

Antoine Sta. Maria is almost the perfect gentleman. He is rich, kind, otherworldly handsome and with an air of mystery. He is the type of man ladies would be proud to introduce to their parents and marry. However, he has one big flaw: he is a fictional character. A being that seemingly only exists in Bianca's mind. Her Obra Maestra. Her masterpiece. Bianca's hobby is writing about the paranormal. He is the product of dreams she had at night. Young girls went crazy over him. She wrote about him yet she finds him unattractive and weird. Maybe because majority of him was based on her childhood friend Anthony, who has long been gone. She did not care about "fiction Antoine" that much. One day, she was mysteriously trapped inside her fantasy world and found herself face to face with her created character. Being with him in person, she began to understand and see that he is a better man than the fictional character she thought him to be. She realized that Antoine Sta. Maria is a lot more "real" than the fiction book she created about him. #Gentlemen are still the best Story started on November 30, 2017. All Rights Reserved.

wizvisionary · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 14.1: Bleed to Death

Ten days have passed.

I got so worried because Mariano never came back.

I knew he is a man of his word and he does what he says. I hoped and prayed that nothing bad happened to him.

Antoine began asking their fellow hunters if they had seen him. They claimed to know nothing and obviously avoided his inquiries.

I suspected that they do know something.

As much as we avoided meeting Mariano's family, we decided to proceed to get even a bit of information about his whereabouts.

His father is a powerful and a much-feared man. Most people in the village would not dare disobey him. If someone wants to live in peace, it is better to never cross paths with him.

"Where are you going?" I asked Antoine. I was sitting at the living room and waiting for him to come down.

"To Mariano's house."

"Can I come with you?"

"Won't it tire you?"

"No. I'm tougher than how I look." I assured him.

He smirked.

"Get ready, then."

"I got everything prepared." I quickly pulled a small bag under the sofa and darted outside.

The carriage was a bit high and I had a hard time to climb because my long skirt got on the way. Unaware of Antoine observing me, I raised my dress up to my knees and simply hopped.

He was surprised and closed his eyes in an instant.

"Lady, why did you do that? Again?"

"Did what?"

He slowly opened his eyes.

"Never mind."

The delos Santos' Hacienda* is creepy. It is a sugarcane plantation. As compared to Antoine's colorful land with various trees and gold rice fields, it seemed dull and lifeless.

(A large plantation with a dwelling house)

The servants timidly looked at us. They appeared to be scared and exhausted.

I have witnessed with my own eyes the kind of slavery that Labor Laws and Human Rights Advocates would surely frown upon. Antoine was never like this to his servants. He treated them well and just.

Upon reaching the house, a frail and timid looking Spanish mestiza* girl quickly opened the door as if she is really waiting for us to come.

(A girl with mixed race)

"Hey, Gabriela. How are you, little girl?" Antoine greeted. He kneeled and touched the girl's head.

"Kuya...*" She looked at her back and whispered. " It's nice that you are here!"

(Filipino term which means "Older Brother)

"Mariano, is he there?"

"My brother is in big trouble. Save him from my family. Now, go! My father must not know you are here." She gestured with her hand for us to go.

"Who are you talking to, Gabriela?" a man with a very authoritative voice interrupted.

"Señor, buenos dìas*." Antoine greeted.

(Spanish greeting which means "Sir, good morning.")

"Go back to your room, Gabriela."

She fearfully obeyed and proceeded upstairs.

Mariano's father looked very mean and strict.

"Antoine, what do you want?" His tone was stern and cold. He eyed me from head to foot. I felt so uncomfortable with his scrutiny that I gripped my bag tightly.


"What of Mariano?"

"He's been missing for days."

"Missing? Maybe he's just playing around town. That kid is such a shame and nuisance to me." He seemed unconcerned about his son's welfare. "Do not waste your time searching for someone like him."

"Is that so, Sir. I'm sorry for bothering you."

Antoine and I left in haste with a little information that Mariano is indeed, in trouble.

On the main road, we saw people roaming the area. They stopped us and rounded up the carriage.

"Where are you going?" an elderly man asked.

"To San Isidro." I answered.

"Don't pass that road on your left. A family was massacred this early morning. It was like a beast killed them all. In fact, we're leaving because we fear we are in danger."

He allowed us to pass.

We turned right.

"Haven't we passed there this morning?" I wondered. "It seemed so peaceful then."

"Yes, it also bothers me."

Antoine pulled the reins from the horses. The carriage shook back and forth due to the sudden stop.

"Careful!" I said as I held on to my seat.

"What did that man say? Don't turn left?"

"Yes." I answered.

"I see. He gave us wrong directions."

I peered from the window. From afar, I saw dead bodies scattered in a backyard.

Fresh blood.

Fresh kill.

"Come!" I was greatly surprised as Antoine pulled me from my seat. He was quick to sheild me. Suddenly, I heard a sharp explosion that struck the horses dead.  Smoke covered our surroundings.  He assisted me to get up and we ran for cover.

"Are we being ambushed?"

"Yes." he replied as he calmly took out his pistol and loaded it. He handed me a vintage revolver. "I know you can shoot well."

