
Chapter 1 first hit

"Hi Katie" said Jamie

"Hello"said Katie

"How are you doing"

"Good" said Katie

"Oh sorry I have to go" said Jamie

"Oh bye"

Jamie walked home when she saw something in the sky but really far away so she carries on walking back home she opens the front door and shuts it behind her

"Hi mum and dad" shouted Jamie

"Hi Jamie" said Jamie's mum

"Where's dad" asked Jamie

"Oh he is at work"

"Oh ok"

Jamie sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV she went on the news

"Today's news is about a random object hovering round the earth atmosphere

We will update you more on that object later" said the news reporter


"Wait the news is coming back on"

"This is an emergency the object is a tsar bomba a high explosive nuke get into shelter the nuke will hit 5:00 pm god bless us all and bye" said the news


"Yes Jamie"

"We need to get shelter a nuke will hit the earth in about 1 hour we need to get ready NOW" shouted Jamie

*sirens go off*

"Oh s__"said Jamie's mum

"Get to cover gather supplies and let's go in the basement now before we DIE" SHOUTED JAMIE

Jamie and Jamie's mum gather food and supplies the go to the basement

2 minutes later BANG there was a flash of light and Jamie and her mum went flying knocking them out.

Chapter 2 the flash

Next chapter