
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs



The sharp claws of the Demon dug deep into my back, sending waves of searing pain throughout my body.


I staggered forward, my vision blurring as blood dripped from the fresh wounds.

"You are so fragile~"

The Demon said something tauntingly, however, I could barely make out its words amidst the ringing in my ears and the throbbing pain.

At the last second, I summoned all my remaining strength and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the Demon's follow-up attack that would've ripped me apart.


The Demon's claws screeched against the stone floor as it overextended its strike, giving me a split-second to counter attack.

I didn't hesitate.

[ Burst ]

Activating my skill, I extended my hand holding my sword toward the Demon's exposed flank, letting its blade sink deep into the creature's flesh.


The Demon let out a deafening roar of pain and fury, stumbling backward as it tried to dislodge my sword from its side.

However, I wasn't so generous as to let it escape.

"Let go you wretched fucker!"

The Demon screamed, trying to claw me as it desperately struggled to free itself from my weapon, but I kept driving my sword deeper into its side.

With each passing second, the Demon grew weaker, its struggles becoming feeble.

Although his strength was above mine, his wound was too severe, draining its life force rapidly.

At the last second, the Demon's eyes met mine and I saw a flicker of fear and realization.

"Screw you... human scum!"

He cursed, before going silent, his body going limp as life left his eyes.


I slowly withdrew my sword from his lifeless body, frowning as I felt my back throb with intense pain.

I really wanted to rest, to wait until I could fully recover from my injuries, but I knew this was only the beginning.

Clank... Clank...

The sounds of nearby battles echoed somewhere nearby and I immediately dashed toward one of them.

As soon as I emerged from the clouds of dust, I noticed Sophia engaged in a fierce battle with two other Demons, both F ranked.

In her hands she wielded a beautiful staff adorned with a red crystal and with each swing of her weapon, waves of crimson Mana surged forward, blasting the Demons back.

At one point, she held the staff high above her head, channeling Mana into it and then bringing it crashing down, creating a powerful shockwave that sent the Demons flying in opposite directions.

'Mages sure are scary...'

I thought to myself, observing as one of the Demons, weakened from the impact, struggled to get back on its feet. It seems that its back was pierced by shards of fallen debris, making its movements slow and labored.

This was a perfect opportunity for me to step in.

[ Burst ]

Biting my lips, I activated my skill, instantly dashing toward the wounded Demon with speed that surpassed my normal limits.


Before the Demon could react, I drove my blade through its chest, ending its life in an instant.

The remaining Demon who was still fighting Sophia turned its attention towards me, a look of fury in its eyes as it noticed that I had just taken down its comrade.


A roar erupted from the Demon as it violently swung its sharp claws at Sophia, forcing her to retreat while he lunged at me with a savage determination.

"I will make you pay for killing my brother!"

Within a second, he closed the distance between us, his claws slashing through the air with deadly precision.

I barely managed to raise my sword to parry his initial attack, the impact sending a shockwave of pain through my already bruised body.

Unfortunately, I was unable to lift my sword in time to block his second strike as it sliced through my shoulder, almost severing my arm.


The agonizing pain tore through me before everything went black, and I lost consciousness.

The last thing I saw was Sophia weaving her staff in a strange pattern, massive amounts of Mana gathering around her.

'Gotcha bitch'

I thought to myself, before going limp.


"Note, Note, Note!"

I heard a distant voice shouting somewhere in the background.

My vision slowly cleared, revealing a dimly lit corridor with dust particles floating in the air. Soon, I noticed Sophia standing over me.

"You're awake."

She mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief.

I tried to sit up, expecting to feel a searing pain, but to my surprise, there was only a dull ache.

A small smile appeared on my face.

Everything was going as I had planned.

"I've given you a health pot to heal your injuries."

Hearing Sophia's voice, I nodded my head, placing my head on the floor.

"You should go help others, I'll rest here for a bit longer."

Slightly turning my head, I could hear the sounds of battle raging somewhere nearby.

I could see Sophia's face tense with worry, but she nodded and quickly left to join the fight. Although she probably wanted to stay with me and ensure my safety since I had helped her, Sophia knew that there were others who needed her more in that moment.

"Shout if you need help."

She called back, before disappearing into the dust.

I raised my head slightly, making sure that she was out of sight before the pained expression disappeared from my face and I stood up.

It was time to hunt down 'that' Demon.