
Chapter 1

"Zhan dear, please wake up, for school" I tossed and turned on my bed. Not wanting to get up. I put my head under my pillow wanting to not get up. My school was always the same,A mess. My mom slowly came into my room. I could hear the creek of the door and a slight beam of light. I put my head out of my pillow. I could see my mom's black hair and I just didn't want to get up right now at all but I had to because my Mother said so. My Family's History is from east Asia and I moved to America when I was very young. "Zhan dear, I just told you to wake up a few minutes ago" My mom said. Let me tell you something never ever argue with Asian moms because the end results will always be- "Oh okay you don't want to wake up" I saw my mom slowly taking off her slipper I knew I was dead meat. I jumped out of bed and sprinted into my closet, hearing my Mother's slipper fall behind me. My Mother slowly left the room and I came out. I gave a slow sigh and walked to get ready. I wore my school uniform which was a white shirt with a dark blue coat and a skirt. I slid up my socks and jumped into my shoes and tying the straps together. Then I brushed my what I think was Elegant hair but I know for my mom it's "#Her property" So I must keep it the way she likes it. I just put my long black hair flow and braided it a little bit from my scalp into a small bun while the rest of my hair was loose. Even though I was going to school and not a fashion show there were no dress code rules for how your hair is. I walked my way to school because of course my Mother will not drop me off at my school. That kind of does not matter. I like walking and catching fresh air. "Look out," a person yelled. I tried to turn around but before I could. SPLASH! There was mud all over my uniform. Great, Amazing! If this day could not get any worse.The person came up to me and grabbed my hand shaking it vigorously asking for an apology. I first didn't realize what was happening but when I found out I said that it was nothing to worry about. Just as they went away I thought to myself. This was just the start of the day, I knew that because I have not even gone to school by now and like I said before, my school is always a hot mess. Even though my uniform is almost ruined I do not want to be late unless I want a beating from Ma. Don't worry, even if mom gets the slipper again I'll just run out of her reach but right now I really don't want to be a part of my mom's horrible Wrath. After a few minutes of walking I finally made it to my school. I walked up my stairs slowly preparing myself for what was now to come and yes it was a hot mess. People were fighting, talking, gossiping, and the smell of food filled the air. And then, of course, a paper airplane hit my head. I was almost going to be hit by a paper ball too but I dodged it just in time but I knew if I tried to fight back or said anything I would be the one who would be more annoyed so I just sat there quietly and I took my seat. I then saw that a girl, who was almost the same height as me, was being bullied by two boys. They had her pencil case. To be honest I didn't like the girl either that much. I never quite talked that much to her but if I did I would not quite enjoy our conversations. She had a squeaky voice and was always bullied by everyone around her and called a witch. To be honest I never tried to stop it nor say anything because I knew if I talked I would be the person who would be humiliated. The girl's name was Faith. As I just stared I saw someone tall and with an Athletic body come through, she had short, fluffy hair and then I realized Oh that's my bestie, Katherine! "So you boys never learn huh, give her her case back" She snatched the case out of the boy's hands and gave it to Faith. I came up to Katherine. "Wassup' gurl"

"Nothing much Shortie"

"How many times have I told you not to call me shortie? I am not short"

"Yeah yeah of course you are not short, just look at you, I remember my brother calling you a Hobbit"

We started a conversation and in middle of our conversation Faith fixed her glasses and said "Oh also thanks for helping me out there Katherine" I didn't realize at first Faith was talking but then I realized quickly "Oh no problem" said Katherine while brushing her fluffy hair with her hand. "Damn I am so jealous of your fluffy hair Katherine."

"As you should be Zhan"

"Wow you have not said my name for a very long time.

"Yeah because calling you Shortie is more fun"

We came to our seats. I was seated right next to Katherine, of course because she is my bestie and Faith was seated in front of us with another girl named Rameen but we called her Ramen as a fun nickname. At this time(8:30am) we usually study Grammar but today the teacher was absent so we were studying Math. I was not really that much interested in Math. I thought it was hard sometimes but Katherine was a Math nerd tbh. Uh Is Katherine Perfect or something? She has an athletic body, fluffy hair and was academically smart, ugh. I was just fidgeting with a pencil when I heard an announcement coming

"All students please stay calm and know there is a person with an illegal weapon here in the school, we will look everywhere and you will not be allowed to leave the school until the person is found"

I kind of felt my guts fall out but I knew it couldn't be anyone from my class. We were just 9th graders, how could someone bring an illegal weapon to school, but still it could also be the 10th, 11th or 12th graders, Nobody knows. I kind of just ignored the whole announcement because I knew my class would never have been the ones who had committed such a horrible act. I gave a deep breath. Faith leaned over at my table and said "Hey, Could I put some of my stuff in your case for some time, I don't have space on my table." I didn't think much of it and replied "Sure" and then I opened my amazing case with 3 layers. Shocking Faith. I felt so superior with my amazing case. "Shortie, Faith is asking you something." I realized I was just over imagining everything. "Oh shit, Anyways yeah Faith give the stuff to me." For a little minute I kind of started having second thoughts but I soon realized that the things were just some sanitizers, a few pens but that made my case look very much stuffed. It was okay though. Soon the head mistress came in and started observing. Her stare made the whole class quiet. It looked like she was staring into our souls. Her stare gave me a very bad flashback to the time my Mother gave me the same look, the death stare at the dinner table the time I got very less marks. Oh and then the beating, oh oh I will never forget that. Anyways then The Head Mistress slowly stared at all of us and went through everyone's pouches. She also said "The people who are considered suspicious will be named as the SS. SS must meet me near the back corridor" The Head Mistress then walked up to everyone and only one person was named as SS." After the class I slowly made my way to the back corridor to meet the Head Mistress. The line was huge and I kind of felt like I was having Deja-Vu. No not the Olivia Rodrigo song but like the actual Deja-Vu. So yeah I didn't know what was happening so I made my way to the front where a teacher saw me and I asked her where the Head Mistress was. No answer.

"Umm Maam I just asked you where the head Mistress is?"



"I do not know."

I felt very weird and when she said those words I then looked back at the people in the line, why was the line so long and I went back to the main place and I met my best friend Katherine at that place too she was waiting for me. " 'sup girl."

"What took you so long?"

"I don't know weird things have been happening lately."

"Yeah yeah here, you're lucky it didn't melt yet."

She held her hand towards me and I saw she had ice cream in her hand.

"Awww you shouldn't have bestie"

"Damn, okay I will eat it myself then."

"No wait I didn't mean it like that give me the ice cream."

I laughed and talked to Katherine on the way talking about normal stuff like the drama happening in the school like always. We were walking near the part with a lot of trees mostly known for having squirrels but what we say was not a squirrel but a whole damn cat. A whole cat leaped on Katherine as she yelled "Ahhh WTF"

I couldn't help laughing. Soon Katherine took the cat off her. I felt so bad for her. She wasn't having a very nice day, was she? We sat near the stairs and to cheer up the mood Katherine started singing. I sang after her but as we were singing and having fun a kid of about 5 years came up to us.