

It has been a day after the Null attack, and the UK is in a panic. While this attack stung Ireland, The UK was not ready for the King to die, especially by assassination. The Republic of Ireland took interest in the Darecays and CK wanted to talk to Maria.

"I have some questions, Ms, Misses, Mr?" Cara Kelly states still in confusion.

"Maria Katarzyna." She declared.

"Okay," CK responds "but can you explain what happened?"

"Null is a stealthy monster machine, or was supposed to be." Maria answers. "Something happened and now the US hired us to eliminate their mistake."

"The US made Null." CK asked.

Maria hesitated then responded. "Some idiot was hired because they had an idea for a new weapon because they didn't want anyone else to have that weapon. In the end, they made the suit and called it Project Null. Null killed 3 engineers after they finished and left. The killings of those famous people, that was most likely Null." Maria paused for a while then looked back at CK. "We need to destroy it before it does more damage."

"I see," CK replied. "Who exactly are the other three?"

"I can't tell you that," Maria calmly states. "They are... agents for the US that want their full names anonymous. We nicknamed them York, Booth, and Shipman."

"Okay, I think we should let you work with the marines down at Haulbowline. We need to make sure this monster doesn't harm more people." CK states.

"Really?" Maria said in shock.

"Of course, you are trained killers of a friendly government." CK responds boldly. "Plus, this is a fecking emergency, we need all we can get."

"I guess I'll tell the others." Maria replies, already leaving the room.

"And one more thing." CK stops Maria.

Maria pauses, she is extremely tense.

"These are marines, if you think I'm informal, you aren't ready for them." CK states "Good luck!"

"Okay." Maria sighs in relief.

Maria walks out of the palace. She headed toward the Darcecays and told them what she was told. They got a flight to Cork and drove the rest of the way there in a car the CK let them borrow. When they arrived at Haulbowline, they explained to the guards why they were there. As they made their way to where the marines were, they were stopped by one.

"This is an emergency!" Maria repeats.

"Hold op now," The Marine halts "Why shoult I listn ta you?"

"The prime minister told us to go here," Maria explained. "It's about Null."

"I ot noe what a Null is." The Marine responds. "Ya cannit jost walk into da mineary compecs."

"Liston hare ye pick," York bumps into the conversation. "Off ye dint letus in, stair os gon be a preblem!"

"Ya tink so, brit?" The Marine reaches for his handgun on his hip.

"We didn't come for a firefight." Maria interrupts. "How can we convince you that we are sent by CK?"

"Aven af ye were," The Marine replies "CK ain't in carge of os."

Right before York goes into a frustrated rage, Loch and Jack show up at the complex and walk past all the guards with no resistance. The two turn toward the Darecays and the Marine.

"They're with us." Jack states firmly.

"Sholdnit ye ba daelen wit a crisis rote noew?" The Marine replies stubbornly.

"We are," Jack counters. "The destruction of the terrorist is our business. Now let us through."

"Ye ain't un carge of meh!" The Marine boldly states "If teh Taoiseach cont tell meh wat ta dew, why do you think some brits!?"

As The Marine says this, the Darecays and UKISPTF members walk into the building they have been looking for. The Marine rushes in with them. Inside is a group of Marines hanging out, but more importantly, a Lieutenant. The Darecays walk up to the Lieutenant.

"I think I heard 'bout you." The Lieutenant says observing the group "You're the FBI people who came to stop the assassin dude?"

"Darecays" Maria studders.

"I thought you guys would be here sooner." The Lieutenant laughs "My name is Murphy."

"Ecusme?" The Marine bursts into the conversation "Ye ca-."

"Ensign, speak when spoken to." Lieutenant Murphy orders "Sorry about that, Brenden over there is a bit of an idiot. We haven't gotten any sign of them except for some possible movements heading southwest."

"Are you saying they could be on a plane?" Maria askes.

"Not exactly," Murphy vaguely answers.

It has been a good week after the murder of the king, no one has found Null yet. On the shore of Stanley, rises Null holding a bunch of identical corpses and Causeway. Null tosses the bodies into the ocean and walks to shore. Causeway starts throwing up water and taking deep breaths.

