
Chapter 3(Liam's will, Villar people)

Liam's eyes might be closed but his mind and thoughts had always been paying attention to the tiny people's activity in the box's world.

In the first hour or equivalent to a month. The tiny human species were plunged into chaos.

They began to question their purpose early on due to their strange ability to communicate with each other.

This added in with the tiny message inside their mind that was telling them to continue surviving and what their species truly are.

Human. What is a human?. Why do they need to survive?. And how do they get here?.

As a result of such a chaotic situation, over 138 people died from starvation while the rest were barely hanging there from the small lake water.

In the second month, they finally uncovered the giant shred of bread location.

Their eyes were filled with tears of joy after so many days of hunger and starvation. Many had perished under such a horrible disease that they called "stomach hurts".

In Liam's eyes. This tiny shred of bread might only amount to nothing on a true world scale.

But in the tiny people's eyes, this giant shred of bread could continuously feed them for many years.

Now that the food problem had been solved, they immediately decided to live there close to the bread area. And the water source was not that far away from them.

During the day, they would send out some people to explore the area. It was out of curiosity after being able to stabilize their situation in this world.

And during the night, some of them would succumb to the wild desire of lust. Though it would still be in the purest form of love. Hidden and pristine without any stain of immorality like our current world.

"It seems that their survival quality isn't that terrible. But that comes with the cost of nothing but only starvation and loss of direction"

"But soon enough, the second crisis will come. "

"The moment I gave them the ability to communicate early on. I had already been anticipating an early-stage hierarchy structure from them. This is the nature of every race that existed in all realms"

"But I wonder how united can they be and how far can they reach in this small world limited in resources "

"I am looking forward to it my creation. If you prevail then I shall reward you with an even bigger world for you to conquer. If you fail, then perish along the river of time. Waiting to be replaced with a new one"


In the third month, the whole world was finally mapped or to be more precise "known" of what the scale was all about.

And to their amazement, this world had been boxed with towering black walls on all sides.

Stretched even beyond the clouds and even beyond their comprehension.

They called this weird wall "The end" of their realm. The limitation of their reach and the bordering line of another realm.

It was just guesswork from them but at the very least, they finally possessed a rough estimation of what to expect and what to imagine from this world.

Additionally, they also created a new naming system in their little society. So that it would be much easier for them to communicate in everyday life.

Just imagine having to call someone like hey you, hey you white hair, hey you shorty, and so on.

This naming system was invented by a person called Villar. One of the smartest people among them.

He also was the one who discovered the use of water, the bread location, the idea of "the end", and also the concept of the realm.

Unknowingly, he became the leader of the whole people's tribe. Now it only took time before he discovered the idea of social status and social leadership.

In the fourth month, Villar finally discovered the idea of social hierarchy, social leadership, and also the art of literature in the form of scribble.

With the support of the whole tiny people tribe, he became the first leader in this world.

After becoming the leader, he immediately promoted the name of their tribe called " Villar people".

And after hearing this idea, everyone else happily supported it to become an official title for their race.

But of course, they will never forget the idea of humans that had been instilled inside their minds. Though, they simply treated it as the gift of the unknown.

In the fifth month, Villar came up with the idea of houses and also clothing. But due to the almost limited resources in this world, this idea was meant to be quite a hurdle to be achieved.

The concept of houses was there and the only means of application that Villar came up with was compressed dirt with the wet substance of bread.

Forming a relatively hard wall and smooth floor. Though with these alone, the people were more than satisfied enough to accept Villar's ideas and use them accordingly.

Soon, houses after houses were erected here and there all over the area. There were no roofs yet but Villar thought of it as perfection already since the concept of rain was still invisible in their eyes.

As for Villar's house. The people had suggested that they should make a large building for the leader.

But Villar refused resolutely, saying that he doesn't want any special treatment from them.

This action of his immediately touched everyone's heart. Raising even more support from the people as Villar was revered as a wise and kind leader from then on.

In the sixth month, the idea of clothing was still there but there was still no solution to this issue. Villar racked up his brain day and night as he tried to come up with a solution for this problem.

But one day, a group of scouts came back from their expedition and reported to him a very good discovery. A groundbreaking discovery to be more precise.

It was a large number of plastic shreds from Liam's prior water source project. He sprinkled some of these shreds somewhere on the edge of this world.

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