"Y-Yes. But my hands are shaky now!" I panicked.

He aimed the gun behind me. As I turned, he shot the man on the shoulder and knees. We saw about fifty men surrounding the area."

"Are they your fellow hunters?"



"I have no idea."

He grabbed my hand and we raced through the woods. We hid behind an abandoned hut.

"Stay here. I will come back."

I nodded. He left me and a series of gun shots was heard everywhere.

I reclined on the wall and attentively looked at my surroundings. Then, there was an eerie silence. Minutes passed and I worried so much for Antoine.

"He should be back now." I thought.

I carefully crawled towards a huge tree and peered behind to check.

Strong hands grabbed my hair.

"Here's the woman!" he shouted.

I made a quick jab on his stomach with my elbow and stomped on his foot. As he loosened his grip on my hair, I made a quick turn and kicked behind his knee causing his leg to snap into two. He let out a sharp agonizing cry.

Two men ran after me. I crossed a stream to lose them.

One of them tackled me from my side. He attempted to bash my head against the ground. I pushed him away with my knee, gave a strong kick and instinctively shot him.

He lay dead.


Blood poured from his mouth as his blank eyes were left half-open.

I felt so guilty for killing a man.

My mind went blank.

I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. Someone grabbed me by the waist and pointed his gun at my head.

"You caused us so much trouble, woman!" he angrily accused me while advertently twisting my arm so that my wound will cause me to suffer more. I bit my lip so that I would not scream in pain.

"Let her go." Antoine demanded as he aimed his gun at his fellow hunter.

"Of course, I will. Just tell us where Mariano is."

"I do not know." he replied.

The man dragged me away. He pushed the gun harder on my head.

I closed my eyes, waiting for my death.

"Mariano is a dangerous man. Have you seen those dead people! It was he who did it! Let us stop him now!"

"Let her go and let's talk." Antoine insisted. He is the kind of man that could not be intimidated in the face of danger. He is trained well by his father to make deals that would be advantageous to him. "One wrong move and I'll shoot you dead."

His fellow hunter laughed in a sarcastic manner.

"You just don't understand, do you?"

"I repeat. Let her go!" Antoine warned him.

I heard the click of the trigger from my attacker. I took a deep breath as if it was my last.

A loud shot rang from my ear. Blood and brain matter sprinkled on my face, making me scream hysterically. My knees became so weak and I found myself kneeling on the ground. Tears ran down my cheeks. Antoine came to me and gathered me in his arms.

"Hush, it's alright now. I'm sorry. I'm  so sorry."

I could not say a word as I was trembling badly.

"Are you hurt?" he observed my shoulder. He took out a handkerchief and began covering my wound with it. "Don't worry, it's just a graze."

"Y-Yes...I think..." I responded absent-mindedly.

Then, everything in my sight went dark.

Out of nowhere, I saw butterflies in a field.

I saw a black one and followed it.

To my dismay, no matter how fast I run, I just could not reach it.

I felt someone holding my hand instead.

"Bianca." I heard him calling my name. "Wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Antoine sitting beside me. I felt his hand on mine. Upon seeing me awake, he was quick to sit up and pretend that he did nothing to me.

"Thank God, you're awake!" Hermana Auring said. "How are you feeling?"

I sat up and held my shoulder. It was covered with bandage.

"Where are we?" I asked as I was very unfamiliar with the place.

"My father's hideout, here at Immaculada Concepcion. We can't stay in the Hacienda for now." Antoine replied.

"People are getting more wicked these days. Rebels. They could have stolen from you and never hurt you."

Hermana, still, had no idea of the paranormal things surrounding her.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked me.

"No, I'm fine. Where's the kitchen? I'll cook!" I felt so embarrassed for being too bothersome for them and not doing my household duties at all.

"Don't rush." he stopped me. "Rest. I'll get you something to eat."

Hermana nodded at me and followed Antoine. She returned and teased me. "He loves you." He formed a heart shape with her hands. I turned beet red with what she did.

"I hope he does not hear." I muttered.

"Oh! I hope he does hear!" she loudly announced. "Antoine loves you so!"

I lay on the bed and covered my head with a pillow in shame.

Afternoon came and I got bored doing nothing. I came out from my room and explored the house. He and Hermana were cleaning the dusty living room.

I took the broom and started sweeping.

"What are you doing, Child? That wound is still fresh." she tried to stop me.

"It's just a scratch. I really want to help."

"Don't be hardheaded!" she scolded me as she tried to snatch the broom. I shifted it to my other hand swiftly.

"That was quick!" she blurted out in awe.

Then, we heard the closed wooden window rattle.

"Do you hear that?" I inquired.

Antoine darted towards us and held us down. A cannon ball hit the wooden window, shattering it to pieces. He instructed us to hide in the basement.

"Stay here until it's over."

I pulled his arm and suggested, "I'll back you up."

"This is too dangerous. Go!"

We descended into the basement. Hermana uttered a prayer while holding me in a tight embrace.

Shots were heard from above. The wood at the basement's ceiling creaked. Another cannon was fired and it shook the house.