"3400! That 3400 times!" Causeway says while both exhausted and terrified.

"3400 what?" Null asks in the voice of Carlos.

"3400 bodies I had to make, jerk!" Causeway replies.

"Doesn't matter if you are alive." Null apathicaly says

"I think I swallowed a fish and I'm exhausted!" Causeway shouts back. "I am not okay!" he takes a look around. "Where are we anyway?"

"Standley, Falklands." Null responds "Tell me where Difemanim is."

"Standley?" Causeway says and then laughs.

"What's so funny?" Null responds.

"We need to go to Sklegg town," Causeway says, still laughing, "The resistance capital which is in Weddell island, on the other side of the territory!"

Null scans Causeway, then stares at him. After he stops laughing, Null tosses Causeway into the ocean. Null walks to the harbor as Causeway and looks for any boats but finds some people.

"Ello there chaps." 'Causeway' says "What's going on."

"Ca...Ca... Causeway!" One of the people there exclaims "Where have you been?"

"I was dragged here by that psychopath robot, luckily I was able to kick him to the bottom of the ocean." 'Causeway' lies.

In the corner of their view, 'Causeway' sees one of them calling someone. Null drops the act and attacks them. As Causeway comes back from being tossed into the ocean, he sees the harbor covered in blood. Null isn't there, for he cannot waste anytime. Causeway catches up with Null.

"Did, did you do that?" Causeway asked Null.

"Most likely, now get out of my way, I don't need you anymore." Null replied, still using Causeway's voice.

"I could help you." Causeway says, while feeling somewhat creeped out by Null. "I just need a nap."

"I'll wait for you then." Null kindly states.

Causeway walks to a nearby bench and instantly falls asleep. Null walks off and keeps going toward Weddell island. Null hears a group of soldiers talking about the "Unojo rioters" and plans to take them out. Null rushes them, ripping off the head of one and tossing it at another. They fire their weapons at Null, but it does nothing. One of the soldiers kicks Null to the ground and holds him there.

"This is Sergeant Nick," one of the soldiers says into a radio while the others hold down Null "We got the Null you guys have been talking about, or I think it's them."

"He isn't resisting!" another soldier shouts.

Null stoves it's hand into one of the soldiers, impaling them. As the other soldiers panic, Null grabs one of their rifles and starts shooting at them. Once all the soldiers were dead, Null scanned Nick and picked up the radio.

"NICK! ARE YOU THERE?" A voice from the radio shouts.

"It got away! The bugger is heading toward Weddell." Null says in Nick's voice back to the radio.

"So this gives us a reason to fight against the Conjointist?" The radio buzzes.

"Not exactly, but we have to stop them," Null responds "I could use an airlift to out pace the thing."

"Okay, we are sending some trained operatives to help you." The radio says.

"Copy" Null states.

Null puts the radio down and disguises themself as Nick. It looks for any airports in the area, finding one in the city they are in now. 'Nick' pickles up his rifle and walks toward the airport.


This is shouted out by a Marine who has raced to Murphy and the Darecays, who have been told to keep watch for any news of Null. The Marine is tired and exhausted but still delivers a report to Murphy.

"Lieutenant! I... I got... news." The Marine pants from the frantic running.

"Spit it out, Walsh!" Murphy orders.

"We got news on Null!" Walsh reports "They have been reported to be waiting at Stanley in the Falklands Islands. They are most likely masquerading as a British soldier named Nick. We think so because they asked the navy to airlift them to a location."

"This is perfect," Murphy snaps "We don't want to risk it though. We're gonna aid them in taking down that menace."

"Wat we watin fer, den?" York yaps "Les get goin!"

"Au- York," Shipman stuttered. "I don't think you should come with us."

"No," Maria interrupts "I have a way she can help."

"What is it!?" York eagerly askes.

"You know the tracking device?" Maria starts. "It is a bit complex but remember that we are a plan B."

"What's the plan then?" Murphy askes. "Or do I have to get one myself."

Everyone turns to Booth, who smiles.

Let's just say," Booth plots. "It has to do with a bunch of soldiers, high powered weapons, and deceiving the Deceiver. It is so brilliant, we won't even need plans B C and D.

Next chapter