
Chapter 191: Fanyue! Battle of the top supreme gods!

In the cracked world.

In a dark and dark space.

A giant glared at his eyes, and the vast divine consciousness enveloped the ancient demon world with a diameter of 20 million kilometers.

in an instant.

Then I searched inside and out of the ancient demon world.

But no matter how he searched, he still couldn't find any trace of the world that had repeatedly provoked him.

"The aura of that world is somewhat different from the ordinary extraordinary civilization..."

His lips moved slightly and he opened his mouth slowly.

The sound echoed in the cracked world.

With unspeakable horror.


From his voice, he could be heard a little weak.

The dozens of supreme artifacts in his chest had a lot of influence on him.

Although not fatal, it seemed to limit him, preventing him from stepping out of the crack world with his entire body.

"However... I have already smelled the existence of your world. As long as you appear again, I can search for the coordinates of your world."

He snorted coldly.

Just don't fall asleep this time.

Instead, he started to pay attention to the ancient demon civilization and the ancient god civilization.

Wait for Qin Mu to appear.

Tech Universe.

Qin Mu's mouth twitched a few times when he looked at the picture that was transmitted back in the water droplets.

twenty one

good guy.

If not for water droplets.

He is preparing to continue the arrangement for the next wave, and sneak attack on the ancient god civilization.

Fortunately, the existence of water droplets does not have any extraordinary energy.

The giant didn't notice.

Only then did he get so much information one after another.

Although I don't know what method this giant used to determine the world coordinates...

But he has not dared to take risks so far, or dare not take risks before breaking through to the supreme god.

"Ding! The accumulated energy has reached 74.3%.


The system sound rang quietly.

Qin Mu's eyes lit up, he couldn't help lowering his head and looked at the "prison cage" he built


in the cage.

In addition to the 80 million ancient gods introduced earlier.

More than 200 million ancient demons were subsequently introduced.


Between these two ethnic groups, a war is breaking out in order to compete for the ownership of the "cage".

Ancient demons and ancient gods do not coexist with each other.

Especially after learning that the other party had the same experience as himself.

The ancient gods and the ancient demons were all red-eyed.

If you want to destroy the opponent's ethnic group, you will occupy this "cage" yourself.

Although various disasters occur frequently in this world and the rules are chaotic, compared to the world they were shrouded in black hands before...

Countless times better.

It's just that the ancient demon has been in a state of crushing because of its huge population advantage.

The situation of the ancient gods is precarious.

"This time... it saves me from doing it myself, the ancient gods and ancient demons fall, and the energy will be collected by the extraordinary energy device.

Seeing this, Qin Mu couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly.

while building this cage.

He was just around the land, with energy harvesting devices installed.

In addition to the energy source continuously reducing the realm of these creatures, it can also collect the energy that escapes between heaven and earth.

It can be called fully automatic.

The only pity is...

He is still 30% or so short of energy that has not been collected.

Now in the ancient demon civilization and ancient god civilization, there are still some creatures who have not entered the technological universe.



Through the water drop detector, he noticed the abnormality of the crack world.

A powerful force was sensed.


Someone is hitting the perimeter of the rift world!

"Fan Yue, I didn't expect to see you in 100,000 years, but you are actually hiding here!"

A powerful voice came from the sky.

Very penetrating.


With a roar, the crack world began to tremble violently.


An artifact shimmering with dazzling light descended from the sky and pierced the periphery of the cracked world.

Immediately after.

A figure crossed from outside the crack world.

Suspended in mid-air in the cracked world.

His whole body exudes a powerful aura of the supreme god.

Half-squinting, he looked down at the huge giant.

With just one glance, there was a look of horror.

"Forty steps!"

This state, even he has never reached.

He didn't expect...

In a state of heavy damage, this giant can still reach this state!

The giant who had been paying attention to the ancient demon and ancient god world temporarily withdrew his gaze and returned to the crack world.

He raised his head and looked at the uninvited guest.

Showing a touch of contempt: "Jun Tian, ​​I didn't expect that you will only be at the thirty-seventh rank if you haven't seen each other for a hundred thousand years!

This supreme god is Jun Tian of the General Association of Civilizations.

This time, he took the lead in crossing the ancient Shenkong, shuttled over, and found the giant.

Immediately after.

The giant laughed wickedly, and withdrew his hands from the world of ancient demons and ancient gods.

An extremely terrifying aura emerged from the shock, and he said coldly: "Since you are here, then you will die here! The revenge of the dozens of you who surrounded me back then will start with you today!

The voice did not fall.

He took the lead in launching an attack, killing Jun Tian.


With just one blow, the powerful force made Jun Tian unable to react in time and suffered heavy damage!

Back thousands of miles!

Jun Tian took a deep breath and calmed down the surging aura of the Supreme God.

Glancing at all around: "You people, don't take action yet!"


From beyond the crack world.

A handle of the supreme artifact shuttled.

One after another, the supreme gods came out.

Looking down at the giant.

"Fan Yue, that's it!"


"You are indeed a talent of the sky, and your talent is peerless. Back then, you were able to reach the fortieth-order realm when you were seriously injured and dying, but today...you must die!

"Fan Yue, I didn't expect that after 100,000 years, you are still so obsessed, forcibly plundering the world of the Lord, and wantonly slaughtering the Creator!"

"This time, the ancient demon civilization and the ancient god civilization, the two supreme gods, must have fallen into your hands, right?

One after another, the supreme gods walked out.


surrounded by giants.

The breath of terror was vented in the cracked world.

The space that makes the cracked world...

It began to crumble and shatter rapidly.

Vaguely wants to connect with Taikoo Shenkong.


All the people present here are the Most High Gods.

No one cares.

After reaching the supreme god, you can use your physical body to travel through the ancient gods.

Even if they are fighting in the ancient gods sky, they are not false at all.

And the giant saw more and more people besieged and came.

The anger that Qin Mu had suppressed in his heart finally found an outlet.

Roared: "A group of ants of the forty-seventh and forty-eighth steps, today, I will let you all come to prove my Dao and help me break through to a higher realm!"

Like a volcano erupting.

The breath of the fortieth order burst out.

Fighting with Jun Tian and others.

Tech Universe.

Qin Mu witnessed such an amazing scene with his own eyes through the water droplets on the edge.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "A total of eighteen supreme gods have come!

Each of these supreme gods is extremely terrifying.

All seem to come from the Society of Civilizations.

But in front of the giant named Fanyue...

Still much worse.

I just don't know if I can kill this giant.


Looking at the shocking battle in the world of cracks, an idea of ​​scavenging emerged in his heart.

Now the giant is pinned down.

He can completely evacuate the world of ancient gods and ancient demons in one fell swoop!