
The beginning...

Sunnyvale, is just like any nursing home. We, the nurses, care for the elderly and disabled people of our community who can't take care of themselves. Things run normally, the nurses give the patients a bath, make their food, change their clothes, and clean up any random messes they make. But than a month ago and accident occurred, one of the patients went missing. Of course we went through all the normal procedures, first put the building on lock-down, search the whole building, check the security feeds, and call the police. There was no evidence, no clues, and no witnesses. It was as if the patient had just spontaneously disappeared into thin air.

Just as things started to calm down, about two weeks later, the case was at a dead end and things were returning to normal, it happened again...

It was around eight o'clock in the evening, when the patient in room 304 was escorted to bed by a very kind nurse, shortly after returning the old lady to bed for the third time that night, nurse Amy left the room and closed the door. Everything was fine. Nurses do their rounds every hour. It was a little after three in the morning, nurse Amy was making her rounds and checking on her small section of patients, when she went to check on Miss Edna in room 304. Due to the late hour, Amy didn't knock, she slowly and quietly opened the door so she wouldn't disturb Edna's rest. When she peeked in and saw the bed empty, she was naturally concerned, Edna was one of the patients that slept well but occasionally wandered. Amy turned on the light, "Edna, It's me Nurse Amy, where are are you?" After no response she began to search the room. No Edna in the bathroom, not in her chair, not in the closet or under the bed. She was simply gone. However something was strange. Amy saw a greeting card on Edna's side table that she hadn't noticed earlier, the strange part was that the inside of the displayed greeting card had a fresh spot of blood on it. Nothing else was out of place or different than what it should be. For some reason Amy felt that she shouldn't touch it, so she left it there and quickly went to check the security cameras that were placed in that hallway and across from the room.

After speeding through the footage and realizing no one but her had entered or exited Edna's room except for her since 8pm the previous evening, Amy quietly made a call to the police and asked that they send someone over as soon as possible to investigate, preferably without disturbing the other patients. She then made a call to the security desk and informed them of the situation and asked that they let the officers in when they arrived. Next she did one more check on Edna's room, and made sure everything was still the same, even that card was still in the same place so she left and locked the door. Then she proceeded to check on the rest of her patients and make sure no one else was missing.

By four in the morning the police had arrived, two officers were escorted to the third floor, west wing, of Sunnyvale Nursing Home. Amy stood up from her seat at the nursing station as they came out of the elevator, she greeted them politely and apologized for the late hour of her call, she then took them to Edna's room and stood outside with one officer while the other started asking her questions. Officer Abbot Asked, "When did you last see the patient?" Amy replied, "Around two in the morning when I was making my rounds." "What was her condition like?" He asked. "She was sleeping soundly, I pulled up her blanket that she had kicked off for the third time tonight, and left the room to finish my rounds." She said. "And at what time did you find her missing from her bed?" "At approximately 3:04am, I returned for another round and saw she wasn't in her bed so I began to search her room trying to find her." Amy replied. Officer Abbot then looked at his notepad to double check he wrote everything down, and then asked "After searching her room what did you do next?" She then recounted going to the nursing station to check the security feeds and check if Edna had wandered off to another part of the ward or if anyone else had entered the room besides her, and after not finding anything she called the police station and the security desk, then proceeding to finish her rounds to ensure no one else was missing. Finally the officer asked her, " When you searched her room was anything out of place or missing, anything that could be considered odd or strange?" Amy the recalled the greeting card, "Well, on her nightstand was a greeting card, I only found it odd because I hadn't seen it earlier in the night and because it had a spot of what looked like fresh blood on it. I didn't think to touch it or move it so it should still be there, seeing as how the door was locked until you arrived." Officer Abbot then looked at his partner and said, "Hey Man, grab the card on the nightstand, bag it and tag it." The other officer responded, "You got it." Abbot then looked at Amy, " If you can think of anything else please give us a call." He handed her a card and proceeded to leave with his Partner. The rest of the night proceeded as normal, Amy finished her shift and headed home after informing the day shift nurses of the situation and reminding them to be vigilant...

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