
How it came to be

" You sent me there, where people lived, but to me it was hell" a young, sickly boy, his appearance described it all, a misplaced shaped in all bodily formations. A body like noodles, easily broke and broke it did.

"It hurts just to breathe, it hurts just to blink, am I that undeserving to live? " the boy screamed in anger, to a figure of light above, the place was plain and white, no horizons or even distance in sight.

"My child! You suffered it all"

"I know and feel you - all"

"but that, take it, a test"

"You're life will be now blessed"

the figure of light spoke, no eyes, no mouths, just a smoke a smudge a spark of light.

"Fuck you mean test? You made me a burden, my mom, my dad they suffered, It was eighteen fucking yearrss of tortue, not only for mee motherfuckerr, th-- they too,,, I was A burden, I can feel they're sad cause of me-- do- yo-u-- know -----" The young boy, brought in tears, simple sentences met their hurtful foe, the stutter from woes.

"You feel regret, you blame yourself, you were born with pain that no one can bear, you tire even with a simple blink, your bones broke with the simplest of touch, your skin tore with a slight gust, you barely speak and it cause torture".

" My child I know it all, your desires".

"What if I told you, Earth was a test"

"A test for you and all to live a new life in which you are blessed". The spark replied, with every uttered words, the boy heard chimes of all beauty and melody, so real and blissful he can feel it, it halts his pain and pain he feels no more, it persuaded his anger and cleared his mind and soul.

" What you mean? " the boy asked with leftover tears and gleaming eyes, curious eyes.

"Alsoo-- what's with the all-holy talks! You sound pretentious" the boy add.


"All the rest says I'm holy cause of this" the smudge replied.

"Nahh! pretentious" the boy, face blank and like western sockets - unimpressed.

"Whaa-- Just listen" slightly annoyed the spark of light resumed.

"Earth is a phase, where individuals lived their first lives"

"And when they die, they're given choices according to how they've been in earth"

"Sooo--- I can be reborn?! "

"Let me finish! "

"Where's that knock off holy like tone?!"

"Listen- People live on earth and when they die they are judged, some if they choose, they go to heaven, some they choose wealth, power, looks,,you name it and are reborn or re-placed in another world, some are given karma treatment"

"Karma treatment?" the boy asked.

"Murderers, rich obnoxious people, all kinds of bad people to sum it up, are given karma. You can just imagine what it is".

"hmmmm-- and what about me?"

the boy asked.

"What is it you want?".

"Can't you read my mind?! " a curious innocent question from the boy.

"I chose not to"

"Hmmm- thaaannn- I wanna get reborn as the same man with the same mom and dad on earth but as a handsome, healthy, wealthy man?" His eyes twinkled, like a little girl wishing for her perfect life.

"NO!" all dreams shattered with one word.

"Why?" a pout of extreme attempt.

"I can but not on earth"

"But my mom and dad?"

"They will miss you! But what's done is done"

"I want a happy life with them" the boy exclaimed his wish but with a sad theme in play.

"You want to live a life, let your parents live theirs, if all things go positive you will meet again in heaven" said the spark.

"So I can go to heaven and wait for them?"

"If that is what you desire"

"How long will they take to get here?"

"Your parents!? Depends, I know and don't know at the same time"


"Huh?! "

"Confucius wannabe"

"I made that twerp"

"Not exactly holy are you? "

"Shut up"

The spark find humour in their conversation, it too was amazed at his creations.

"So you chose Heaven?"

"Yeaa --- but I want to live a healthy life, buttt i want my parents involve butt you said they can't andddd I don't know anymore"

"You can live a life in another world you can still meet your parents later in heaven"

"Are you sure we will be in heaven though?!"


"On what?!"

"Your parents are solid, I know their fate, you on the other hand,,, depends on you alone--- if you choose to live again that is".

" Is it selfish to choose to Live again"

"Hmmm -- it's in your design, the will to live"

"If I were to live I'd want a handsome body, also i don't wanna tire or feel or be effected by any kind of pain ever again"

"There's beauty in pain and beauty in the struggle"

"That's cole" the boy abruptly said.

"He impresses me" the smoke replied.

"Ohhhkayy! Buut---" the boy was stopped before he can utter another word

"I know, you've felt all pain for 18 years" the light interrupted the boy.

"Except for heart breaks and stuff but fuck that"

the boy expresses his deep honest thoughts, interrupting the spark in turn.

"A body which don't tire, which don't give two cents to any pain". the spark continued.

