1 The Nuclear World of 3000

After the Great nuclear war in 2099 the world above was not live able anymore which drove people to live underground in a gigantic shelter with some what of unlimited water and food.Since people had to rush to get into the shelter people only had one pair of clothing so the scientist made them clothing and colored them based on their district in the shelter.

Civilian districts

District 1:Red District 2: Yellow District 3: Blue District 4:Orange District 5:Green District 6:Purple

Military Districts District 7:White this district is made of scientists who deal with the water,food,weapons,and vehicles. District 8:Black The people in this district are called hunters they have a special job they go out to the radiated wasteland to kill monsters and take their nuclear waste blood that powers their armor and power their vehicles and they have a mask that turns the radiated air into regular oxygen.

After the nuclear war the radiation affected the animals in two ways evolving their bodies into monster like creatures that are ranked from level 1 to level 5 in danger level then you have the other animals that evolved into humanoid creatures who now roam the above world.Since humans went underground the humanoid's decided to make huge cities and create their own nations around the Nuclear Wasteland creating their dome cities protecting their selves from the radiated air.This world is a difficult place to live lets lust hope are main character can survive this heck tick world he lives in i hope to see you again one day good day and good bye.
