
I am capable of crafting Non-Player Characters

The night was frigid and desolate as I huddled in a dark corner of the alley, attempting to ward off the cold seeping through my tattered clothes.

With each breath, the icy air reminded me of how far I was from the dreams of my youth.

The city lay silent, illuminated only by distant streetlights flickering like solitary fireflies in the night's abyss. I leaned against the cold brick wall, closed my eyes, and let weariness embrace me as my thoughts slid backward in time.

Just as my eyelids began to weigh heavy as lead, a thunderous roar shattered the stillness of the night. My heart skipped a beat, and my eyes flew open. I glanced toward the noise and saw a dazzling light descending from the sky. Without comprehending what was happening, I instinctively covered my head as the meteorite fell nearby.

The impact felt like thunder reverberating through my bones. When the dust settled, I dared to look. There it was, the smoldering space object, embedded in the ground a short distance from me. Without thinking, I extended my trembling hand and touched the meteorite. A strange surge of energy coursed through me, and I staggered back.

The light from the meteorite enveloped me, and everything turned dark.

When I finally regained consciousness, I found myself in a hospital room.

I tried to sit up in bed, and that's when I noticed the change. A strange sense of power and control washed over me. When I intensely thought of something, that thought came to life before me in the form of a human being, as if I were creating non-player characters (NPCs) in real life.

—Oh my God! —

The man standing next to my bed smiled kindly and said, "Hello, Samuel. I am your NPC. How may I assist you today?

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