Yoru tried to recollect his memories of this girl. He hummed, thinking for a bit before mouthed "Ah". He slightly tilted his head.

"Hana," He said out loud.

"Your chick? you never told us you have a girlfriend," Jun said while squinting his eyes.

"She's not," Yoru sighed as he lazily gets up from his seat.

He kissed this girl before, but only for fun. This happened a lot. Yoru just felt tired because he had to say the same things over and over again. "We're not a thing", and "Sorry, hope you can move on,".

After Yoru go through the boring procedure and got slapped as a reward, he went back to his class. He whistled with his hands inside his pockets. Students who were loitering in the hallway noticed the red mark on Yoru's cheek, but they're not surprised. As if it's an everyday thing for them.

A sudden urge to pee made Yoru stopped his tracks. Instead of walking straight back to his classroom, he turned left to the nearest bathroom.

Strangely in this part of the hall, not many students loiter around. He only found one or two students. Yoru didn't care less about it though.

As he entered the empty bathroom, he walked to the stall and unzipped his zipper. He shuddered and let out a soft exhale as he pee.

While peeing, he heard footsteps becoming closer from outside. Yoru didn't look who's coming in though. His eyes are closed shut, waiting 'till he's done.

But Yoru didn't hear the stranger unzipped his pants or anything. He didn't hear anything. Finally, Yoru opened his eyes and glanced to his left.

Yoru's dark eyes went wide as if it's going to jump out of his sockets.

It's Sugi.

And like a creep, Sugi kept staring at his shaft.

"What the— Hey!" Flustered, Yoru hurriedly finish off and zipped his pants. "What the fuck!"

"...?" Sugi looked at Yoru as if Yoru was the one who's overreacting.

"Dude, what's your deal?!" Yoru barked, grabbed Sugi's collar, and pushed him to the stall. It creates a loud thud. Sugi winced, slightly furrowed his eyebrows to withstand Riku's strength that is obviously bigger than his.

"... It's big,"

"— !"

Yoru felt his blood boil. His hands were trembling. He was fuming. But at the same time, he feels exhausted just dealing with someone he can't understand. His knuckles turned white, almost ripping off the soft fabric Sugi wore.

"Are you gay?"

"Yes," Sugi answered as if it's nothing. Yoru's eyes trembled. He studied at the shorter boy with disbelief. Several questions started to overwhelm Yoru's mind, causing him to blank out. He kept staring at Sugi's doe-like eyes. No expression, nothing. What's on Sugi's mind right now? It's as if he didn't think at all.

Words from his older sister about homosexual flickered across his mind. She said it's, gross. Naturally, he would think gay guys are gross. But it's not like Yoru will curse Sugi out for being gay. He's not that vile.

But Yoru brushed it off and tried to clear up his mind.

Yoru pushed Sugi once more harshly before taking two steps away from Sugi.

Voices of other students from outside the bathroom was the cue for Yoru to leave. But before he leaves, Yoru gave Sugi a scowl. Then grit his teeth.

"Don't ever, EVER, appear in my sight,"

That threat didn't affect the shorter boy at all. He's just standing there with his crumpled collar, stay composed. Yoru scoffed before leaving the bathroom. He shoved the other students who are on his way. He heard "What's his deal" and several curses from behind him but he didn't care.

Images of Sugi's face kept probing through his head. And him admitting that he's gay made Yoru furrowed his eyebrows.

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