I was about to go to bed as it was almost midnight, the bell rang at that moment. Wondering who might that be at this time, I slowly moved towards the hall and as soon as I reached the door, I called out who was it. There was no response, I became suspicious so I tried to pick up the baseball bat which I always keep behind the door, wondering if I should be taking advantage of it, then the voice came from the other side of the door saying it's me, Fred. Open the door, John.
I was relieved when I heard my best friend's voice, I said hold on a second I will be there in no time. I opened the door, then I saw my childhood pal standing there with his wife Sarah. I was initially surprised to see her, she doesn't come here often.
I invited them as soon as I opened the door, as it was dead cold outside. It was snowing and the roads were filled with snow. I asked them tea, Fred said no he doesn't want it, while his wife said she'll get the tea and left us to have some privacy.
In general, at this time no one would ever come to my house, I was wondering what brought them here. As soon as Sarah left to kitchen, I asked Fred what was the matter.
Fred was a lawyer by profession, he has a good reputation for criminal justice, while his wife was an archaeologist. He was my legal adviser too. Looks-wise Fred has a great athlete physique while his wife was a very beautiful woman I have ever seen. Sarah was one of my distant cousins, we know each other from childhood, later they fell in love and they got hitched, long story short.
Coming to it, I asked what brought them to my house in the middle of the night, he said that he has found out something magnanimous that will completely change the course of our lives, I wondered what was that, meanwhile, Sarah came with tea, which she served for me and Fred, even though he said no for tea he was unable to resist the aroma he took the cup without any argument. Sarah was smiling and poked him and said always like that my love.
As we were enjoying tea, Sarah also wondered what made Fred bring her to my house in the middle of the night.
I and Sarah were looking at Fred and asked what's going on. As he was about to speak anything a stone was pelted into the house from the window, we hid behind the sofa then the stone pelting started, for about five minutes stones were pelted into the house from all sides. After a while, I went to see what was happening but I couldn't see anything as it was snowing heavily but all I could say is that some group of people wearing masks are standing outside my door, I rushed to the door to take the bat and was ready to attack as soon as they open the door. Sarah was hurt by stones she got hit in the eye, Fred was holding her, I was saying wait nothings gonna happen to us. Fred was frightened and was kept on saying that I was about to tell that our lives are in danger. Especially yours John they want you, run... I wasn't listening to him, I was all frightened and wondering what the heck was happening, Sarah on the other hand, was bleeding a lot. The people standing outside the door kicked the door and they approached us, they were 20 men who came inside that night, don't know how many were outside, they immediately approached me and took my bat with a blow on my shoulder and forced us to sit on the sofa, all of us then, a short-headed man from the door approached us asked us about where is the SERUM, I wondered what he was asking we said we don't know, then he turned towards Fred and said where did you hide it, either you tell me or you will suffer a lot he threatened us, but Fred kept saying no, he then slowly turned towards the door and started to go out saying those people make sure they will go to jail and take the woman with us, then a couple of cars were approaching the door and they dropped off something from the trunk of the cars and the men kicked us and hit us with clubs and the baseball bat and they took Sarah with them. Sarah resisted them initially but she fainted as soon as one of the men slapped her face. We were helpless, didn't do anything just watched it all along. They also dragged Fred to their car and left him on the road to die. I was badly hurt from inside as I was bleeding and unable to see anything. My eyes were blurring and slowly I closed them.
All I can remember was that I was beaten to death by goons and I don't know what they are after.
As soon as I opened my eyes I found myself in the bed in a room which is so isolated nothing was there, and my as and legs were tied to the bed, I started screaming where am I...
A voice from outside the room answered my scream with " YOU ARE IN HELL JOHN, A VERY BIG KIND OF A HELL".....
coming soon