

Nevan, Rebekah, Hayley, and Jackson were now left alone sitting out together looking out over the water. They just got done with their meeting discussing Nevan's plans for them, he simply outlined what he wanted them to do while he was here, having them stay away from the city and train up in the short term.

Magical creatures tend to rely only on their natural gifts without training them, the Original vampires are a prime example, living for over a thousand years yet still have no actual fighting ability, only running around swinging as hard as they can.

Jackson looking worried- "I don't know if you should have shown them last part, with the taking of the alpha's power."

Nevan- "I thought that at first, but it's better to know then not, what if outside packs come around and catch you off guard because you didn't know they were aiming for it."

Jackson sighed- "Yeah that's good and all, but now things are very tense, all the new alphas are on edge and I have a feeling some blue eyes will be taken care of now."

Nevan eyes glowed- "You alphas need to learn what it means to be alpha, to not fear your subordinates, to not fear danger, to be the strongest, the bravest, to Lead! If you get unnerved just because of this, you have no reason to be the alpha."

Rebekah seeing the mood was dampened tried to lighten things up- "Well how but something fun to hear, I got a call from Elijah while you were doing your wolf meeting and he says Niklaus has been trapped with all his head vamps in our New Orleans home."

Nevan and Jackson grinned at the news while Hayley remained neutral and asked- "Is he in any sort of danger?"

Jackson grinning as he stood up- "Well who cares about that, what is more, important is they're all trapped, this could be an opportunity for us."

Nevan- "No, the wolves will stay out here and stick with the training plan, what I failed to mention is that our kind is being hunted by a similar one and we need to be prepared to face them, the vampires mean nothing."

Jackson on edge- "Nothing? I know your our Original or whatever but the vampires have been hounding us and killing our kind for a long time now around here and where were you when that was going on."

Nevan glanced at him as he laughed at him- "I wasn't the one who lost you your alpha power."

Hayley seeing Jackson about to say something more interrupted- "Stop, don't antagonize our benefactor...Now Nevan you were saying something about a different threat?"

Nevan- "Well truth be told I felt a little guilty sitting by while my kind was being wiped out from our enemies, that's the reason I decided to help you gain some strong alphas...The enemy is the werejaguars, so be on guard towards any blue-spotted cat-like humans and of course the regular jaguars and beast form like ours."

Jackson and Hayley both asked together- "Wait what do you mean being wiped out?" "Are you serious?"

Nevan sat up looking serious- "I want you and your packs trained, war is coming, I can feel it, don't worry about the city, don't worry about the vamps, the witches could be a threat as well since some of them have allied with the jaguars. You need to train and train hard, stay out here and do that, I will take care of everything else in this city before I leave,"

Jackson and Hayley nodded taking his words seriously.

Hayley frowning- "What about me? I'm still connected with Niklaus....wait a second are we all connected to you as well?"

Jackson forgetting this looked worried for her as well, and then eyes widened when he heard the second part as he looked towards Nevan for an answer.

Nevan grinned- "Nope, ours is more of a gift than a curse, don't you think?"

Nevan- "As for Niklaus and your connection, you don't have to worry about it, I'll at least make sure he doesn't die, if he pisses me off I'll do what some of you should have done a while ago, I'll rip his arms and legs off and stick him in a metal box to rot."

This made them all shudder as he said it without any emotion whatsoever, just saying it as if it would definitely be done.

Rebekah unhappily said- "Nevan don't forget what else he is now."

Nevan looking over to Hayley who didn't seem the least bit disturbed- "I don't think you want a fath...like that." before he was pinched hard by Rebekah, "Damn girl ok, he can have visiting rights should it come to it." said Nevan as he rubbed his side.

Rebekah grinned- "Don't get me wrong, I would love to see him suffer for all that he's done, but you know that this could redeem him, I wish to help Elijah in this way."

Hayley meanwhile was looking nervously at Jackson hoping he didn't get what was left unsaid, sighing when she heard him, "Am I missing something here?"

"No, come on let's go train with the pack and let them know about the jaguar threat," Hayley said as she grabbed his hand and walked him away.

Rebekah watching them leave turned and asked- "Shall we go make sure my brother isn't about to drop dead?"

Nevan grumbling- "Fine."

Looking over at her looking sexy in the red dress she just willed on, as she started to put on red lipstick.

Nevan- "What are you doing?"

Rebekah smiled- "I wanted to look nice and maybe go on a little date tonight while in the city."

Nevan smiled back as he lifted her in a princess carry- "You know, I forgot to show you something special with my new powers."

Rebekah feeling comfortable in his arms while resting her head against his chest asked- "Oh? what is it?"

Nevan laughed- "Look down."

Rebekah's eyes went wide as her grip on him grew tighter- "We're flying!?"

They were now hovering over the bayou, still rising higher as they reached the clouds. It was already dark as Nevan took her above the sea of clouds, to see the stars and the now full moon shining brightly.

Nevan smiling- "How's this for a date?"

Rebekah felt like she was in absolute bliss, a dream she never wanted to end as she looked around at the wondrous site in the arms of the man she loved.

Rebekah with a bit of blush as she looked up at him- "This is amazing."

Nevan leaned down and gave her a deep kiss- "You know you have half my power, do you want to give it a try?"

Rebekah with stars of her own her eyes- "Yes! yes! teach me."

Nevan- "Alright hold onto my hands and step on to my feet."

She did as told, as she watched him will a black suit on to match her red dress which lit up her face in joy seeing him in a handsome suit. "You look good."

Nevan leaning down again as he kissed her whispered- "So do you my dear, now I can manage to levitate in place with my human form, to do more though I would have to switch to Noblesse, I can manage small things while in human form, but you'll need to shift to Noblesse to be able to achieve the same thing."

Rebekah not wanting to ruin the atmosphere put her hands around his neck- "Let's forget that then and enjoy ourselves like this."

Nevan understanding placed his hands around her waist and started to dance with her while she stood on his feet, leaning in, foreheads resting against each other.

Rebekah- "I love you."

Nevan- "And I you."

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