
School (1)

On a rainy day a certain boy is running to school... He has brown hair and black eyes, tall but skinny and has band aids on his face. His face looks like he took a beating. He rushes to school because he woke up late...

He trips and falls....

'Why is my life so awful?' he thought

"Are you okay, big brother?" someone asked

He was a small kid with red eyes... Beel.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." the boy responded.

"No, you're not fine... You got a problem"

"Haha... How would you know if I have a problem?"

"Your girlfriend is cheating on you" Beel coldly said.

"W-What? You're weird, kid..." he said as he walked away

"Oh... These humans" Beel said disgusted..


° My name is Ryuuji Kamado, a second-year in high school... I only had my father who owned a small restaurant. When I was 14, my mom cheated on my dad with my teacher... So they got a divorce... My father always worked hard for me and gave me all his love... Ever since I was little mom never looked at me or father, praised me or give me the love I needed, but hey... I had my father, and he always was there for me...but he is no longer here... He was diagnosed with cancer and died.

That happened when I was 15..Thinking that my life was over I fell in depression and thought about dropping out of school, but a girl saved me.. Sumi Yoshida. The girl confessed to me and I felt like my life wasn't worthless anymore. She was short, beautiful, had big breasts and a nice ass.. She wore glasses and had two ponytails....

I took over the business and worked everyday in the small restaurant...I never forgot about anniversaries or things like that, for two years I tried my best to be a good boyfriend... She's my only light in this darkness... We only held hands and kissed until now but since I'm sure I'll marry her I'll try to persuade her to get to the next step of our relationship... I'll take full responsibility.. °

The boy asked the girl to do it and she agreed... She went to his house and did it. Ryuuji never felt better... He already started dreaming about their future children and them growing old together...

The next day at school everyone was excited because a new student transferred...

Everyone was quietly sitting in their chairs and then the teacher and the new student entered the classroom and stood in front of them...

"Class, this is your new classmate! His name is Chris Tanaka... He is half japanese and half american, he was born in Japan but he lived in the United States... He is still learning our language, so communicate with him and be good friends!" said the teacher.

He was taller than an average japanese teenager, at least 185 centimeters.... He was big and looked like he has been working out for years... His skin was darker and his eyes were sharp...

Ryuuji didn't give him attention because he didn't have time for that... He needed to study hard, work in the restaurant and spend time with Sumi...

After a few days Ryuuji was going home with Sumi but Chris got behind them and slapped her ass...

"Damn! Japanese women are for sure good!"Chris said

Sumi was surprised and Ryuuji was enraged..

"Apologize!" said Ryuuji

"Why would I? That's a fine ass... Shouldn't I slap it?" he asked while scratching his head

"Because she's my girlfriend! And even if she wasn't, that's a rude thing to do! Apologize to her!" Ryuuji demanded..

"Fuck you!"

Chris punched Ryuuji.. Blood gushed out of his nose and he fell to the ground... Chris kicked him and trampled all over him..

As Chris was beating Ryuuji, Sumi did nothing and just watched...She got aroused from seeing Ryuuji get beat and touched herself through her skirt...

The next days were just like that...

Chris touching Sumi and Ryuuji getting punched, kicked and humiliated, sometimes even in front of others...

"These are some nice tiddies!"

" Damn, I would love to clap these cheeks... "

"Can I fuck that pussy, babe?"

Chris said things like that while harassing them... Ryuuji always tried to protect his girlfriend... he always failed but he kept trying...




'That was such a weird kid...'

He got to school but he was too late... He looked through the window and saw that it was a class with the crazy teacher... If a student is late they automatically have 50 points reduced from the next test paper...

So he thought that it was better to stay outside until the class is over... It was still raining heavily so he entered a storage room that had its door open.

"It's raining so much... Good thing this place was open."

He searched for a chair to sit and found something he shouldn't...


"Students have s-sex here? Well... Maybe I should try this once with Sumi, hehe..."

He just sat on a chair and playing games on his phone, without caring about the students having sex.

'When is this rain gonna stop?' he thought

"Take that, you Sumi bitch!"

"Chris... Do it!"

... 'Did he... Just say "Sumi"

He didn't want to believe it but he had to know... He slowly looked at them and saw... She was definitely Sumi getting fucked by Chris...

When he saw that, something broke in him...

"Hoe... How am I compared to that little dude?"

"You're much more manly... You're so big and strong... You know how to touch a woman... When I see you bully him I get horny, because you're so manly and dominant..He's just a little stupid boy, I only got together with him because of a bet with my friends... I was supposed to break up with him but he always gave me and my friends free food at his dead old man's dirty restaurant"

"Heh... But you know that I'm a bad man and I'll just use you and then throw you like a piece of trash, haha"

"I know... But I like how you treat me like a slut... Now spit on my face!"

*louder moans*

Hearing such words, Ryuuji's eyes filled with tears and his heart with sadness but after the rain stopped, the sadness also did... Leaving behind only hatred...


Ryuuji didn't go to school that day and encountered Beel again...

" Human, I told you.... I am Beel, the Revenge Demon! I'll help you get"

"Demon, huh? Beel, was it?"

"That's right, my name is Beel"

Ryuuji looked with cold eyes and blood lust at Beel...

" Go fuck yourself, demon... This is the human world, so I'll do things by myself... Sit the fuck down and watch if you want" Ryuuji said

"Huh?! What?! That human just refused me?"

Next chapter