
Meeting Family?

Nevan able to control whether or not the woman he sleeps with get pregnant knew Rebekah was now carrying his child as he woke up this morning placing his hand on her belly as she slept. Being a shifter came with many perks when it came to controlling one's own body.

She stirred at his touch, opening her eyes as she smiled, stretching out, "Morning my love."

Nevan smiling back leaned in to peck her, "Well I delivered on my promise so don't be going crazy with your powers while you are pregnant."

Rebekah's eyes widened, "Is it true? How do you even know yet?" giving him a questioning look.

Nevan- "Shifter perks my dear, as well as the fact I used my special magic to all but ensure it, if your not pregnant I'll be very surprised."

Rebekah let out a happy yell as she hugged him and kissed him. Getting out of bed, willing a

black keyhole blouse and tight black pants to match as she headed towards the door.

Nevan grabbing her before she could head out also willing his classic black sports shoes, short pants and grey short sleeve shirt which Rebekah wasn't fond of, but didn't want to force him to change something he's been wearing for so long, yet.

Nevan- "Hold up there, now that your pregnant we need to go over some rules..." ignoring the frown on Rebekahs face, "First rule you are no longer allowed to shift unless your life is at stake, 2nd rule while you can't technically die from having your head snapped or being staked, I hope you at least realize that this should count as a death now that your pregnant, so do not allow yourself to be harmed in any way." making sure to stress the last part.

Rebekah furrowing her brows at the implications of what he said, the last thing she wanted to do was harm her unborn child. "I understand, I'm glad you mentioned this, I wasn't thinking about this sort of stuff."

Nevan giving her a solemn expression- "Are you sure you understand?" not letting her out from his grip till he was sure. This was now also his child which he would not let anyone harm.

Rebekah frowning- "Do you not trust me? I've wanted this for the longest time, I'm not about to let harm come to my child!"

Nevan shaking his head- "You were about to walk out that door and head towards a potential disaster, family or not, it is well known what your family likes to do to each other and you all seem to get caught off guard from your family members...If your brothers try and snap or stab you now, I will not let them off with a mere beating, I will end them." eyes glowing as he bared fangs.

Rebekah paled a little, not wanting to see her baby harmed or her brothers, well at least not Elijah. "I understand, I will keep my guard up around them as well and I think I should just tell them so they know what not to do."

Nevan- "Well at first I was thinking of taking you somewhere far away to hide out till you give birth, but after birth, I would still feel the same way about my kid, so that won't work, can't just hide you two forever,

I also thought about keeping it secret, but after telling Hayley that's out the window, but that's ok because like you said it may be better for them to know so they don't cause accidental harm and they can also help take care of you, hopefully."

Not believing that Niklaus would be interested in helping out, maybe Elijah, but unlikely since he has some morbid relationship with Niklaus.

Rebekah perking up- "Yes, I'm sure they will, the way they're going on and on about Hope, they have to give the same importance to ours...Otherwise, we will make them pay, Hmph!"

Nevan smiled wryly as he followed her down the stairs towards the living room where the others have gathered.


Niklaus- "How can we trust him, even if he hasn't put our sister under a spell, which all signs point towards, he's still a stranger, a threat, a creature we don't know anything about, what Original werewolf bullshit, how come we only see and hear of him now."

Elijah- "Our sister does seem happy though, and from what I could see, still in her right mind, the marking on the finger is strange, but I don't think we should jump to conclusions, we can't antagonize him before we know for sure what we're dealing with, you saw and felt his strength first hand."

Niklaus giving an ugly face at the reminder of his humiliation, the feeling of having to submit to someone against his own will was a frightening experience.

Hayley- "Well if you ask me I believe them, you should be happy to get such a strong ally for Hope." looking down as she made funny faces to make Hope smile and let out a giggle.

Niklaus lips twitching up as he saw his daughter laugh, before returning to a frown as he heard them come down the stairs.

Nevan entering the room first with Rebekah behind him, looking at Hayley in a white shirt and tight jeans, playing with Hope who was in nothing but diaper on the coffee table facing her, Niklaus in a black long shirt with black jeans to match and Elijah in his classic suit look, standing on opposite sides of them as they debated on what to do about Nevan.

Nevan gave a Hayley a nice warm smile- "Thank you, Hayley." Turning to Niklaus and Elijah that same smile gave them a feeling of dread, "Now everything Hayley told you is true, but let's forget about that for a second and concentrate on something far more important." Lifting his hand out so Rebekah would take it as he walked her over to sit down in the chair opposite them, while he stood guard to the side.

Niklaus and Elijah patiently waited not wanting to set him off with Hope right next to them.

Nevan- "Alright so on to important business, you all wish to watch out and take care of Hope, I will help you do this, in exchange you must help out and look out for Rebekah who is now pregnant with my child.

Be warned should any harm come to my child, which means if any scratch comes onto Rebekah I will not only slaughter the ones responsible I will raze the ground in whatever city she's in that it happens." trying to subtly mock the fact they loved New Orleans so much, only to have it go over their heads.

All their eyes went wide as they looked towards Rebekah who had the widest smile as she rubbed her tummy despite not having remotely any form of a bump yet.

Niklaus spoke first- "You say she's pregnant?" recalling what Hayley told him yesterday, "So you did change her into something else like Hayley said?" frowning as he asked, "Is she now a hybrid as well?"

Nevan shook his head- "No, I wouldn't call her a hybrid, she's more like a vampire who can turn into a werewolf, they're still separate and not melded together like you and Hayley."

Niklaus with furrowed brows stood quiet as he tried to process everything. Hayley was surprised to find them coming down the next day saying they're pregnant after just telling her last night they were going to go make a baby, was it that easy to get pregnant, blushing as she thought back at how all it took was one night for her as well.

Elijah started to walk over when Nevan stood in front of him- "I just wish to congratulate my beloved sister at having her dream fulfilled."

Rebekah- "It's alright Nevan, you can't be this overprotective."

Nevan snorted as he moved away, Rebekah getting up and receiving Elijah's hug.

Niklaus putting all of this on the back burner- "Well my sister certainly picked a wonderful time to get pregnant." his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Rebekah ignoring him retorted- "At least Hope won't be alone anymore."

Elijah interrupting their banter- "I think this is a wonderful thing despite some questionable elements involved." not hiding his displeasure at Nevan, "Our family is now growing, something we could not have dreamed of just a year ago, this should be celebrated."

Niklaus still unhappy- "Yes it should be celebrated, the targets have increased from one to two."

Nevan instantly reacting to his words as he zoomed up and grabbed his neck lifting him off the ground. "You should watch your mouth when you're around me, I have offered you my help and if you choose to spit on it, I shall leave with Rebekah and let you fend for yourself." his eyes glowing to exert his blood pressure that he knew Niklaus would hate the feeling of being lesser.

Elijah zoomed over placing his hand on Nevans- "This is not necessary, we are family now." trying to coax Nevan to stop.

He reluctantly dropped him, returning to Rebekah's side, then put on a happy face as he changed his tune, "Niklaus, my new brother, if you wish to increase your pathetic strength, you only need to ask."

This caught Niklaus off guard, first being called brother by the hateful man after getting played with like a toy and then being offered a way to grow his strength, for the first time in his life he was at a lost for words.

Elijah didn't know what to think as he asked- "You have a way to make him stronger?"

Nevan simply nodded with a wicked grin on his face.

Elijah looking over to Niklaus was fascinated at seeing his brother stumped, he decided to leave this for later as he said what wasn't being said- "We still have to talk about our mother."

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