

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible This is my first story so it starts off a bit poor before developing later into my really bad writing style. A novel inspired by the shows. (Teen Wolf/The Originals) Will not follow the shows exactly. - No Harem - Updates will be slow - Age does not equal strength as some would believe, even in the show this didn't hold true despite them mentioning it. This is about an Original wolf who doesn't care about most things, trying to enjoy what he can while traveling the world as one of the strongest, if not the strongest magical creature ever born. If you're looking for a violent, evil mc that kills and eats people this isn't the story for you. Story will start with The Originals show in focus. ________________________________________________ This is my story that I also have on Royal Road.

Nevvan · TV
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Whelp, That's all Folks!

I can no longer ignore the fact that this has been a massive waste of time. I'll list down below what some of my future thoughts for the story were and then leave it at that.

After Cora was made into an Alpha, Malia joined her pack.

When a jealous spiteful Lydia sees Cora come out of Mr. Nevan's room one day alone like Rebekah once did, and after the terrible experience, they all had at the haunted eerie hotel days earlier, she decides to put a stop to it, convincing herself that it was, in fact, the right thing to do.

The police get involved, and Nevan takes Rebekah hostage and takes them for a ride, playing around with them, leading them to a shootout where he lets them believe they killed him and an innocent pregnant girl. Also discovers the 2nd, backup hellhound, which he kills. An event that becomes the talk of the town.

He lets the Alpha pack play out their little game where it comes to a head out at an isolated barn.

The dark druid shows up with Derek as her personal brainwashed minion, and a battle ensues where she eventually falls and Scott's eyes turn completely red for the first time making everyone believe he's a true alpha.

Nevan shows up and the druid sneaks away, and decides now was the perfect time to hold a tournament after getting a complete feel for everyone's capabilities. Gives the betas a chance to go against the Alphas in a 1 v1 for a chance to upgrade.

The dark druid makes it to the stump hoping for another boost of power only for the stump to send out its roots to drag her underground to the basement and wrap her up underneath and being the process of taking over her body for itself, taking it's best chance to escape and preserve its life.

There was going to be a horror element as the dark druid tree monster stalked the night sending roots out from the dark shadows and dragging people to their doom. Any betas that remained would have been killed and maybe even an Alpha or two before it got the courage to test its newfound might against Nevan. Whereby its terror would inevitably come to a swift end.

Nevan will at some point notice how truly pathetic Scott is. Disgusted with how a supposed True Alpha now was somehow weaker than a beta. Learns that he was actually bit by Peter who held a true wolf's Alpha power that was never meant for humans and realized Scott must be some sort of pathetic mutation because of that.

He gets the thought to play around with Stiles thinking of biting him but thought better of it when he realized his wife has never bitten anyone in her new form and was curious what would happen. After taunting him for his love of Lydia who he points out only likes alpha males, and arguing why he doesn't just change everyone into a werewolf if there so great, he replies there was no way he was going to go around biting everyone that would be far too tiring and boring.

Rebekah then bites him against his will, thus turning him into an Alpha Vampire, an amusing surprise for Nevan who grinned evilly thinking of the new possibilities.

This causes friction in the friend group with Stiles's new aggressive confidence.

Stiles ultimately gets Lydia only to ruin it when something came for her when they were about to get it on and she leaves, and he finds himself in the home alone with her very horney mother which he takes full advantage of only to get caught by Lydia who breaks up with him in rage.

Stiles explains to Scott he couldn't help it, he loved everything about Lydia, including where she came from.

The jaguar Kate shows up with some berserkers intending to finish the wolves like she was always supposed to. Her orders from way back in the day always have come from the original Jaguars who've been planning on wiping out all the wolves.

Nevan kids are born and we have fun family moments, 3 girls and one boy. Their lives slow down as he takes care of them, introducing them to hope and the rest of the family at some point.

The hunters and government ramp up their war against supernaturals with many small skirmishes happening around the country.

Witches try and stay out of it. The ones Nevan owes a favor to ask for his help against Arcadius, a well-known devil who wishes to see the world burn.

The vampires across the sea begin to cross sending some of their best Alphas with supernatural gifts of their own.

War pretty much breaks out everywhere, cities crumble, and the armies are called at this point as everyone learns the truth of the world.

Small-time witches are used as tactical missiles in the coming war with the stronger ones simply trying to stay out of it and guard themselves.

Nevan gathers his original pack to confront the Alpha Vampires, Jaguars and their ritual summons. He's betrayed by one of his own, Haman, who grew to despise everything and everyone, blaming Nevan for it all.

Needless to say, it didn't end well for him as his betrayal became an utter failure of monumental proportions as Nevan casually reveals how much more powerful he is than everyone else. Haman's life from that point on was a torturous existence hanging over a bed of acid with half his body submerged trying to heal itself through the constant dissolving of flesh.

At some point, Legacies Malivore shows up and he learns why some of his memories are missing about dragons and such.

Throughout all this the one behind the Jaguar's revival grows stronger with each passing supernatural death, his dark power and influence growing ever more as their souls fall into his realm.

Nevan learns of this and knows it's not over. With the help of some witches, he's able to travel there while still alive and hunt him down.

Thinking of maybe reintroducing some characters that were previously dead like Stefan and Damon who he brutally punishes, possibly saving their heads to take back to his wife.

Then the final battle between the all-powerful and extremely dangerous Necromancer and Nevan begins with of course Nevan making it back to his wife and family where they live happily ever after..