
Happy endings

~5 year later~

The door rings as a tall man walks into a bridal shop.

"Hello sir welcome too Happy Endings. Where we make dreams come true." Lily spoke cheerfully.

The man looked around coldly "Lily I'm not here for a happy end, but I need a shadow"

Lily dropped her smile. "Ah, then I guess I don't have to be formal. Pray tell why you need a shadow of our Ops. Please be quick before we view you as a target instead. "

Standing aloof the man lips twitched, " I need your people to kill my half brother Vincent. I believe you remember him."

Flinching slightly, and frowning harder Lily looked pained "I.....

"DON'T BULLY MY MOMMY!" A young toddler with curly black hair and iris colored eyes ran at full speed with a needle directed at the man's leg.

"No, Ryu no Lily cried." Swiping her son up while throwing the needle into a wall. "What were you doing with that needle, and who gives a 5 year old ghost poison? We don't kill clients even the scum clients."

Tilting his head and smiling like an angel. "Aunt Mime gave me the needle incase mommy got bullied by bad guys."

Sighing softly, ruffling his head, "I'll talk with her later. Again. Remember my little dragon no posions until your 7."

Hugging his mother tightly, "Okay mommy." Glaring at the bad man, "No hurting my mommy or you go bye bye." kissing his mom's cheek he ran off to the back.

"So who's the kid Lily or should I say mommy now? " Hunter sneered. " He kinda reminds me of my worthless brother."

"If you lay a finger on him you're dead do you hear me Hunter. I mean it you won't leave this shop. " Lily growled.

"I may hate him Lily but that kid has nothing to do with me. Besides I only need a shadow, I'll give you a week to give me an answer. If you could I'd like you to do it after all personal vengeance feels good. Bye Lil.

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