
Chapter 2: Brothers

Chapter 2: Brothers


I run my hands through my hair, observing the Chicago skyline from the seventy-fifth-floor window at my private office. I turn back to my desk when the intercom resounds. "Mr. Draken, you're brother Torin is here to see you." I push a button to respond. "Let him in Mrs. Anderson." I look towards the door as my brother Torin walks in. As always, Torin is obscured in a black hood and full fake latex human face mask. Torin and I had a very rough start in life. We were born in one of the roughest parts of Detroit. Our mother was a prostitute, and we never knew who our father was. Life was miserable for both of us. We had to fight for every little thing we had. Torin was my protector.

Most of the men my mother brought home were not upstanding citizens. Some were predators. Torin and I avoided being around them as much as we could. My mother was an abusive drunk. Torin would always take the brunt of the abuse. I was eight, and Torin was ten when it happened. I had just come home from school. Torin was trying to scrounge up enough money to feed us. Torin always told me to go home and lock myself in the room. But the house seemed empty, and I wanted to watch TV. I was so stupid.

One of our mother's Johns had come out of the bedroom after finishing up with my mom. He was one of the worst men she had ever brought home. He had scraggly long hair and a full scruffy beard. He was stumbling into the living room as high as a kite when he found me. The bastard wanted some "relief." I tried to get away, but he wouldn't let me. Instead, he pulled out a knife and threatened to cut my throat. I was so scared.

Before he could do anything, Torin walked in. Torin was tall for his age. I'm sure that he and I are half-brothers. Where I am dark with dark hair and dark eyes, Torin was golden with gold hair and blue eyes. My mother always called Torin her little angel, and I was her fallen angel.

When Torin saw that the man was trying to violate me. He jumped on the man's back and dragged him off my body. I remember the hateful look the man gave Torin. He slapped him hard, making him fall on the floor. Then he turned him overrunning the knife over his face. Torin tried to get away, but the man was too strong. "Your mother calls you her little angel because of your pretty face. How about I make you not so pretty." The man began cutting shallow cuts into Torin's face and moved down his body. Torin tried to protect himself with his hands. The man cut those too. I will never forget Torin's pain-filled screams.

The neighbor must have heard us because he ran into the apartment and dragged the man off Torin. Social services were called that day. Torin and I were taken to the hospital. Over the years, his cuts became faint scars. However, the damage was done. Torin was too traumatized. He began covering his face and hair with a mask. Doctors and psychologists tried to help him, but he was too damaged to listen.

Luckily our great aunt Sunny took us in. She was my mother's aunt. She is also one of the most wonderful people in the world. A former hippy who couldn't have children. She was ecstatic to have us. She is the mother we always wanted. When Torin refused to attend school, she homeschooled him. She always made sure we had everything we needed.

Her boyfriend Turtle was a former fighter. He's a really good man. He taught Torin and me how to fight. Sunny and I are the only people Torin allows to see his face. That is the only habit we couldn't break him out of. It never bothered Aunt Sunny, but it added to my guilt.

Torin and I began our computer business before we graduated high school. Torin did not want to go to college, so he took classes online. Sunny had Torin tested when he was fourteen after seeing how well he was doing while being homeschooled. He was given an IQ test to measure his intelligence. Apparently, Torin received a genius score of 160.

We both hold several degrees in business and technology. Our business has become very profitable. We became millionaires at eighteen. Years later, we bought aunt Sunny and Turtle, a beach house in the Florida Keys, for them to retire in. She comes to Chicago and visits whenever she can.

Torin became more of a recluse over the years. It got to the point that he moved his office to his apartment. I take care of business from our company. I remembered a few years ago, aunt Sunny begged him to uncover himself and find a girl to love. But Torin was too entrenched in his masquerade by that point.

I never told anyone, but Torin is a cutter. Sometimes I'd find him cutting parts of his body. That's when I sought help. I needed to find a way for my brother to release his pain. A woman I dated suggested a sex therapist. When Torin found out, he hit the roof. I had to beg him to go. It was a very difficult and sad time.

Eventually, we were able to get to the root of the problem. Torin suffered from a type of body dysmorphic brought on by the fear of intimacy. The therapist gave me a very professional explanation. She basically told me Torin does not want to be touched due to the traumatizing experience he went through all those years ago. He does not trust anyone well enough to let them touch him, and the only way he can feel pleasure is through physical pain.

I had a lot to think about after that session. The only person Torin trusts is me, but I'm his brother. The therapist suggested that Torin begin to experiment sexually by becoming a voyeur. Since he only trusted me. He could sit and watch physical intimacy between a woman and me. The doctor's theory was that Torin would eventually see that pleasure does not have to be painful. She also said that it would probably reduce the amount of cutting until he doesn't do it anymore.

Soon after, we tried it. At first, it was weird, I won't lie. But eventually, we loosened up. It was difficult to find a woman, especially because Torin is always covered in a latex mask, hood, and uses a knife to help get himself off. The doctor recommended an escort service that specializes in special cases. The agency serviced several "kinks" that catered to various needs. Torin only asked that the women be older and more experienced.

I think it scared him to have a younger woman gape at his idiosyncrasy. Unfortunately, Torin never wanted a repeat performance from any of the women. This has been going on for five years. He's thirty now, and I'm twenty-eight. He doesn't cut as much as he used to, but he still hides his face.

When I asked the doctor how long it would take. She gave me a pitying look. "I don't know Zane. Torin's condition is so dire. I'm sorry for the burden you carry. Maybe you should consider institutionalizing him." I shook my head adamantly. "No. He's my brother. I could never do that to him." The doctor frowned, shaking her head. "Let me be honest with you, Zane. You and Torin suffered a great deal of trauma as children. What do you think will happen when you fall in love, and the woman you love does not want to perform in front of your brother? What will you do then? Keep in mind Zane, while Torin has these needs, neither of you will be able to have a normal functioning relationship. To be honest with you, I don't think either of you can."

The sound of the door closing behind him awakens me from my musings. I walk towards Torin smiling brightly. "Brother, what brings you by?" Torin shakes my hand and moves towards the plush dark brown leather chair directly adjacent to my desk and takes a seat. We are the same height and build. We both work out several times a week. It saddens me that Torin will only let me look at him now. Torin looks at me through his latex mask. I can see his blue eyes and red lips. Other than that, everything else is covered. "Zane." His deep voice comes out muffled through his mask. "I wanted to see if we can set up a session for this Saturday." I nod my head feeling a sense of relief. Whenever we have a session, Torin seems calmer and happier.

"Okay. I'll call the agency to see if there are any available women. Keep in mind it might take a while because you refuse to use the same woman a second time." He nods his head from under his hood. "Very well, brother. See what you can do." I nod my head as my brother gets up and walks back out of the room.

Without another word, I pick up the phone and dial our agency contact. Mr. Martin, our liaison, answers on the first ring. "Mr. Draken, how are you?" I take a breath and answer. "I am well, Mr. Martin. I'm calling to see if there are any eligible women for this Saturday." I can hear several papers shuffling around. Mr. Martin clear his throat. "Mr. Draken, you're an important client for this agency, and we truly appreciate your business. However, due to your brother's needs, it has been very difficult to fulfill your requirements." I rub my finger and thumb over my nose. "I really need someone this weekend. Is there anything you can do? I will double the usual fee." He lets out a startled breath. "Of course, Mr. Drake. I will see what I can do." I hang up the phone, feeling a sense of unease.

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