
In Bernia

π•Ώπ–π–Š π•»π–—π–Šπ–˜π–Šπ–“π–™

(𝖄/𝖓 𝖕𝖔𝖛)

"Let's crush them," I yell to the small army of giants in front of me, "We are superior, we will win!" They let out a quick battle cry and headed towards the medium army made of humans. Me and the blue, four-armed giant speed-walked towards the humans.

I looked at him, as he looked back he smiled and nodded, "Lets go, chief."

π•Ώπ–π–Š π•»π–—π–Šπ–˜π–Šπ–“π–™

(3𝖗𝖉 𝖕𝖔𝖛)

Y/n woke up with hot tears in the corner of her eyes, as she thought back on her dream.

'The first battle I led as War Chief.'

As she dwelled on the thoughts, she got out of her bed, her long h/c hair gliding down her calves. She got dressed and tried to push the thoughts of the dream away.

Even though it's been years, even centuries, she still thought about him. That battle cost her two very important things, her sister and her king, Drole. Due to her sister literally dying in her arms, fighting scared her. She thought if she fought, she would continue to lose more people. So, she put fighting as a last resort or unless it was to help her race.

And Drole's disappearance still affected her, even in her dreams. And in real life she was reminded of the little things they used to do together.

She put on her boar hat uniform, and smoothed out the wrinkles on her green dress and headed downstairs to start helping out.


"Um about this outfit," Elizabeth says as she inspects it some more. "It's my bar's uniform," Meliodas replies coolly.

"Sorry that his taste is so obvious," Hawk says looking at the girl. Y/n snickers at the pigs comment. "So, all I have to do is gather rumors and information on the Seven Deadly Sins," she says turning to Y/n, "while I wait on customers, right?"

"As well as information on the Holy Knights," Y/n replies to the girl. "That would be helpful," Meliodas chimes in.

Meliodas starts to grope Elizabeth again and Y/n glares at him which he ignores. Elizabeth gets flustered and stares at Meliodas frozen. "Don't worry, just making sure it's nice and snug," Meliodas reassures her. Hawk gets annoyed and says, "Idiot! We just got some eye candy in here and you're gonna drive her away!"

Y/n fakes offended, "I thought I looked okay." Hawk stutters as the girl pouts, but Y/n busts out laughing and patted Hawks on the head, "I'm just joking besides I know I look good."

"Lord Meliodas, there's just one question I wish to ask you," Elizabeth looks towards Meliodas, "Lord Meliodas, are you as evil as the rumors say you are, If you are, what crime did you commit to earn your reputation?"

Meliodas stiffens but answers the girl anyway, "Ten years ago, I traveled all around Liones and stole all the women's underwear I could find." Elizabeth's eyes widen, "Y-You're kidding, right?!"

"Yeah, actually I went around groping the breasts of over 1,000 women." Y/n slapped him on the back of his head.

"Wh-What? Are you joking," Elizabeth asks stuttering again.


"Please stop making fun of me, or did you really commit a crime that you can't speak about to anyone?"

"Maybe, something like that."

Then Hawk's mom stopped, so Y/n grabbed a chair nearby to keep her steady. "We have arrived," Meliodas announces, "Our next target for gathering information, Bernia Village!"

Then he starts rambling. "My bar stocks alcohol from all over the kingdom, but the booze from Bernia is on a different level! Using water from a river hailed as the best in all of Liones, and grout that's found growing along the banks, Bernia Ale is renowned throughout the kingdom!"

"It appears that the famous river has dried up," Hawk points out getting Y/n attention. "The herbs all look like they've wilted too," Elizabeth also points something out.

They start walking towards the village. "I wonder what happened to the village," Y/n thinks aloud. They approach a large crowd. "I wonder if there's a festival," Elizabeth says.

"Yo," Meliodas calls out catching someone's attention. "You're from the Boar Hat'sβ€”," Meliodas cut him off. "Is there a festival today?"

