1 Foreword

Samantha Leoni had a very complicated life, in her short 18 years she had gone through very painful situations, her father died when she was just a child, leaving her, her mother and her little sister totally helpless, since then they have lived in a very humble that belonged to his grandmother, for a few months he had started working in a fast food restaurant to be able to support the expenses of his home, and to be able to give a decent life to his mother and sister, his mother stopped working a few months because she was detected cancer, and she had to work, to pay for her sister's school, her university, her mother's treatment, and her household expenses. One night she meets Justin Bieber, without imagining that he would change her life completely ...

Justin Bieber is the biggest drug trafficker in the country. Always accustomed to having the girl he wants at his feet, and using them all, he did not believe in love, his father always mistreated his mother, causing him to grow up with many fears and insecurities. One night he meets Samantha Leoni, and was impressed with her beauty, and since he saw her, I swear it would be his, and no one else, making her his obsession.