The basement's door opened. We held our breath, for fear that an enemy found us.

"How are you there?" I was relieved with the familiar voice.

It is Mariano!

"Beat them into a pulp!" I shouted.

"As you wish, my dear!" He flashed a wide grin and closed the basement's door again.

After about ten minutes, everything went silent. Mariano opened the basement's door and gestured for us to come out.

Antoine silently stood behind him. There was doubt in his eyes.

"Where have you been?" I questioned. "We were so worried about you."

"I'm so happy. You are really concerned for me after all! " he replied cheerfully.

Unexpectedly, Antoine aimed his gun at him.

"Stay away from them." he said in a very serious tone.

Mariano held his hands up in surrender. He slowly turned to him

"What's the problem, amigo*?"

(Spanish term for "friend")

"Were you turned to one?"

"To a blood-sucker? Sadly, yes." he answered without any qualms.

"Those hunters said you killed those innocent people. Is it true?"

"No, I've been underground for eleven days. How can I do that?"

He walked closer to Antoine and looked at him keenly.

"You see, I would be relieved if you will be the one to kill me. I don't want to spend eternity drinking blood because that's just so disgusting!" He placed his hand on his nape and looked up. "I only have to plead with you just one thing. Please look after my mother. And my little sister too, Gabriela."

Antoine put his gun down. His once cold expression now was transformed into a worrying one.

"Tell me, Mariano. What really happened to you?"

"My brothers. They betrayed me. They made me a bait. We were outnumbered and overpowered during a hunt. In order to escape those nasty vampires, my brothers stabbed my back and slashed my neck. They left me bleeding." He moved his collar, turned his head to his side and showed his neck. There was a deep fresh scar on it. "The smell of blood lured the vampires to me. I woke up with excruciating pain all over my body. And, extreme thirst. I stayed in an underground tunnel to control my hunger. How I wish I could have just died."

He forced a smile but still, his face showed so much sorrow.

"We'll find a way to reverse what they've done to you. It will just take some time." Antoine tried to convince him.

"There is no other way and you know it!" Mariano snarled. His eyes gleamed red for a moment. "Those hunters are after me due to my father's orders. Now, you too are in trouble because of me."

He then stared at me with repentant eyes.

"With the smell of blood from your wound, I can barely control myself. Your scent makes me lose my mind. Forgive me, Señorita*." He held my hand and kissed it. "I would rather die than cause you harm."

(Spanish word for "Miss")

"No, dying is not a solution." Antoine told him. He gave his friend's shoulder a pat. "I know an ancient antidote. We might as well take our chances."

"Just kill me." Mariano ordered him.

"I just said "no" a while ago."

"Then, I'll make you." In a blink of an eye, he pushed Antoine and sent him crashing on the floor.

"Stop! Please..." I screamed.

"Stay back, Señorita." Mariano said.

I feared for Antoine. Even if he is good in guns and other weapons, Mariano is very skilled in hand to hand combat.

He stood up and tackled Mariano to restrain him. He put his arms around his neck, in an arm triangle choke position.

"Stop it! I don't want to hurt you."

"Sweet, Antoinette." he quicky turned to his side, loosening the grip and bashed Antoine's head on the floor. So effortlessly, he hurled him on the wall. The impact was so strong that it cracked.

He is being merciless to Antoine, forcing the latter to finish him at all cost.

Hermana fainted from the sight.

"Enough, boys!" I said sternly while running towards them.

"Stop." He held out his hand. "Move farther." he instructed me.

His eyeglasses were shattered and it left a gash at the top of his left eyebrow. He removed the frame and threw it away. He regained his balance and wiped away the blood with the back of his hand.

"Is that all you got, amigo?" he taunted his opponent. "Why don't we settle this outside, away from the ladies?"

Mariano complied.

As soon as they stepped out the door, they seized and grappled with each other and fought like hell released its fury. A cloud of dust formed from where they stood.

"You are so excited to die. I might as well bury you alive."

"You idiot! Are you waiting for New Year to kill me? Until I've eaten everyone in town?"

"I told you, there is a cure!'

"Like one percent?" Mariano chuckled as he unleashed a powerful strike. Antoine simply dodged and hit him on his chin in retaliation.

I never saw my main character like that.

All the time I was with him, he was simply holding back.

Even though he was keeping up with Mariano's speed and power, it is still noticeable that is trying his best to restrain his friend.

I was interrupted when Hermana Auring woke up.

"Oh. Don't move that much." I whispered as I held her arm. To my bewilderment, her eyes turned white.

"These boys are making me lose my patience." she said in a very composed manner while pulling a table cloth.

Then a bright light covered the house.

A woman, who looked almost of my age emerged.

Dark brown hair.


Porcelain white skin.


Violet eyes.


She is Antoine's mother!

In a flash she went to where the men were fighting. She simply hurled Mariano back inside the house. She sat on his back, put the cloth around his neck and strangled him.

"Hermana...no! Mariano!"

I heard his neck snap.

I shrieked.

Antoine ran back and saw his mother sitting calmly on her victim's back.

"What have you done?"

"Done what?"

She smiled like an angel.