
An Exciting Hunt

"So Angel... why are you here again? Aren't you supposed to be working in Tokyo?"

"Huh? This place..." Angel was dazed and confused with her situation.

Looking at her surroundings, it's without a doubt her house in the countryside.

Did she just daydream about being sent into another world? It was very silly, yet she can't bring herself to laugh.

The moment she got the ability of her favorite anime character, Megumin and her explosion is the most amazing thing in her life, yet when she was ended up being caught by a scary man, tied and gagged by a sock with the atrocious smell... It was the prelude to torture.

After being captured, she could only wait for death or something worse, but suddenly she finds herself in the real world... she was lucky that everything is just a dream.

"I can't believe you're daydreaming again..."

"Ah! mom! I'm not daydreaming." Angel retorted with a flushed face.

"So what's wrong? Are you having a nightmare or something?"

"Um... Yeah. I dream of another world, it was fun...." she gulped, "But it was very scary."

Every time she remembers the man who caught her, it made her scared. He had Sharingan, who knows what will he did to her if a beautiful woman like her become his captive. Just thinking about it made her trembling. It was her first blunder and maybe the last.

"Fun and scary?"

"It's true mom! It happened for real, I was transported to the anime world and gained a supernatural power!"

Angel proceeded to brag her experience in the various worlds to her mother, be it the fun things or sad moments.

But her mother only smiles in return and asked various things related to angel abilities and the rules of the system and Angel answered her mother's inquiries.

At least until her mother asked the oddly specific items she got from the system that Angel started to get a weird feeling from her mother.

"What's wrong honey? Why are you not speaking?" her mother was all smiles as usual. But to Angel, she is gradually becoming unfamiliar by the second.

"Who... are you? You are not my mom!"

"Hmm... As I thought... you're not going to fall for it." A male voice sounded behind her.

Angel glanced back towards the voice and her breath stopped.

"You!! How..."

In front of her is a smiling youth who possessed a pair of pinwheel red eyes.

Her nightmare has come back to her once again.

Then she remembers her mother, so she turned back, "Mom!!"

As she expected her mom is gone and her house and the countryside scenery has vanished. it changed into empty pitch-black space with nothing but pillars that filled the landscape.

Even though she is no longer gagged by smelly sock and her hand is free, she didn't feel any better, but only getting worse. Everything she saw earlier, including her mother is a lie.

"...It was an Illusion!" she exclaimed, "What're you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

"...You were the one who tried to kill me first, so you should be prepared to die..."

"I will give you my items, it was obtained from the various world, so..." she said without making eye contact. Leon smiles broadened as he noticed her antic, she knew how the Sharingan works.

"Why should I?" Leon titled his head, "If I kill you, not only I will to get some Points, but I will also obtain your items as well."

"Ugh! Damned terrorists!"

"Nonsense, I'm not a terrorist, you crazy bitch."

"What..What did you say?! I'm not crazy! You little..."

"Just give it up... You won't be able to flee from my dimension." Leon said as he noticed the woman's intention.


With a flash, Leon arrived in front of the woman and before she could react, he lifted her by the neck which leave her breathless.

"... Mhm...Let... go...uh... of your... hand..."

"That's right... struggle. You should struggle for your life." A chuckle escaped from Leon's lips.

"Uh... y-you..."

Angel's struggle only lasts for a moment before she closed her eyes and loosened her grip on his hand.

Under Leon's surprised gaze, she pulls the necklace from her neck and crushed the blue gem embedded in it with her finger.


The dark place was immediately replaced by the light coming from the necklace and the world is filled with white.

It lasts for a few seconds before the white light vanished, but there is no longer any trace of the woman in the Kamui Dimension. Leon peered into the void beneath the pillars, but there's nothing. It's the same as suicide if she jumped below.

"Is that teleportation?" Leon wondered, "She destroyed the necklace, so that must be an expendable item."

Even after using [Tracking] there is no track of the explosion witch in his vision, maybe because she escaped by using teleportation, hence there are no red footprints whatsoever.

Leon sighed for his stupidity for not stripping the woman naked from her belongings. Not only she managed to escape, but he also failed to get any benefits from capturing her except for some important information concerning the system.

It turned out no one from the native world was able to hear what the user say about the system and another world. So if a user tells it to someone, it would be censored by the system and they could only hear beeping sound effects. From the viewpoint of magicians in this world, they might consider it as some kind of unique magic.

Thinking about Kokonoe, Leon sighed in relief. Even though there's no material gain, at least he got some peace of mind.

With nothing to do, Leon turned back his attention towards his original prey.


The wind passed by his face, but Leon still persists and even raised his speed faster than before.

But a moment later Leon stopped his steps when the red footprints vanished from his vision and replaced by a vehicle's track.

He chuckled at [Tracking] capability, it's very useful. He would be able to find his prey no matter where he hides as long as they didn't use teleportation, their fate was already sealed.

But this good news didn't improve his mood in the slightest. As Leon expected, the users already started their hunt, killing various characters from the show for points.

Only a user would kill Mizuki for no reason in the middle of the street. In the eyes of people here, she's just an ordinary woman with little quirk, so there are no motives whatsoever for anyone to kill her, except for points.

Leon takes a deep breath to calm his anger, but it was for naught. The scent of the burned factory is all he could smell and it only serves to worsen his mood further.

Only the blood of his enemies could calm his mind. Leon immediately returned his attention back into the new track. Now that his prey is using a vehicle, he needs to change his hunting technique as well.

After a few moments looking for the highest clearing closest to him. Leon's vision zoomed downhill, following the vehicle's track, far into the distance.

Leon opened the city map from his mobile terminal and a few seconds later a bad feeling started to sprout inside him when the track moving towards certain regions.

With a few taps, the map is getting more detailed and closer until he can see the airport imposing entrance.


A spiraling void appeared silently in the hidden part of the airport and Leon come out from the void. After scanning the perimeter, there's no one who saw him so Leon immediately walked towards the airport entrance.

But Leon only managed to take five steps before a loud sound buzzing in his ears and an airplane suddenly passed over his head which made him stopped in place.

He had no idea if his prey is on the airplane, but he can't take any risk. So Leon immediately walked back towards his previous location and activated his teleportation.

Immediately, the wind pressure stings on his face, but Leon paid them no mind and focused on the airplane below him. With a chakra on his feet, he is able to stand atop the airplane without slipping to his death.

Leon activated his Kamui and his feet started to sink into the airplane.

"Let's see where you're going to run now..." Leon can't help but chuckle at the situation. Somehow the hunt started to excite him and he can't stop himself from smiling.

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