The man looked appalled and replied angrily, "Huh? Does this look like a festival to you? We're trying to pull out the sword that the Holy Knight stuck into the ground!"

"The Holy Knight stuck the sword in the ground," Meliodas asked perplexed. "What for," Y/n asked. "Yesterday, we incurred the wrath of a Holy Knight. The Holy Knight's- his magic-imbued sword, has sealed away the village's underground water source." "At this rate, not only will the river disappear, but all the grout, too! If that happens, Bernia's ale will be," the man trailed off, "Damn!"

"It couldn't be the one that Lord Meliodas defeated, could it," Elizabeth asked the group. "Lord Twigo," Meliodas asked. "No, he wasn't really a Holy Knight, a real Holy Knight is nothing like that." "I hate to say it, but the village might be done for good," the villager said sadly.

Soon, a kid comes to the crowd, "Oh, come on, what's everyone whining about? Is this about the sword? If so just If you leave it to my pal from the Seven Deadly Sins, it'll be a breeze." 'Quite cocky, for your age,' Y/n thought. But the villagers got pissed at the small boy.

"Listen, Mead! Just who do you think is responsible for this in the first place," one of them yelled. "Mentioning the Deadly Sins is just about the worst thing you could do!" Y/n just rolled her E/c eyes. "Yeah! Don't make the Holy Knight angrier than he already is!" "What exactly do you have against us?"

The little boy looked hurt and said, "I never meant it like that."

But the villagers continued to yell at him. "We're through with your lies and jokes!" "Stupid Mead!"

The little boys eyes started sprouting tears, "I hate everyone!"

"Yeah, well, we all hate you too, Mead!"

"Shut up you idiots! Your all idiots!"

"Why am I getting dragged into this," Meliodas muttered to himself. "Everyone, stop," one villager yelled. "Looks like we dropped by at a bad time," Hawks said walking back to the tavern. Y/n, Meliodas, and Mead followed Hawk.


"Damn they were really angry," Y/n said wiping down mugs behind the bar. "Hey, kid," Meliodas turns to the kid, "Back there-" Mead interrupted him, "Aren't you a kid?" Y/n started to snicker, receiving a look from the boys. Mead looked up at the peculiar, tall woman, "And you," he pointed at the lady, "You're so tall and what's with the eggplant skin?"

Y/n instantly frowned, not at the height joke, but the skin color joke. It kind of reminded her of the times when she was cast out, but then she met Drole. A smile appeared on her face and she chuckled, "You got jokes huh kid?" Mead turned his head from the tall E/c colored woman, to stare at the kid-like man, "Is this a bar?"

"The Boar Hat, yeah my bar," Meliodas replies.

"Well I'm hungry."

"Well, answer my question and I'll cook you something."

Y/n coughed loudly, receiving a glare from Meliodas. "His food is nasty, I'm warning you kid, I'll cook for you instead." "No, I can, get back to the mugs." Y/n threw her hands up in the air in defeat.


"Disgusting," Mead said tasting the food. "I warned you," Y/n said to the boy sitting at his table.

"Is it true? That your friend is one of the Seven," Meliodas asked. "The food was so disgusting that I forgot," Mead replied. Y/n laughed and fist-bumped the kid. They started talking about Bernia Ale until Elizabeth walked in.

"Oh, you're back," Meliodas looked at the girl who stared at the little boy ignoring him.

"Mead, you're quite the prankster, aren't you," Elizabeth questioned him.

"Huh? What's with this meddling lady?"

"When I was younger, my father used to scold me all the time for pulling pranks."

"What's your point?"

"In short, I did it for his attention."

" I-I didn't mean to pull pranks or tell lies because of that."

"Tell me."

Y/n leaned back in her seat, listening to the boys story. "Mom and dad were both travelers. But a few years ago, they both fell victim to an epidemic when they stopped by Bernia Village," He paused to take a breathe, "I was alone, But the villagers took me in and raised me in place of my parents." Y/n rubbed his back as he continued, "I was really happy, but in the end, I was never a part of anyone's family." He started to tear up, "I became jealous of everyone else who had families. So I started pulling pranks and telling lies."

