
NPC Gamer: Dominating the VRMMORPG With my AI

In the virtual realm of 'Aetheria Online,' death unveils an unsettling truth to Cian: he was merely an NPC in a game. Facing a cruel demise and losing his only friend at the hands of the formidable players, he vows to do to them what they had done to him. In a surprising twist of fate, Cian is transmigrated from the virtual world of 'Aetheria Online' into the body of a human player, Levi Bronte. He returns to Aetheria Fueled by a fervent desire for strength and revenge, he embarks on a quest to ascend to unprecedented levels. Guided by his AI companion, 'Blue,' Cian is resolute in his pursuit of vengeance against the players who once ended his life, all while adapting to his new life. He encounters a mix of characters ranging from players, to NPCs and Anti-players. Forcing him to make decisions that might affect the fate of both worlds ----------- A novel I enjoy writing, really hope you enjoy reading it just as much. More power stones = More motivation ----------- Not just wish fulfillment, an actual story that leaves you with stuff to think about. *Disclaimer:* This work is purely a product of imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are creations of the author’s mind, designed for the sole purpose of storytelling. Dive in with the understanding that this is a journey through fiction.

SIRE_ · Games
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68 Chs

A New Skill-2


Demonic Dagger

Grade: Epic grade

Info: A dagger infused with the energy of the demon king. +10% DMG increase; +10% Attack speed; Durability: 532

(Attack power-: 727-835)

*Generates the skill (Demonic slash)

*Generates the skill (Demons mark)

User Restriction: LVL 98+. Users need 100+ wisdom to prevent corruption.


As Levi held the dagger he could feel the dark energy flow from the blade into his body, his eyesight slowly went dark causing him to lose his balance and stumble into Aiden's arms

"Warrior Levi, are you okay?" Aiden fretted with concern

<Dark energy Resistance skill used: Corruption Resisted>

As Levi heard the message the dark fog that covered his eyes slowly faded away and the dark energy left his body.

"I'm fine," he muttered.

"Are you sure? That blade looks like bad news" Aiden asked still holding onto his shoulder 

"It's fine, it was just a bit more than I expected" Levi replied as he struggled to regain his composure.

[ That's the effect of Corruption, normally it wouldn't have kicked in so quickly but since your wisdom stat is so low it happened almost immediately. Luckily your skill saved you before you went on a rampage.]

Levi had no idea that just touching the blade was enough to get him corrupted. He didn't meet the required level to use it so he couldn't activate any other effects of the dagger.

He continued appraising the dagger, wondering if his skill would work for a weapon that he couldn't equip. If that was the case then he could get skills from weapons that were way above his level, he could even go into the business of stealing other warrior's weapons, not like they were using them for anything good. 

[if you can't equip it then it doesn't count as acquiring and if the system hasn't recognized the dagger as yours then you haven't been granted permission… but surely you were smart enough to figure that out on your own?]

Blue's words wiped the grin off his face "of-of course I knew that, do you think I'm stupid?"

[Do you want my honest opinion?]

Levi knew what to expect but he was still a tad bit curious about what Blue would say "Yes Blue, tell me"

[You have peak intellect that makes learning new things very easy for you but you lack the mental ability to use it to create smart ideas like the NPC Aiden… I can never call my master stupid, but I also wouldn't call you smart]

Each one of Blue's words pierced Levi like an arrow. 'is this what they meant by the truth hurts?' he wondered

Amid his mental anguish, he suddenly recalled that he had one more item in his possession.

He opened his inventory and took out the Alchemist box, the item he had obtained from the con man Paddin. 

According to the description it was supposed to be used to create Chimeras by combining the properties of two beasts. It was a weapon that was meant for warriors of the tamer class, in order to create stronger familiars. 

The size of the box made Levi wonder what type of beast would be small enough to even fit in it, maybe that was also part of the scam.

But the joke was on Paddin because he now had a skill that was just right for the box.

"ITEM MERGE" He called out to activate his skill. 

This time as the box disappeared from his hands, his sprite shined brighter and longer than before. 



New properties Acquired from the Alchemist Box

<New skill created>

Skill: CONSUME (1st grade)


*The ability to combine two beasts has evolved into the ability to consume any beast that has been rendered immobile. 

You can consume both the physical and magical essence of beasts. The amount of properties extractable from a particular beast depends on your Assimilation rate.

All skills and stats acquired from the beast consumption would be added to the Sprite, and can only be used during buff from your Sprite.


<Special stat Created: Assimilation rate{1%}>

*Stat points cannot be added to this stat.

Levi's eyes widened as he read the messages on the window before him. No matter how many times he read through he couldn't believe this was just a 1st-grade skill. It was way too good to be true. The skill would allow him to consume a beast using his sprite and he could gain stats and skills from the beast.

Even if the attributes he got from the beasts would only work when he used his buff skill it was still very powerful. It would certainly be an effective ability that would help him become stronger.

Aiden was consumed by curiosity. He had just watched two items vanish into thin air and now Levi just stood frozen as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Is everything okay, warrior Levi? Shouldn't we be heading back to the village?'' he inquired.

Aiden couldn't tell if it was his words that pulled Levi back to reality or if it was whatever idea he seemed to have had.

It was most likely the latter because Levi practically sprinted from the altar toward the beast lying in the magic circle.

'it said I can consume any beast that has been rendered immobile...'

"Give me one moment," Levi replied as he stood right before the magic circle, just a few inches away from the three-headed monstrosity.

"Warrior, the mage said we shouldn't disturb the seal" Aiden cautiously called out.

"No need to worry," Levi smirked

His eyes shone with firm resolve as he suddenly stretched out his arm over the seal.

Aiden was petrified by Levi's sudden action. His eyes reflected the horror he could only imagine. At that moment he realized that he might have put his life in the hands of a madman. 

"What did you-"