

Jack POV:

I have taken this case pretty much two weeks before. I glanced through the previous report of this typical case. A girl named Abigale Clarke was found dead in her house two weeks before. She didn't have any claimed to be enemies. She was the best student in her Psychology major. She doesn't have any past crime history. The only thing that attracts me in her case was her crushed thumb of the right hand and number mark on her forehead. This was something related to Anna Heather. There was no trace of hand print. The killer was intelligent yet kind of psycho. I returned to my place after investigating the previous files and Mr. Norman. He was the one who informed about Anna's body being found near dumpster in 20th street. So I had to be careful with the killer. He's just out there killing random person without any reason. A voice snapped out of my thoughts.

"Charlie, Are you coming for an coffee?" Nelson our chief asked.

"Yeah, I want the coffee badly" I sighed.

The only person who call my first name after my wife was Nelson. He was good but hard to understand kind of person. But I like his wife. Don't get me wrong, she was the most lovable woman in the world, I say. She was like my mother. I went back down with him to sip a cup of coffee. The events were creating tension and headache.


"How do you feel, Lin?" Doctor Dorothy Mathias asked.

"Extremely....good, I feel amazing" Linda said. She lied. She was actually worried.

"Did you inform your husband?" Doctor mumbled.

"He was busy at his work, you know right" Linda smiled at her.

"Okay, let me know when you have any other symptoms, When are you coming next?" Doctor swallowed her saliva to speak. She took the glass of water and drank it.

"Hmm...probably next time I feel like coming" Linda chuckled.

"Okay, I got to go, I will call you later" Doctor waved her bye and turned to her lunch.

Linda took her belongings and went back to her car. She never told anything to her husband. She was expecting baby, she had to take care of her first. She took her car and drove back to home.


Jenna took the articles regarding the "killer mind" and started to study from the first. She don't know but she was just curious to know about these murders. She had been collecting small information regarding these cases. But she didn't hope for anything for the result. She was upset and she wants to create a theory, so she started studying weird articles. Her mind was totally into the articles. She felt like she became insane because of various theory she created. She was thinking about her next move.


Tring.. Tring...

"Hello..this is Dora speaking, Jack" She said.

"Why hello doctor, Jack was taking bath, Do you want to wait till then?" Jack's wife asked.

"No, its Okay, Did you tell him?" She asked.

"Yes, sort of, Are you free now?" His wife asked.

"No, actually I am going to my grandmother's house, so I won't be available for this week" she exclaimed.

"Wow...say my wishes to Mrs. Alice" His wife wished.

"Sure, anyways take care honey" she hang up the phone.

"Dear, Where are you? I am hungry" Jack shouted from the kitchen.

"Oh, you came, let's eat honey, I had to go to office early today" wife shrugged.

"Oh..When did you join in back?" Jack asked in surprise.

"Yesterday, it was quite boring here" wife nudged him.

"Okay alright....I will drop you while going" Jack offered.

"Nope, its okay...I will manage" she kissed on his lips.

Their love was never faded even after two years. They were happily married couple but to their sadness, Linda wasn't able to get pregnant still now. But this time she was expecting much.


Dora parked her car in the garage. It was tiring after the party held today. She doesn't like party but her friends were forcing her to place an party for getting appreciation award in her field. She entered her grandma's house and leave her bag in living room.

"Grandma, Where are you? I am home" Dora shouted and went into kitchen and took water bottle to drink.

"Alice, I know you are angry about me, I told you I will be late" Dora again shouted. She got fed up in shouting again, so she went back to her grandma's room. She wasn't there. She searched every rooms in her house. She was worried. Her grandma was living alone in this house. She searched all the rooms and went down and saw her backyard door was not locked. She stepped into backyard and put the light on the wall near by. A chair was there and her grandma was sitting over the chair. She ran towards it and saw her grandma was unconscious.


Jack POV:

This is going to be tough for me. I don't know how I am supposed to search that stupid psycho killer without any trail of an evidence. What does he want? I felt pity for these victims. I entered my room and locked it from inside, opened the closet to take my anxiety tablets. I knew that I am getting anxious sometimes, but I don't want to bother and make Linda worry about me.

After long time, she joined her office and it will be good for her. I am taking these tablets for more than two months. I didn't tell her so I am hiding here every time I took my tablet. I opened the door and made my way towards kitchen. I came earlier today. May be I can cook dinner to give her surprise.

I received an message from her after 15 minutes. She said that she would be late today. Its okay, I can make dinner and keep it in hot pack. I prepared grilled chicken, rice with chilli sauce and soupy noodles. I waited for her, she didn't come till 9. So I called her and her mobile was not reachable.

Her office was one mystique area, so often it would have no network coverage. After I had my dinner, I went back to my room. I was worried, I called her from the dinner time. After few minutes, door bell rang. Shit, I ran downstairs to see her tired face. She was so exhausted with her work. I told her to take bath and to take her dinner. I waited for her to sleep after she finished with dinner.