Elizabeth Interrupted, "Is that why you put the bug in the Holy Knight's drink?"

"No! It was because that Holy Knight made fools out of all of us! All the adults and even the kids, they worked hard, worked hard every single day to make the very best ale. Holy Knights are all a joke!" Meliodas chimed in, "So, when you said your friend was one of the Seven-"

Mead cut him off, "I-It was a lie."

"I see. Got worked up for nothing." Y/n finally spoke up, "Why make up a lie like that?"

"Because the Seven Deadly Sins are being chased by the Holy Knights, right? If the evil Holy Knights are after them, that means they must be good people, right?" Y/n nodded her head at the boy.

Mead suddenly ran out towards the village with Y/n and Meliodas, then eventually Elizabeth and Hawk calling after the boy.


"If you aren't able to pull out the Holy Knight's sword by sunset, we're going to increase the taxes on this village tenfold," a Holy knight yelled to the crowd. The statement enraged the crowd, "That's insane!"

"With the water dried up, we won't even be able to make a single glass of ale!"

"This is your punishment," one knight yelled, "not only did you insult the Holy Knight, you even claimed that one of the villainous Seven Deadly Sins was a friend of yours!"

"Shit, if only Mead hadn't shot his stupid mouth off," the crowd continued to yell.

Y/n had enough and walked back to the tavern.

She didn't want to hurt any humans.


"I wonder if I'll be able to pull this off," Elizabeth began to get nervous, "It's the first time I've ever done anything like this." "You'll be fine, I was nervous, well not this much obviously, but you'll be okay," Y/n tried to calm her down. "I see, I see. So this is your first time, don't worry about gathering information today," Meliodas said trying to make it more easy on the girl.

"Just take it easy," both Meliodas and Y/n said.

"I'll take it easy!"


Y/n watched as the newbie continued to make mistakes. She quietly sighed continuing to pour the drinks for her to come deliver to tables.

"Well, looks like we'll have plenty of leftovers," Hawk joked which the purple girl laughed at.

Y/n zoned out as she prepared the drinks, letting her mind drift to the events that occurred today. She had gotten quite attached to the Mead boy, as she thought he reminded her of herself. With the whole parents thing of course. Which also reminded her of her niece, 'I should check where Diane ran off to.'


"She's a mess out there, aren't you gonna console her or anything," Y/n watched as Hawk voiced his concerns to Meliodas. To which he responded with "I'm going to pee", Y/n just rolled her eyes. Hawk just huffed and complained some more as Meliodas walked out.

Y/n made her rounds collecting dishes and went to go wash them. As she got down with have the load, she heard a commotion outside. She decided to ignore it, since Meliodas was outside.

When she was done, she went upstairs to go to bed.

'I wonder how my niece is,' she thought as she fell into a soothing slumber.

"𝕹𝖔 π–’π–†π–™π–™π–Šπ–— π–π–”π–œ π–’π–šπ–ˆπ– π–žπ–”π–š π–‡π–‘π–Šπ–Šπ–‰ 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–Šπ–›π–Šπ–“ π–Žπ–‹ π–žπ–”π–šπ–— π–™π–Šπ–†π–—π–˜ π–—π–šπ–“ π–‰π–—π–ž, π–žπ–”π–š π–˜π–™π–Žπ–ˆπ– 𝖙𝖔 π–Žπ–™. 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙'π–˜ π–œπ–π–†π–™ 𝖆 π–π–“π–Žπ–Œπ–π–™ π–˜π–™π–†π–“π–‰π–˜ 𝖋𝖔𝖗."


I'm sorry for not posting sooner, this week was when they were posting grades and it was hectic. I had some work to make up.

Goodbye for now, and I will be getting my transcripts from http://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PRADAABOYcreators' thoughts
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