

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Was the title of Mrs Lu just for show?

Why would she need to personally cook?

Besides, there were rice and vegetables in the fridge for her. Why did she have to cook noodles?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. And he did not even know what he was upset about.

Seeing his master becoming as angry as a lion, Assistant Yang was a little hesitant.

"Yang Su, why would a woman sacrifice herself to protect you?

Yang Su was stunned. His master was thinking about his madam.

The flatterer in him quickly came out. "Of course it's because of love. Madam definitely risked her life for you because she loves you. After all, you are handsome, dignified, wise, powerful…"

Lu Hualiang shot him a cold gaze, and quickly swatted away Yang Su's flattery.

"It's not about playing hard to get?"

Yang Su's mouth hung open. He hit the bullseye.

He would dare say that his master had been moved, but was mistaken that Xia Weibao had only saved him to gain favour, not out of sincerity.

So he was here making a scene?

This was indeed his master. He was so sluggish!

If he liked her, then he should just admit it! Why think of all these conspiracies??

But he could not blame him either. With his position, there were far too many women who were very willing to throw themselves at him.

Especially Xia Weibao, who had such a dark history and could be directly sentenced to death without even going through a trial.

Yang Su's gaze pierced through the thick barrier and he saw the person that he had to suck up to in the future.

This Xia Weibao was not simple. In just two days, she had melted the iceberg that was Lu Hualiang!

So Assistant Yang decided to be the first person who would support and protect the Madam. He would be the starter of the trend.

His future was bright and prosperous!

"I know that Madam didn't do it on purpose. I know. But if she loses her life, what conspiracy are we even talking about?"

Lu Hualiang's pupils contracted.

His calm expression successfully disguised the confusion in his heart.

Just then, the door of the operating theatre opened and the doctor walked out.

Lu Hualiang stood up. "Doctor, how is my wife?"

Yang Su stole a glance at his master.

He had already started to call her his wife! This kid was good!

The doctor removed his mask and shook his head. "She sustained 80% burns on her back and neck. Her face was also severely burned. It's too severe. She'll need a skin transplant."

Lu Hualiang's body quivered slightly, his lips pursed in a straight line.

His expression remained calm, as though the doctor's words had not affected him.

But his clenched fist revealed his true emotions.

Yang Su was in despair. "Doctor, will our Madam be disfigured?"

The doctor looked at Lu Hualiang, shaking his head helplessly. "The plastic surgery industry is so advanced. The scars should be able to fade away, but a total recovery…"

He did not need to complete his sentence for everyone there understood him.

Lu Hualiang's face hardened and his expression was exceptionally cold. "When is the surgery."

"We're still doing tests on her skin. Probably in two days' time."

Instructing Yang Su to keep this confidential, Lu Hualiang walked into the ward.

At this time, Xia Weibao had not awakened. She was sprawled out on the bed, with her bloody back exposed.

Her skin that was once delicate and smooth now looked like a mess.

Part of her hair was singed and looked like dried grass. It stuck to the wound on her face.

Lu Hualiang's gaze wavered. He lifted his hand and swept away the hair from her ears.

To prevent the wound from getting infected.

She was dis… figured.

What a cruel thing this was to a woman.

More so when she was also a public figure.

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