" Yeah! a body that don't even flinch or fall even if the entire galaxy crashes at me"

"And You think I'll grant you that?" the smudge gave a doubtful question.

"You owe me it" the boy, demanding but truthful, honest.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't, Maybe you'll let go of your morals and maybe you'll go to hell not heaven, maybe you'll never see your parents again. Can you risk that?"

"You can't actually grant me an invulnerable body can you?" doubtful words from the boy.

"I can too, you runt!"

"Then do it ! what's the fuss? "

The smudge of light demeanor changes for a slight moment of pause.

The air was serious.


"I don't feel it" quick in response, the boy said.

"One last thing do you want parents in this new life?"

"I only have two parents"

"Then it shall be. Begone with you and show me your worth, your name will now be Lu'nuru"

"And know this, don't let power consume you Lu'nuru".

" hhhaahh-" Lu woke up in the forest, he saw a fire and Szlick.

A made shift camp, minimal - two sheets for a bed and a half lit fire rescinding quickly.

He looked up at the stars.

"That marks the 144th"

"Is something wrong with me?"

"Same dream again and again?"

said Szlick still laying on the ground.


"Turns out, many of us had the same dream again and again. it's like we're living another life, a second chance or some shit" said szlick, reaching for the moon.

"Don't just pop up! and give some deep thoughts, trouble magnet".

"Pfft! You're the trouble magnet -- I'm tired. 'Night' again" szlick turnt sideways his eyes stark a serious demeanor.


"My powers"

"Was it a memory or a dream"

"Powers, parents, looks. A smudge it all seemed so real" Lu looked at his hands and give a slight tap with both hands on his face and yawns.

"Baby needa go night night".

" Whenever that guy comes, trouble happens" a lady cleaning compound of Hotspurs.

"It's a free show, whatcha got to cry about?" the bartender said smiling.

"Don't give me that fat-ass, I'm the one who has to clean this shit all up"

"It's your job Blesinda!"

"Hahahaha" the bartender laughed and reminisce the events of yesterday.

First was the short brawl with Al and Lu.

Second the Shakespearean drama for free.

Third the epic showdown of David and Goliath.

Just as Lu and Szlick knelt down in front of the guards.

Genges the giant stomps the ground - a slight quake that trembled around the place.

"What's that?" the three guards stepped outside the inn.

"It's him- Ge-Genges" one of the three shouts.

"The giant?!---" the other followed.

"Genges you are wanted, we here by arrest you for your crimes! come quietly now" said the guard in the middle bravely.

Genges ignored the ants talking ans shouts "Bring me the one who burnt my house by the river"

"Give him up and I'll only take your belongings"

Proud, confident and angry.

"How dare you ignore his Majesty's soldiers orders" The guard in the middle furious.

"Si--sir we may need to retreat, i don't think we can take him on" another guard with fear expressed his concerns.

"Stand tough Soldier! We cannot falter in front of evil! People will be harmed if we do" Dignified, proud without a shred of fear. the middle guard proclaimed himself "Bartholomew Declaard. Assistant captain of his Majesty's city guards. Criminal have at you".

The Guard, Bartholomew charges at Genges, He held his hands like that of people wielding a spear, just right before Genges met his charge a spear made of wood suddenly takes form at his readied hand from out of nowhere.

This captivates the people.



A crack.

Reality in check the wooden spear snapped. Terror in their eyes the people too, snapped.

Bartholomew's head grabbed around in a single palm by Genges. The sight was that of a child and a full grown Giant.

Terror in the eyes of people and the guards.

Laughter in the faces of Genges and his bandits.

"I will not repeat myself"

"Are you hiding him?"

"He came from here, I see the evidence"

Genges looked at the charred ground.

"Genges that guy is not here, he went off that way after he had a fight with a customer" said the bartender stepping outside and sounded apologetic.


"He landed from the sky directly at my house"

"That charred ground! He jumped from there, didn't he?"

Genges continued, all the while having Bartholomew struggle for naught at his palm.

"Let Sir go, an--d we will see about your problems" a guard frightened can barely speak, stood right next to the barkeeper. Who looked at him with pity but understand their situation.

"Mr.Guard If I help you arrest the Gorilla, can we go free" a voice from the door on the inn.

A hand that reached out to the guard, out to his shoulder.

Szlick Eden Jahgger : age 20-8/7/019---------- Black slightly curly slightly long hair, hazel eyes always with sunglasses, 6'O in hieght strong jawed but scrawny - thin in figure. He donned a round neck simple black coloured shirt with floral patterned pants and a black leather shoe.

Dararaaacreators' thoughts
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