

Rebekah was practically glowing the following day after discussing things with a very supportive Nevan. Setting a date for baby supply shopping over the weekend was the most exciting thing she has ever done in her life. The thought of zooming around and taking care of four of them now only put a smile on her face.

To top it all off, today was the day she got her beautiful Red Ferrari out of the shop and was eager to drive it again.

She revved the engine loud and proud before peeling out of the shop and straight to school. Happy to show off all her newfound good fortune and let others bask in her radiance, and bask they did.

As soon as she pulled up, she was swarmed by the student body, many eager to take pictures and cozy up to her in the hopes of getting a ride.

Rebekah noticed Lydia and Allison watching from afar and gave them a wave before turning back to appease the crowd.

Lydia's eyes narrowed at the growing fanbase of drooling idiots surrounding her. Giving a "Hmph," she stormed off, unable to stand the scene for a moment longer.

"Wow, can you believe she actually has a Ferrari, I wonder what her parents do," said Allison not realizing her friend left,- "Lydia? Hey Lydia wait up," she calls out, spotting her friend heading in.

Inside Lydia scoffed at seeing her mom once again all over Nevan flirting. She tried to delicately warn her mom about him but that clearly went nowhere.


Parking his jeep, Stiles's eyes widened,- "Wow, would you look at that baby, where the heck did she come from driving that to school?"

Too busy to be impressed, Scott snaps him out of it,- "Stiles, let's go, we have work to do, and we need to make sure to keep an eye on Erica. Derek said she's steadily losing control as the full moon draws closer, and she was already having a hard time controlling her urges before she got kidnapped, and now she might just go off at any moment when she sees the twins."

Stiles,- "Right, right, I can help try and help keep her calm or maybe it would be better if we just keep them separated and try and keep them from the meeting so I and the rest of the student body don't get torn to shreds, but what about Boyd and Isaac."

"Derek says Boyd is fine, Isaac, on the other hand, can be a little unpredictable, so yeah we got our work cut out for us, not to mention the other million things that we have to watch out for," sighed Scott.

"Speak of the devils," Stiles said indicating the twin's arrival on their motorcycles, parking near Rebekah's Ferrari to get a better look at it.


Cora, Boyd, and Erica arrived much later as Cora had been yelling at them, questioning why they would tell Derek after she thought they agreed to hold off on it.

"We're sorry, but the guilt was eating at us," said Boyd.

"Guilt? What are you talking about?" Asked Cora seeing both of them lower their heads.

"There's something you should know," said Boyd glancing at Erica who shook her head in denial.

"Come on Erica, we can tell her, this is Cora we're talking about, she deserves to know after breaking her trust," said Boyd.

"Whatever," said Erica letting him continue.

With a sigh, Body began telling her everything,- "Alright, here it goes, we met because the Alpha's caught us fleeing town, we were trying to escape when we learned how dangerous it was here with all the hunters, we didn't want to die."

Silence fills the woods as Cora processes what he just said.

"So what you're saying is, you both left my brother to flee?" Asked Cora through gritted teeth.

They both sadly nodded.

"You Abandoned Him!" Yelled Cora angrily.

"I can't believe you would do that after everything he's done for you! Especially you Erica! How could you?!" Asked Cora wanting nothing more than to explode and go off on them. Holding back only because of the time they spent imprisoned together.

Erica looked away unable to deny it.

However Body shot back,- "What do you know, we weren't born werewolves, we had no idea that being turned would mean being hunted for the rest of our lives, Derek told us nothing about that!"

Cora took a breath, calming herself,- "You're right, I don't know, I've only been hunted since birth, (They both wince,) and I apologize if my brother didn't properly warn you like he should have beforehand, which begs the question why are you still here?"

Erica speaks up first in a soft voice,- "After we were freed, we went back to our families and saw how devastated they were without us, we knew we couldn't do that to them again."

"Tch, I expected better from you two," said Cora walking away disappointed.

Erica and Body slowly followed after her, giving a wide berth between them.

Seeing the parking lot empty, they realized how late they must be. Checking the time, first period was almost over as they quietly traveled through the halls.

Both of them paused when they caught a particularly foul smell.

They both turned with yellow glowing eyes landing on the two cocky smug-looking twins in their leather jackets.

Squaring up against them, claws out, Cora rushed back,- "Stop it now, you can't do this in public, don't cause any more problems for Derek!" She hissed in as low as a volume as she could manage.

Hearing this quickly brought sense to Boyd and Erica as they pulled their claws back in, eyes glaring normally. Causing more problems was the last thing they wanted to do.

Seeing nothing happening, the twins took into their own hands as they stood back in shock as one twin began beating the other bloody, finishing right as the bell rang letting first classes out.

The twins played their part well, pinning it on Boyd when a teacher came.

Nevan watching from his classroom door could only imagine what happened, though he had a pretty good idea since the betas were all unharmed against two alphas. His interest in the twins grew, wondering just how capable and cutthroat they really were.

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