
Chapter 1, Prologue

Tornado was doing his first kill in an area with cops around. He wasn't stupid he just wanted to challenge himself. He loaded his sniper, Aimed at his target (investigator), put his finger on the trigger, and shot. The bullet went right in to his heart from the back and hit the ground, splashing the blood that was on the ground from a kill. Tornado quickly got up, threw his gun into a window in another building, put on his skeleton mask and his hoodie, and ran and jumped to the building that had his gun in it. He kicked a window open, grabbed his gun from the already broken window, and slipped into the window he kicked open with his foot. He ran through the building and ran into a window, breaking it and jumping out, breaking another window and doing a shoulder roll. He ran up some stairs that led to the roof and he jumped off the roof, landing on the roof of a smaller building that allowed him to slide down and turn and grab the edge of the roof. when he was stable he dropped down and took off his hoodie, revealing a black shirt and he took off his mask, revealing a 29 year old. His partner showed up in a Lamborghini and opened the passenger door, allowing Tornado to get in and he put his stuff in his lap. His parter was a female a year younger than him. he met her when he became an assasin. They became good friends.

"You kill that in investigator? I killed my target." She said.

"Yeah and I'm out of breathe. Parkour is breathe taking." Tornado responded.

"I agree. I nearly died jumping into a window. I thought I would fall." She said.

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